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Perfil epidemiológico de la demanda y oportunidades perdidas de control prenatal en Maternidad y en el Area Programática Centro de Tucumán - 1998 /
The objective of the study was to determine the epidemic profile of the demand and lost opportunities of Prenatal Control. For it, a sampling accidental post-consultation was applied in pregnant of 5 or more months of gestation thas converged to consultation in the first week of december of 1998, co...
The objective of the study was to determine the epidemic profile of the demand and lost opportunities of Prenatal Control. For it, a sampling accidental post-consultation was applied in pregnant of 5 or more months of gestation thas converged to consultation in the first week of december of 1998, comparing the attention received with the Normative Proposal Perinatal. The sample constitutes it 8 of the weekly demand (80 surveys) of the Institute of Maternity, and same percentage of the 27 Centers of Primary Attention of Health (CAPS) that offer prenatal control in the same period (108 surveys). Some of the studied variables were: age, residence, civil state, instruction level, numbers of prenatal controls, activities carried out during the same ones, among others. With that which, the study confirms that lost Opportunities of Prenatal Control exist, in Maternity 91,6 and 76,2 in the Centers of Primary Attention of Health, what favors the increment of the rates of maternal morbimortalidad and perinatal of the county.