Table of Contents:
  • Grávido o liviano: Brick: Short History of a Global Material / Fernando Tabuenca y Jesús Leache Aspilleras de arcilla: Astley Castle in Warwickshire, England Lienzo de tendeles: Employment Academy in London, UK Tótem de terracota: Landesarchiv NRW in Duisburg, Germany Rigor de alfarero: Art Museum in Ravensburg, Germany Impluvio de tizones: Skycourts Exhibition Hall in Chengdu, China Píxeles de barro: The Lanxi Curtilage in Chengdu, China Un paisaje acústico: 50 Years of Scharoun's Philharmonie / Ignacio G. Pedrosa Absolutamente autónomo: Pier Vittorio Aureli, the Politics of Form Luis Fernández-Galiano ‘Less is Enough’ / Pier Vittorio Aureli Facetas panorámicas: Exac-Wu Executive Academy in Vienna Modelos digitales: BIM Tools: Changing Paradigms / Fernando G. Valderrama La calle como algoritmo: Smart Cities: Digital Utopias or Panoptic Tools? / Eduardo Prieto