Showing 18,421 - 18,440 results of 18,684 for search 'RUSIA~', query time: 1.71s Refine Results
  1. 18421

    World heritage and the local community: The case of Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) by Conforti, María Eugenia, Mariano, Mercedes, Diez Fernandez Lomada, Juan Carlos, Endere, Maria Luz, Romero Alonso, Antonio J.

    Published 2015
    “…This paper is the first formal attempt to ascertain the opinions of residents in the surrounding villages — Ibeas de Juarros and Atapuerca — regarding the initiatives taken by the authorities, and the changes produced, since the site was included in the World Heritage List. …”
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  2. 18422

    Cultural policy and gender, an approach based on two cases in Latin America by Bento de Mello, Diana, Vázquez, Alejandra

    Published 2020
    “…The article analyzes how the gender issue is expressed in everyday life and in the management of cultural policies oriented to music in Argentina and Brazil. With an anthropological approach, we analyze data from two cases: the National Program of Choirs and Children’s and Youth Orchestras of the Bicentennial in Buenos Aires and the Samba as a contemporary cultural movement of artists, cultural workers and cultural managers of Rio de Janeiro. …”
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  3. 18423

    Otra primavera by Priotto, Cecilia, Cécere, Pablo, Argüello, Cecilia, Behm, Pablo, Castiglione, Mauro, Escuti, Alberto, Gerchunoff, Nicolás, Llorens, José María, Sosa, Ramiro, Ungaro, Melanie, Zanotto, Matías, Maldonado, Soledad, Oliva, René, Gazal Chalhub, Octavio, Seoane, Sol, González, Flavio, Espíndola, Iván, Mattheus, Manuel, Sbiroli, Sara, Manarino Tacchella, Juliana, Rostagno, Fabio, Zieleniewski, Bárbara, Rassi, María Sol, Musso, Andrea, Rodríguez, Ezequiel

    Published 2021
    “…Estreno y única función de esta versión contemporánea de “La Consagración de la Primavera” de Igor Stravinski. La música y la danza formulan un diálogo poético que narra el ritual del encuentro entre la vida y la muerte, un acercamiento entre cuerpos extasiados. …”
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    montaje música-danza
  4. 18424

    A diez años de los programas de postitulación. Reflexiones sobre la creación e implementación de los programas de postitulación en Artes by Mercado, Mónica, Sarmiento, Andrea

    Published 2008
    “…Sin olvidar que los profundos cambios en el ámbito de la música y de las artes visuales también impactaron en la falta de certezas respecto a interrogantes como: ¿qué se espera de la clase de artes? …”
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  5. 18425

    Cinema in the Vidigal School A philosophy of struggle and resistance in the favela by Fresquet, Adriana, Guedes, Marta

    Published 2021
    “…From this gesture, an entire field of research is constituted, and with it the discovery and restoration of, in partnership with the Cinemateca of MAM-Rio, of Super-8 images, photographs, and cassette tapes about the resistance of the residents of the Vidigal favela against their removal to the Antares/Santa Cruz Housing Complex in 1977/78. …”
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  6. 18426

    Segregación: Odiar la manera particular en que el Otro goza by Gómez, Mariana

    Published 2013
    “…A la mayoría de los chicos, sobre todo cuando forman pandillas, les gusta infligir humillaciones y torturas a los seres más débiles. …”
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  7. 18427

    Preserve, research and comunicate: a mexican case by Chaparro, María Gabriela

    Published 2010
    “…The relevance of this type of study resides in the possibility of knowing from inside a museum of the importance and magnitude as the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico.…”
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  8. 18428

    “We do not have an archaeologist”. First notes about Rodeo Gervan (dept. belen, Catamarca), last valley of height in the west of Catamarca by Taddei Salinas, Maria Laura, Meléndez, Ana Soledad, Mancini, Cristina, Korstanje, María Alejandra

    Published 2017
    “…It is the first research intervention of our team at the area, following the local resident’s requests and invitation. Rodeo Gervan is a narrow high valley, with geographic, weather and geomorphologic features which difference it of bordering valleys of the local area. …”
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  9. 18429

    Investigación colectiva en el taller de diseño : tema : diseño sistémico, bicicletas urbanas by Armayor, Eliana, Labarthe, Esteban, Lorenzoni, Nicolás Eduardo, Talavera, Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño. Cátedra Diseño Industrial 2A, Fontana, Martín Francisco

    Published 2020
    “…Conclusiones; Conclusión; OBJETUAL; Análisis de la bicicleta; Tipologías de bicicletas; Cuadro; Tipos de cuadro; Asiento y portasillas; Frenos; Tracción; Pedales; Transmisión; Descarriladores; Suspensión; Ruedas; Dirección; Aspectos ergonómicos de una bicicleta; Puntos duros; Conclusión final…”
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  10. 18430

    Crisis /

    Published 1973
    Table of Contents: “…Informe sobre Bolivia: pena y furia de América Latina / Andrés Soliz Rada -- La leyenda de la Khantuta -- Guerra del Chaco: la caída de Boquerón -- Molto piú sincero: publicidad y sociedad de la pobreza / Heriberto Muraro -- Coches que matan / Néstor Edgardo Mardones -- La muchacha del tajo en el mentón / Eduardo Galeano -- Textos y dibujos de Millor Fernandes (un escritor sin estilo y libre como un taxi) -- Daniel Moyano: la música que brota de la tierra / entrevista por María Esther Gilio -- brecht la producción del arte y de la gloria / selección por Ricardo Piglia -- Blanco Fombona: exilios, duelos, amores y el sueño de la patria grande / Norberto Galasso -- Del candombe a la murga: dos siglos de carnaval porteño / Mauricio O. …”
    Texto completo a las tres época de la revista en AHIRA Archivo de Revista. [Consulta: 05/07/2022].
  11. 18431

    Entre la comunidad y el mercado. Los ámbitos y usos de la tercera función sustantiva universitaria en México by Serna Alcántara, Gonzalo A.

