Showing 9,201 - 9,220 results of 9,813 for search 'gender~', query time: 2.07s Refine Results
  1. 9201

    Narrating experiences: "Cinema comes to the neighborhood. Migrant women and the right to culture" by Arrieta , Sofía

    Published 2023
    “…This project was a proposal born from the dialogue between the Migrations and Urban Space Program -which is based at the Center for Research and Studies on Culture and Society (CIECS) (CONICET/UNC) and works in research and articulations with migrant population in the city of Córdoba- and the Human Rights Program of the FFyH -which seeks to promote research work that addresses issues with a human rights perspective and strengthen ties with different social spaces from the collective construction-. …”
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  2. 9202

    Retos de las universidades públicas de Oaxaca México en la difusión cultural by Martínez Bohórquez, Yosihei Paul, Ramírez Arellanes, Emanuel Lorenzo

    Published 2024
    “…Cultural dissemination is an essential function of universities, transmitting scientific knowledge and those emanating from societies;  however, in the Mexican context, historically, this action is not a priority for governments and institutions due to the low political profitability that it represents, therefore it has been hindered by challenges of various kinds, even though due to their  institutional nature, universities must disseminate culture. …”
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  3. 9203


    Published 2014
    “…Para ello se explora en la evolución que experimentó su régimen legal en esta cuestión y se recorren también las clásicas disquisiciones que generó este tema en su doctrina.…”
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  4. 9204

    Identidades de élite en la consolidación de las marcas identitarias del estado nación argentino de fines del siglo XIX by Justiniano, María Fernanda

    Published 2014
    “…La modernidad generó y extendió la idea de una identidad nacional necesariamente homogénea y unificada. …”
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  5. 9205

    Tranquila, sólo es un sueño Alicia by Letzen, Diego

    Published 2014
    “…Un sueño perturbador narrado por la pluma de Lewis Carroll se convierte en las manos de Tim Burton, en una pesadilla y luego en una aventura regularsometida al cumplimiento estricto de todas las características del género. ¿Cuál es el mecanismo por el cual la perturbadora obra original se convirtióen una tradicional aventura fantástica? …”
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  6. 9206

    Food and subsistence strategies in the prehispanic Mendoza Midwest: Consumption and discard at the site Agua Amarga by Ots, María José, Oliszewski, Nurit, García Llorca, Jorge

    Published 2011
    “…Our goal is to study strategies of processing, consumption and discarding of foods that also contribute in the discussion on the prehispanic strategies of subsistence in the North and Center of Mendoza province. In this paper we applied specific methods and techniques for the identification and the analysis of the remains, and we propose alternative hypotheses on this context. …”
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  7. 9207

    Archaeofauna of the archaeological site “El Piñón”, Cultura Bolaños, Jalisco México by Rodríguez Galicia, Bernardo, Valadez Azúa, Raúl, Cabrero García, María Teresa

    Published 2012
    “…Their occupations are chronologically dated between 100 years BC and 1260 years AD, and extended from southern Zacatecas to the mouth of the Rio Grande of Santiago, in the center of Jalisco, Mexico. The basis of their development was the exchange of artifacts for products and raw material that didn’t exist in the western Mexican region. …”
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  8. 9208

    Andean hunter-gatherers and herders lithic technology: change and continuities in the lithic resources exploitation during the Holocene in the NW San Juan by Lucero, Gustavo Fernando, Castro, Silvina C., Cortegoso, Valeria

    Published 2017
    “…This paper analyzes and compared aspects of technology organization in hunter-gatherers, transitional groups, and herders who occupied high-altitude environments in northwestern San Juan. …”
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  9. 9209

    The archaeological record of shags and cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp.) in Santa Cruz (Argentina). Cases and problems by Cruz, Isabel, Ercolano, Bettina

    Published 2022
    “…The lack of information on some variables, especially taxonomic determinations at the species level and the age categories of the individuals represented, is one of the main aspects that hinders progress in understanding the interactions between humans and cormorants in Southern Patagonia.…”
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  10. 9210

    Análisis sobre pintadas e inscripciones en el sitio Mansión Seré (Morón, Provincia de Buenos Aires) by Doval, Jimena, Giorno, Pablo Franciso

    Published 2011
    “…It was possible to see an intense marking of the walls of Mansión Seré after this place had functioned as a Clandestine Center of Detention (C.C.D.) between 1978-1985. The presence of writings on the walls made by ex disappeared prisoners while they were arrested in that place, is mentioned in different testimonies. …”
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  11. 9211

