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Greening industry : new roles for communities, markets, and governments /
Is pollution simply the price of development? Recent evidence shows that many developing countries have already turned the corner in the fight against industrial pollution. The cleanup has begun because developing countries have decided that the benefits of pollution control outweigh the costs. This...
Is pollution simply the price of development? Recent evidence shows that many developing countries have already turned the corner in the fight against industrial pollution. The cleanup has begun because developing countries have decided that the benefits of pollution control outweigh the costs. This realization has prompted many countries to adopt innovative strategies that enlist local communities, consumers, investors, and economic policy reformers in the struggle against industrial pollution. Action is needed on three fronts: regulatory reform, economic policy reform, and better environmental management within factories. The book takes a detailed look at these strategies in Chapters 2, 3, and 4, drawing on new research and examples of imaginative and effective programs in developing countries. Chapter 4 looks inside the factory gate for more clues to effective pollution fighting. Chapter 5 explores the effects of economic reforms, such as privatization, market liberalization, and curtailment of subsidies for materials and fuels, to determine which can best be used to prevent pollution. Chapter 6 identifies political and institutional changes needed to support regulatory and economic policy reforms. Chapter 7 summarizes the main findings of this report and highlight the keys to progress. It also suggests the role the Bank should play to support the new agenda.