Acta Linguistica Hafniensia : International Journal of Linguistics /

Bibliographic Details
Format: Serial
Published: Copenhagen : Lingvistkredsen, 1965-
Table of Contents:
  • vol.9, no.1 (1965) : Structure des relations d'auxiliarité / E. Benveniste
  • Louis Hjelmslev October 3, 1899—May 30, 1965 / Eli Fischer-Jørgensen
  • The 127 rennellese possessives / Samuel H. Elbert
  • Status of utterance / Leo Engler & Ernest F. Haden
  • Post-nominal modifiers: Transformations and phonology / Archibald A. Hill
  • The system of serbocroatian cases denoting spatial relations / Milka Ivić
  • Hinweisende wörter / Holger Johansen
  • Sur les changements phonétiques / A. Rosetti
  • Theodor kalepky et les oppositions participatives / Knud Togeby
  • Les combinaisons du vocalisme simple avec la finale simple en Français parlé / Bjarne Westring Christensen.
  • vol.9, no.2 (1965) : Comparatifs Et Superlatifs / Bernard Pottier
  • Transformulation: Structural translation / Dwight Bolinger
  • On quantity and stress in Estonian / Valter Tauli
  • Notes on the system of stress in Maori (A study in the rhythm of Maori speech) / Nils M. Holmer
  • La Classification Des Phonèmes Selon Leur Degré De Parenté / Andrei Avram
  • On distinctiveness as a criterion in language analysis / A. Cohen.
  • vol.10, no.1 (1966) : Form and substance in glossematics / Eli Fischer-Jørgensen
  • Generative grammar and historical linguistics / Bengt Sigurd
  • A typological study of morphological homonymy in languages / Jiří Krámský
  • A sketch of Sathewkok Hakka grammatical structure / Henry Henne.
  • vol.10, no.2 (1966) : Structural linguistics and linguistics of universals / V. Zvegintsev
  • The basis of English orthography / Richard L. Venezky
  • Popoloca clause types / Ann F. Williams & Robert E. Longacre
  • Laws, latitudes, and limitations of stress: Russian derived substantives / Michael Shapiro
  • Phonology of Paresí (Arawakan) / Orland Rowan
  • The Maaori stress system / Marianne Haslev
  • Phonemes et graphèmes en Français moderne. Quelques réflexions typologiques / Bjarne Westring Christensen.
  • vol.11, no.1 (1968) : Accent de groupe et accent de mot en allemande (Esquisse d'une description du systeme accentuel de l'allemand eliminant l'accent de mot) / Jean David
  • Indirect changes of phonological structure: Nordic vowel quantity / Hreinn Benediktsson
  • The problem of linguistic basic elements / Hans Christian Sørensen
  • Comparative reconstruction in Romance syntax / Robert A. Hall Jr.
  • Diphthongization in Faroese / Jørgen Rischel.
  • vol.11, no.2 (1968) : A case of assimilation in modern Dutch / Jacob Mey
  • IE *s after i, u, r, k in Baltic and Slavic / Henning Andersen
  • Dominum currebar . Die syntagmatischen und paradigmatischen funktionen der glossematik in der generativen transformationsgrammatik / Wolf Thümmel
  • On the non-finite forms of the verb can in Scottish / G. S. Ščur.
  • vol.12, no.1 (1969) : Proto-Indo-European compounds in relation to other Proto-Indo-European syntactic patterns / W. P. Lehmann
  • Correlation between four models of nominal affixation in an Australian Western Desert Aboriginal language –Pitjantjatjara / John T. Platt
  • The phonemic interpretation of old English spelling evidence / Herbert Pilch
  • The system of relevance of the homeric verb / William Diver
  • Verb concatenation in lahu: The syntax and semantics of ‘simple’ juxtaposition / James A. Matisoff.
  • vol.12, no.2 (1969) : A note on a Swedish adverbial construction / Kim Nilsson
  • *ues - In indo-European / Eric P. Hamp
  • Lahu bilingual humor / James A. Matisoff
  • Some recent studies on Port-Royal and Vaugelas / Robert A. Hall Jr.
  • vol.13, no.1 (1970) : The cyclic character of eskimo reflexivization / Jacob Mey
  • Kategoriale grammatik, struktur-analytische algebra und phänomenologie I / Tom Broch
  • Semantic boundary lines in languages and their influence on our cognition of the surrounding world / Lars Brink
  • Palatals and umlaut in old English / Roger Lass
  • Once again: American and British intonation systems / Leo F. Engler & Roger G. Hilyer
  • The relation of order / Poul Levin.
  • vol.13, no.2 (1971) : Scenarios of change in Chinese dialectology / W. L. Ballard
  • Phonation types in Chinese and South East Asian languages / Søren Egerod
  • A commentary on hjelmslev's outline of the Danish expression system (I) / Hans Basbøll
  • Some characteristics of noun phrases in West Greenlandic / Jørgen Rischel.
  • vol.14, no.1 (1973) : A commentary on hjelmslev's outline of the Danish expression system (II) / Hans Basbøll
  • Voice assimilation in Dutch / G. A. C. Hubers & Jan G. Kooij
  • Dutch treat: A reply / Jacob Mey
  • The analysis of vowel systems / E. G. Pulleyblank
  • L'analyse phrastique / Per Aage Brandt
  • De profundis: Plainte contextuelle / Jacob Mey
  • A case grammar analysis of five verb-dative relationships in old Icelandic / Sara Garnes
  • Supplementary note to Hans Basbøll's commentary on hjelmslev's analysis of the Danish expression system / Eli Fischer-jørgensen.