    “Arsenales (II) – Jefatura de Policía (II)”: the repressive mechanism on trial by Vitar, Julia

    Published 2020
    “…Besides, the Megacausa put in debate the functioning of the main clandestine detentions centers that existed in Tucumán between 1975 and 1983. …”
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  12. 9212

    Enfermedad degenerativa articular en la población elite y no elite del sitio arqueológico Solcor-3: periodo medio, San Pedro de Atacama, norte de Chile by Llagostera Leyton, Viviana Bernarda

    Published 2017
    “…Estos resultados serían correspondientes con actividades de pastoreo y agricultura, sin descartar otros factores etiológicos que afectarían al género femenino.…”
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  13. 9213

    “Las taperas hacen que no podamos olvidar el desalojo”. Memorias de expropiación territorial en Boquete Nahuelpan by Fiori, Ayelen

    Published 2019
    “…De esta manera, me propongo indagar en los sentidos que adquieren para los entrevistados determinados sitios como las “taperas” y antiguos senderos en los relatos de memoria, impidiendo el olvido y desafiando los límites establecidos por el alambrado.…”
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  14. 9214


    Published 2021
    “…In this article an analysis is carried out on the treatment of the subject of interculturality in teacher training experiences for the primary level in a higher education institute in the center of the province of Buenos Aires. Based on a survey of three curricular spaces related to the approach to cultural diversity and the intercultural perspective, a proposal for public communication of science is generated that aims to produce teaching materials that can be used in teaching learning/processes linked to the topic. …”
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  15. 9215

    “Mirá ese monte. Vida y Trabajo en Traslasierra”. Palabras de apertura de una muestra foto-etnográfica. by Quirós, Julieta

    Published 2020
    “…Julieta Quirós, 2019”); y b) Compartir bajo la misma licencia (si alteras o transformas las imágenes o textos de esta obra, o generas una obra derivada, sólo puedes distribuir la obra generada bajo una licencia idéntica a esta).…”
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  16. 9216

    Economía y sociedad en una reducción indígena en el litoral del Paraná by Rocchietti, Ana María, De Grandis, Nélida

    Published 2016
    “…La socio-arqueología de San Bartolomé de los Chaná, una reducción franciscana emplazada en tierras de una encomienda cuyo propietario era vecino de Santa Fe Viejo, sugiere un género de vida propio de los isleros del delta del río Coronda. …”
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  17. 9217

    La figura del detective nei romanzi Il cane di terracotta (1996) di Andrea Camilleri e Attenti al gorilla (2000) di Sandrone Dazieri by Juarez, Rodrigo Emmanuel

    Published 2016
    “…Nel panorama del sistema letterario italiano degli ultimi sessant’anni, il genere poliziesco, a lungo emarginato perché considerato dai critici una storia di svago, inizia una sua migrazione dalla periferia del canone verso il centro di attenzione della critica dato che certi scrittori qualiGiorgio Scerbanenco e Leonardo Sciascia si avvalgono della sua architettura per riflettere e mettere luce su diversi problemi politici e sociali dell’Italia degli anni sessanta e ottanta del Novecento. …”
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  18. 9218

    ROSAS TRANSPLANTADAS Y EL MITO DE ELDORADO. TRAVESÍAS EN EL TIEMPO, EN EL ESPACIO, EN LA IMÁGEN Y EN EL SILENCIO / Translocated roses or the myth of Eldorado: Journeys through time... by Jelin, Elizabeth

    Published 2009
    “…From this “descentered” center, the history of “Europe” becomes not a history of place but one of flows and webs --of people or of political and institutional links, of economic interests, of personal and family ties. …”
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  19. 9219

    Inclusion y Retencion de Jovenes a partir de la Educacion No Formal by Herrera Gatica, Cynthia Eliana

    Published 2012
    “…Alcanzando resultados positivos para los jóvenes: se generó un espacio de educación no formal, los jóvenes tomaron su lugar de participación, de decisión, de creatividad, de debate, constatando cuánto les cuesta por su timidez o por la falta de experiencia. …”
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  20. 9220

    Experimentos de pisoteo en pilas de artefactos: una aproximación tafonómica a los conjuntos líticos de grandes canteras by Celeste Weitzel; CONICET-Área Arqueología y Antropología, Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Necochea

    Published 2018
    “…Se observó que el pisoteo humano sobre materiales apilados genera una alta tasa de daño incluyendo grandes fracturas, daños menores y pseudo-retoques y que afecta artefactos con dimensiones mayores a las esperadas. …”
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