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The present work reflects on the emerging film in Ecuador, through a structural analysis of the national feature film “The Governer”, premiered in the year 2015 and produced for 10 days. This narrates the story of a political prisoner and his escape, dealing with common themes such as power and corr...
The present work reflects on the emerging film in Ecuador, through a structural analysis of the national feature film “The Governer”, premiered in the year 2015 and produced for 10 days. This narrates the story of a political prisoner and his escape, dealing with common themes such as power and corruption. Likewise, an audience analysis is performed with the students from the Faculty of Communication, Arts and Humanity of the University Tecnológica Equinoccial, as practical Cinematography course work to deepen the meaning associated to the film from its emergent character. Emerging film arises as a solution to the limited production forms and low Budget cost, done in record time, with socially identifiable concepts directed to a local or regional audience. This cinema is rooted in the development of technical aspects and the opening of commercial roads.