Showing 4,861 - 4,880 results of 5,092 for search 'Gifu~', query time: 1.70s Refine Results
  1. 4861

    La Ciudad, reflexiones audiovisuales by Lorenzo, Griselda, Fernández, Eduardo

    Published 2012
    “…Así, el Concurso es la motivación para participar, innovando en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje de Grado y Posgrado, mientras que la difusión en la comunidad, como segunda etapa del Proyecto, es el objetivo extensionista a cumplir. …”
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  2. 4862

    Intercambios de perspectivas y experiencias para generar cambio: construcción y apropiación recíproca de sentidos entre Universidad y Escuelas by Erausquin, Cristina, Zabaleta, Verónica

    Published 2012
    “…Con el objeto de recoger información que permita analizar los mencionados giros y efectos se administró un Instrumento de Reflexión sobre la Práctica en Educación  al conjunto de los actores implicados. …”
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  3. 4863

    Fortaleciendo la autogestión de cooperativas de trabajo. by Lavalle, Jose Luis

    Published 2012
    “…A su vez, se los entrena en el reconocimiento de la documentación que hace al giro de la organización y en la utilización de herramientas básica de administración mediante simulaciones de casos ficticios, así también como mediante la consideración y análisis de casos reales concernientes a sus entidades. …”
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  4. 4864

    Un modelo de interfaz en las relaciones Empresa-Universidad-Estado para potenciar el entorno económico-productivo-social de la región de Sauce Viejo by Tucci, Víctor, Castellaro, Marta, Scardanzan, Luciano, Rodríguez, María Elvira, Zanitti, Laura

    Published 2016
    “…Para facilitar el uso de la interfaz y promover su difusión, se generó un correo electrónico específico y, en el sitio web del Parque Industrial, un formulario de solicitud de vinculación. …”
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  5. 4865


    Published 2016
    “…In conclusion, we found that the solidarity offered by the school experience is relevant for the development of a political subjectivity, because: a) It allows students to build moral schemes of the social world based on a meeting with "the other" (the poor) in different conditions that characterize the real meetings between individuals of unequal social classes in their everyday context; b) it confirms and legitimizes the recognition of social class of the participants as active subjects (those giving, donate), and promoting their political dispositions from an humanistic morality, based on their social class membership and not from a political understanding of the fundamentals of social inequality.…”
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  6. 4866

    Extra N° 1: Comic "En la ciudad de la furia" by González "Junior", Fernando León

    Published 2015
    “…Fue uno de los miembros fundadores del movimiento cultural para la difusión de la historieta infantil Banda Dibujada y coordinador de la sección regional de ese movimiento cultural. …”
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  7. 4867


    Published 2017
    “…Although many of the contemporary criticisms have not seen this, it is necessary to ask how the diagnostics and the therapeutic proposals by neoliberals as Röpke persist in our present. Here we will not give definite answers, but some indications in this regard.…”
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  8. 4868

    Book review: The wonderful eye. (Des) meetings between psychoanalysis and cinema by Michel Fariña, Juan Jorge

    Published 2017
    “…Professor for many years of the chair of Irene Friedenthal (Psychoanalysis: Freud) and founding member of the Buenos Aires Society of Psychoanalysis, he is currently a researcher of the UBA Science and Technology Program and professor of Ethics and Human Rights and Psychology at the CBC . To give a semblance of only one of the points developed in the book, let's say that Sigmund Freud, the inventor of psychoanalysis, was recreated on the screen in more than twenty films. …”
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  9. 4869

    Medicalization as an international health problem. written media online on ADHD in Argentina (2001-2017) by Bianchi, Eugenia, Faraone, Silvia Adriana, Oberti, Milagros Luján, Leone, Costanza

    Published 2020
    “…The results show that, in the medicalization processes of ADHD in boys and girls, the Argentine written press (national and provincial) becomes a relevant non-medical actor both in the institutionalization of the problem, and in the presentation of therapeutic lines to follow and in actions aimed at promoting specific legislation.…”
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  10. 4870

    Trayectorias escolares de jóvenes de sectores populares cordobeses: un análisis transversal desde sus narrativas biográficas by D’Aloisio, Florencia, Arce Castello2, Valentina, Arias, Lucía Angélica

    Published 2019
    “…Desde un paradigma de investigación interpretativa-cualitativa (Vasilachis, 2007) y desde un diseño múltiple de casos (Neiman y Quaranta, 2007), incluimos en el muestreo 20 jóvenes mujeres y varones cordobeses de distintos contextos barriales de sectores populares y con diversas trayectorias escolares que nos permitiera realizar análisis comparativos, favoreciendo hallazgos emergentes sin perder de vista los contextos socio urbanos en que se construyen estos relatos biográficos.Para ello, profundizaremos en distintas dimensiones que nos permiten explicar regularidades y diferencias en las trayectorias escolares, tales como las culturas institucionales (inclusivas o excluyentes) en que están o se encontraban escolarizados los participantes, la pertenencia al territorio urbano y barrial (signado por mayores o menores condiciones de vulnerabilización), las prácticas de reconocimiento (afectivo-amoroso, jurídico-moral, éticosocial), los soportes imaginarios o reales de las biografías juveniles y los giros biográficos que los jóvenes nominan como “derrapes” y “rescates”.…”
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  11. 4871