  • vol.14, no.2 (1973) : Basic metrical pattern in the poems of the rigveda / H. S. Ananthanarayana
  • Towards an adequate formalization of linguistic descriptions / D. L. Goyvaerts
  • Kategoriale grammatik, struktur-analytische algebra und phänomenologie ii: die verkettung / Tom Broch
  • Etiological studies in romance diachronic phonology / Yakov Malkiel
  • Portuguese vinho: Diachronic evidence for biphonemic nasal vowels /John M. Lipski.
  • vol.15, no.1 (1974) : Existential quantifiers / John Anderson
  • Morphophonemics as semiotic / Michael Shapiro
  • Strategic design as the motivation for a sound shift: The rationale of Grimm's law / Roger Lass
  • Some remarks on mood and aspect in Russian / J. Miller
  • Levelling in the German verb paradigm / John Newman
  • Reconstruction and reality: A case of Japanese vowels / Haruo Aoki.
  • vol.15, no.1 (1974) : Modalities and scope in scholastic logic from a linguistic point of view /María-Luisa Rivero
  • The tones of jinghpaw and lolo-burmese: Common origin vs. independent development / James A. Matisoff
  • How relevant is homeric “relevance”? / Paul Friedrich.
  • vol.16, no.1 (1976) : A note on the historical antecedents of the obligatory pronoun -3- deletion rule in the akan dialects / L. A. Boadi
  • Voice assimilation in Dutch: Some refinements / Daniel Brink
  • Verbal complements and lexical filtering / Anita Hochster
  • A theory of the exceptions to The Germanic and High German consonant shifts / Niels Davidsen-Nielsen
  • Predicate pronominalization and related rules in Middle High German / Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen.
  • vol.16, no.2 (1978) : Change in a grammatical system: The case of West Saxon / John M. Penhallurick
  • Schwa, jonctures et syllabification dans les representations phonologiques du Français / Hans Basbøll
  • Constraints on neutralization and rule ordering / Andreas Koutsoudas & Gerald Sanders
  • The feature “gravity” in old English and Danish phonology / Niels Davidsen-Nielsen & Henning Ørum
  • Obituary: Jens Holt / Knud Jordal.
  • vol.17, no.1 (1982) : An analysis of hypostasis forms / Arnt Lykke Jakobsen
  • Infinitive endings, conjugation classes, nominal derivational suffixes, and vocalic gamuts in Romance / Yakov Malkiel
  • Generative structuralism / Ranko Bugarski
  • Vowel-consonant metathesis in a palestinian dialect / C. Douglas Johnson
  • On the exceptions to the Germanic and High German consonant shifts and sp, st, sk in English / Hans F. Nielsen
  • On the exceptions to the Germanic and High German Consonant Shifts and sp, st, sk in English: A reply to Hans F. Nielsen / Niels Davidsen-Nielsen.
  • vol.17, no.2 (1982) : The stress pattern of Spanish / Michael Herslund
  • A formal investigation of five glossematic ‘functions’ / Karsten Hvidtfelt Nielsen
  • Person, number and inclusivity in two andean languages / Bruce Mannheim
  • Problems in the semantic/pragmatic description of French adverbials like même, aussi, surtout and seulement / Henning Nølke.
  • vol.19, no.1 (1985) : Essay I : Suppositio materialis, signs, and reference
  • Essay II: On the reference of proper names.
  • vol.19, no.2 (1985) : Structural analogy and dependency phonology / John Anderson
  • Language universals and linguistic relativity / Ranko Bugarski
  • Delocutive sources of hypostasis / David Justice
  • How disgrace-ful / Frans Plank
  • Reichenbach revisited: One, two, or three temporal relations? / Sten Vikner.
  • vol.20 (1987) : Some remarks on the system of West Greenlandic phonology / Henrik Aagesen
  • A language group and its position thoughts of linguistic relationship / Hans Hendriksen
  • Agentless passives in modern Hebrew / J. Junger
  • On the status of the aspirated tenues and the Indo-European phonation series / Jens Elmegård Rasmussen
  • On the redundant nature of variable rules / Rajendra Singh
  • L'encyclopédie et la grammaire: À la recherche des fondements de la linguistique générale / P. Swiggers.
  • vol.21, no.1 (1988) : Has English a future? Remarks on the future tense / Niels Davidsen-Nielsen
  • The eskimo-aleut-yukagir relationship: An alternative to the genetic/contact dichotomy / Michael Fortescue
  • The if cleft sentence / Gerhard E.H. Meier.
  • vol.21, no. (1989) : On the status of “basic” tones / Marjorie K. M. Chan
  • Wuxi tone sandhi from last to first syllable dominance / Marjorie K. M. Chan & Hongmo Ren
  • New directions in the merger of Parisian French /a/ and /a/ / David S. Fagan
  • Die ōn-Feminina des Germanischen und der Gen. Plur. anord. kvinna/kvenna / Jón Axel Harđarson
  • A referent grammatical analysis of relative clauses / Bengt Sigurd.
  • vol.28 (1996) : Danish vowels — scratching the recent surface in a phonological experiment / Nina Grønnum
  • Licensing null subjects in Germanic & Romance / Enrique Mallen
  • The distribution of /s/ vs. /š/ and related issues in aztecan phonology and etymology / Alexis Manaster Ramer
  • Further rules of sirenik vowel gradation / Jens Elmegård Rasmussen
  • Aegyptio Afroasiatica VIII / Gábor Takács
  • Pronouns, word order, and prosody / Ole Nedergaard Thomsen
  • Nexus and the birth of syntax / Jeroen Wiedenhof
  • Greenlandic features for place of articulation / Henrik Aagesen.