    Published 2020
    “…At the end of the fourth decade of that century, it began to move away from its original purpose, consisting of sharing social support actions to communities, and move to offer society a diversity of sites (museums, galleries, exhibition halls), events (book fairs, film shows, concerts) and non-formal education (continuing education courses, art, music, dance, sports, etc.), forming over time a heterogeneous and difficult field for planning, operation, coordination, evaluation and theorization.…”
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  12. 18432

    Validación de la Escala de Orientación Intrínseca Versus Extrínseca en el Aula para escolares uruguayos by Cuevasanta, Diego, Curione, Karina, Ortuño, Victor E. C., Sandin, Florencia, Burghi, Martina, Vásquez-Echeverría, Alejandro

    Published 2023
    “…The structure of the scale was studied using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the final model showed adequate fit index X2/df=2.63; GFI=.93; CFI= .89; NFI= .84, RMSEA=.05. The results obtained confirmed the five dimension structure originally presented by Harter (1981), they prove proper psychometric properties for the use of the instrument on the uruguayan population.…”
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  13. 18433

    Distrust vs. enthusiasm: digital technologies in the transmission of the culture of origin to children from immigrant families by Perrone, Roberta, Grané, Mariona

    Published 2023
    “…Data were collected through in-depth interviews with Brazilian immigrant families residing in the United Arab Emirates.A customized database was created for the analysis of the results, which allow us to conclude that the role of digital technologies in cultural transmission among immigrant families is yet minor and little explored, but very promising and still has a long way to go.…”
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  14. 18434

    A pillar 0 for Uruguay's social security system by Forteza, Álvaro

    Published 2023
    “…I propose the creation of a universal income for older adults residing in the country, inspired by similar programs in other countries, such as Canada's Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Sweden's Pension Guarantee and Chile's Solidarity Pension. …”
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  15. 18435

    Assessment of emotionalindicators of The Human Figure Drawing in children at psychological ambulatory consultation by Brizzio, Analía, López, Lucila, Luchetti, Yanina

    Published 2012
    “…Specifically, it will refer to the Emotional Indicators (EIs) (Koppitz, 1984) by analyzing its use as a tool for identifying children with emotional problems, and to discriminate among them, those with Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Parent-child problems.We propose to compare the presence of these IEs in a sample of 44 children aged between 6 to 12 years, residents of Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, who receive psychological assistance, with a control group of children from the general population, balanced according to sociodemographicvariables.Data analysis shows that the number of EIs proposed (Koppitz, 1984) does not dicriminate productions of children with emotional problems. …”
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  16. 18436

    Archaeological heritage and collectors in Villa de Soto, Córdoba, Argentina by Quintero Bonnín, María Clara

    Published 2022
    “…The present work aims to conceptualize and reflect on the constructions of meanings and representations about the archaeological heritage, which are manifested among some residents of the town of Villa de Soto, Córdoba. The gaze will be focused on the analysis of the stories of four local collectors, arising during the inventory tasks of the archaeological collections, as well as the interviews and talks carried out during various activities developed in conjunction with the team of archaeologists of the University from Cordoba. …”
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  17. 18437

    Archaeofauna from a domestic space and implications for prehispanic herding in Río Grande de San Juan by Maryañski, Juan

    Published 2013
    “…Bone discard patterns observed at modern herders main residences are consistent with that of Complex I, suggesting a similar role in the pastoral production chain. …”
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  18. 18438

    Metodología de estudio de artefactos ferrosos corroídos en un medio subacuático. Un caso de estudio: las concreciones del Sitio Hoorn by Ciarlo, Nicolás C.

    Published 2020
    “…We present the results of the methodology applied in the site and during the treatment of the pieces, which were subject of a casting process with resins for its later study.…”
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  19. 18439

    Nacht über Lissabon by Brizuela, Leopoldo

    Published 2021
    “…Erizada de sentimientos, emociones y pasiones, excesiva como todo melodrama, prodigiosa en la creación de climas e intensamente atractiva en las confesiones que los personajes intercambian, Lisboa tiene la precisión arquitectónica de una ambiciosa pieza teatral y musical, en la que del coro multitudinario emergen los solistas para hacer oír sus deseos y padecimientos.…”
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  20. 18440

    Tecnología para la inclusión social en Entre Ríos by Bot, Beatriz Rosalía, Cuesta, Jorge Alejandro, Planas, Leandro, Canavelli, Alberto Ricardo

    Published 2016
    “…Dentro de estas pautas y exigencias se encuentran: los espacios de maniobra necesarios para las sillas de ruedas; dimensiones mínimas de corredores; dimensiones, medidas y asistencia al discapacitado en la zona del lavabo; transferencia desde la silla de ruedas al inodoro; disposición de elementos de sujeción –barrales-; piso, grifería y sanitarios a colocar. …”
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