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Architecturefor the constitucional Institutions and Federal Government
Renovation and modernization of schloss bellevue (Bellevue Palace), Official Resodence of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin, direct contract award and biddinh process 1999/2003, construction 2000/2004-2005
New Annex for the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court), Karlsruhe, competition 2002-2003, construction 2005-2007
Renovation of and New Annex for the Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaf und verbraucherschutz (Federal Ministery of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection) High-Rise, Bonn, Bidding Process 1997, construction 1999-2000
New Building for the bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Federal Ministery of Health), Bonn, competition 2004, construction 2005-2007
Restoration and construction of the Berlin Headquarters for the Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Realtorsicherheit (BMU ; Federal Ministry of the Umwelt, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety), Berlin, Competition 2003, construction 2007-2010
New Annex of the Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (Federal Ministery of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection), Berlin, Bidding Process 2003-2004, construction 2006-2009
New Building for the Bundesministerium des innern (Federal Ministery of the Interior), Berlín, competition 2006-2007, construction 2011-2014
Renovation of and Addition of New Wing to the Fortbildungszentrum des Auswärtigen Amtes ( Center for Continuing Education of the Federal Foreign Office), Berlin, Competition 2007, Construction 2009-2010
Meseberg Palace. Gransee, OT Meseberg, Direct contract award 2004, construction 2005-2007
New Monument to the bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces), Berlin, Competition for Architects and sponsored by the BMVG 2007, Construction 2008-2009
Architecture for the High courts
Federal Prosecutor's Office at the Federal High Court, Karlsruhe, Competition 1985-1986, construction 1994-1998
Federal High Court, Karlsruhe, Competition 1998-1999, Construction 2000-2003
Federal Administrative Court to the Imperial Court, Leipzig, Bidding Process 1994-1995, construction 1998-2002
Federal Labour Court, Erfurt, competition 1995, construction 1996-1999
Architectural for Museums and cultural institutions
Reconstruction of the Berlin Palace and Construction of Humboldt Forum, Berlin, competition 2007-2008, construction 2010-2013
Aditio to the German Historical Museum, Berlin, competition 1998-1999, construction 19999-2003, direct commission 1998, construction 1998-2003
Restoration and addition to the German National Library, Leipzig, direct commision 1994, construction 1993-2007
New Broadcast Studio for Deutsche Welle, Bonn, competition 1983, contract awarded 1997, construction 1997 (stabilization)-2002
Government Bunker Documentation Site, Bad Neuenahr, ahrweiler, direct commission 2006, construction 2006-2008
Topography of Terror Foundation, Berlin, Competition 2005-2006, Construction 2007-2009
Architecture for Internal security and financial administration
Federal Intelligence Service, Berlin, Bidding process, competitions 2004-2006, construction 2006-2013
Forensic Institute of the Federal Criminal Police office, Wiesbaden, Bidding Process 2000, construction 2005-2007
New Federal Police regional Office, Efringen, Kirchen, Commissioned 2005, construction 2006
New Customs OfficeWinnenden-Hertmannsweiler, Winneden-Hertmannsweiler, direct commision 1998, construction 1998-1999
Common customs complex laufenburg, Laufenburg, direct commision 2003-construction 2004
Architecture for technology and science
New building for the Max Rubner-Institut (;RI), Karlsruhe, competition 1987, construction 1993-2000
New building Federal Aviation Office, Brunswick, direct commision 1993, construction 1995-1998
Federal waterways engineering and research institute, Ilmenau, Bidding process 1996, construction 1997-1999
Federal agency for agriculture and food and the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Bonn, bidding process 2002, construction 2004-2005
Federal Environment agency, Dessau, competition 1997-1998, construction 2001-2005
New Institutional and Administartion building for the Julius Kühn-Institut, Quedlinburg, competition 2001-2002, construction 2004-2006
Noat Pilot's House, Bremerhaven, direct commission 2004, construction 2005-2007
German Meteorological Service, Offenbach am Main, bidding process 2000, construction 2004-2008
New Annexes for the Friedrich-Loeffler.Institut, Riems Island, Bidding Process 2004-2005, construction 2006-2012
Bauen für die verteidigung
Neubau der Einsatzliegenschaft kunduz, Afghanistan
Umbau für das militärhistorische museum, Dresden, vof-verfahren 2001-2003, bau 2004-2010
Aus-und umbau für das militärgeschichtliche forschungsamt, Potsdam, vof-verfahren 1995/96, 2001 bau 1996-2007
Neubau eines stabs - und lehrsaalgeváudes der Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, Bückeburg, Freihändiges vergabeverfahren, bau 1989-1995
Herrichten der offiziersschule des heeres, Dresden, wettbewerb 1994/95, Bau 1996-2000
Beubau eines zielsimulationsdoms für die Wehrtechnische dienststelle 81, Greding, vof - Verfahren 1996, bau 1998-2004
K¨ürassier Military Base, Staaberg-Viereck, Bidding process 1995, construction 1998-2001
Navy Engineering school, Parow, bidding 1995, constr. 1998-2003