    On the modes of proximity’s representation in contemporary Argentina: “not intimate” proximity in the leadership of Carlos Reutemann in Santa Fe (1991-1995) by Lascurain, María Cecilia

    Published 2021
    “…On the contrary, he preferred a style of closeness through face-to-face contact instead of exposing his private life that mass media makes possible. In this sense, the legitimacy of proximity in Reutemann’s case operated in a unidirectional way: he was the one that “listen” or “empathize” with his represented, instead of allowing people “listen” or “empathize” with any private situation of his own (unlike the proximity leaders analyzed by the literature, in whose case the proximity unfolds in a bi-directional way). …”
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  12. 4872

    Voices of the CENMA: "An experience of university extension" by Clark , Carmen, Zurita , Vanina, Hernández , Ricardo, Villegas , Flavia

    Published 2019
    “…The objective of the project was to gather students’ opinions and to learn about their interests and projects at the end of high school, while also giving them an opportunity to recount their experiences throughout the project. …”
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  13. 4873

    Efectos de aptitud combinatoria para vigor de plántula bajo estrés hídrico en maíz by Teruel, M.E, Biasutti, C.A., Nazar, M.C., Peiretti, D.A.

    Published 2008
    “…La variación debida a las cruzas simples se particionó en efectos de aptitud combinatoria general (ACG) y específica (ACE) deacuerdo al método 4, modelo 1, de Griffing. Las líneas 31B y P004 presentaron los valores más altos de ACG. …”
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  14. 4874

    Indigenous peoples, communities and organizations: meetings and articulations from and in the university extension by Marchesino, César

    Published 2020
    “…In this line of work, we need to broaden our view of the socio-historical world in which these links and relationships are developed, taking into account the social imaginaries that give meaning to, sustain and reproduce these links, as well as their material conditions of existence.In this sense, we can affirm that the historical relationship between indigenous peoples and the modern/colonial societal project is marked by the structural asymmetry that is evident in the annihilation and extermination of the former in pursuit of the expansion of the latter. …”
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  15. 4875

    Extension, health and disability. Contributions for its approach in critical extension with a decolonial perspective. by Valera, María Analía, Cotar, Andrea

    Published 2021
    “…We are talking about a dispute, as the tension between various social practices that seek the expansion of rights and the reduction of inequalities in the face of the omnipotence of the market and the medicalization of life is put into play, translated into a dynamic where the political interacts, the economic, the social and also the academic. …”
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  16. 4876

    Narratives of walking: women, territories, dialogues and r-existences with the assemblies of the Paravachasca and Punilla valleys by Britos Castro, Ana, Eleonora Pedrazzani, Carla, Collo, Gilda, Bustos Mantovani, Melina, Barrojo, Sofía Victoria

    Published 2022
    “…Social struggles and movements in defense of territories and life; and, Politics of the landscape and (in)justices: production and shadows -colonial, racial, patriarchal- of the landscape, from the Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH), National University of Córdoba (UNC), together with members of the Assemblies of the Paravachasca and Punilla Valleys, in the Córdoba province (Argentina). …”
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  17. 4877

    Continuidad en nuevos escenarios. Valores corporativos para una cultura bajo control. by Roitenburd, Silvia

    Published 2011
    “…A través de la Pastoral del Centenario se actualizan los dictámenesadversos al ejercicio de las libertades –de pensamiento, de prensa, de difusión de las diversascorrientes intelectuales, etc- reactivando la estrategia inquisitorial iniciada en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. …”
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  18. 4878


    Published 2014
    “…La hipótesis de la cual partimos gira en torno a la importancia de las prácticas institucionales. …”
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  19. 4879

    Explotación de recursos líticos en dos canteras prehispánicas de la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina): Meseta del Fresco y Manto Tehuelche by Carrera Aizpitarte, Manuel Pedro, Beron, Monica Alejandra

    Published 2021
    “…Para ello se utiliza la información procedente de diferentes sitios localizados en las áreas Curacó, Lihué Calel, Bajos sin Salida, Valles Transversales y Centro-este. …”
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  20. 4880

    Skeletal and surgical evidence for acute osteomyelitis in non-adult individuals by Santos, A. L., Suby, Jorge Alejandro

    Published 2015
    “…Sixty-five per cent of the cases of AO occurred between the ages of 8 and 15 years, with boys twice as frequently affected as girls, and lower limb bones were involved in 91% of AO cases. …”
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