Showing 21 - 40 results of 322 for search '"providence"', query time: 0.06s Refine Results
  1. 21

    Types of Acari in the Collection at Museo de La Plata, Argentina. by Salazar Martínez, Ana, Abrahamovich, Alberto H., Díaz, Norma Beatriz

    Published 2023
    “…The 333 type specimens of Acari housed at the Museo de La Plata (División Entomología), Argentina, were examined and listed, providing updated information on categories of types, data of collection and hosts. …”
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  2. 22

    Hacia la identificación taxonómica de las representaciones de psitácidos en la cerámica de la cuenca del Río Paraná. by Ottalagano, Flavia V.

    Published 2008
    “…The objective of this work is to evaluate and propose some criteria by which to provide data regarding the taxonomic status of psittaciform birds present in the iconography of middle Paraná ceramic. …”
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  3. 23

    El estilo en la cerámica del humedal del Paraná by Rodrigué, Dolores

    Published 2020
    “…The latter shows complex patterns established at least 1700 BP, and it continued till the Europeans arrived to the area. Information provided by those patterns allows us to explore the socialrelationships between hunter-gatherers. …”
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    Amourins sambaqui: same site, different perspectives. Sambaqui archaeology 30 years later by Gaspar, Maria Dulce, Klokler, Daniela, Sheel-Ybert, Rita, Bianchini, Gina Faraco

    Published 2013
    “…Recent excavations at the Amourins site, reanalysis of materials, and profile studies provided elements for reinterpretation of the site’s function. …”
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    The types of Mymaridae and Mymarommatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea) housed at the Museo de La Plata, Argentina. by Loiácono, Marta Susana, Díaz, Norma Beatriz, Margaría, Cecilia Beatriz, Gallardo, Fabiana Edith

    Published 2023
    “…The 490 type specimens of Mymaridae (Chalcidoidea) and one of Mymarommatidae (Mymarommatoidea) housed at the collections of División Entomología Museo de La Plata were examined and listed, providing update information on categories of types, data of collection and hosts. …”
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    Published 2021
    “…In this regard, we seek to provide records on the socio-economic trajectories of the groups settled in the south of the province of Córdoba in order to reflect on the way in which the condition of “submitted” was articulated with that of “subaltern”. …”
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    Published 2022
    “…On the other hand, we work from the notion of life experience and focus on the experiences of the women who provided their life stories. We articulate the objectivist perspective proposed by the French sociologist, with the subjectivist perspective provided by non-essentialist feminisms that revalue mestizo and border narratives.As a preliminary step, we recover the studies that made visible different aspects of the Mapuche resistance to the attacks of the armies of the Spanish empire, one of them was the substitution of corn for wheat, easier to protect and preserve from the destruction of the crops. …”
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    Geoarchaeological and taphonomic study of palimpsests in the dunes of Sayape locality (San Luis, Argentina) by Storchi Lobos, Daniela

    Published 2018
    “…This study sought to understand the depositional contexts, changes in the landscape, the taphonomic history of the remains, the agents responsible for their occurrence and provides data on the chronologies of these palimpsests. …”
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  9. 29

    Use of pollen data in archaeological sites of Patagonia: statistical methodologies, reaches and interpretative limits by Marcos, M. Alejandra, Bamonte, Florencia P., Mancini, M. Virginia

    Published 2020
    “…The archaeological sites of Santa Cruz have provided important information about vegetation and climate changes at different spatial and temporal scales. …”
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    The archaeological professional practice in Argentina: a state of affairs by Ratto, Norma, Williams, Verónica, Vitry, Christian, Ferrari, Alejandro A., Fonseca, Ezequiel

    Published 2022
    “…The results of an anonymous survey are presented. It provides a first national profile of the existing situation regarding the development of the professional practice that is carried out both inside and outside the academy. …”
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    Lithic technology along the left margin of the Paraná river: the assemblages from Goya (Corrientes, Argentina) by Píccoli, Carolina V., Avila, Juan David, Gavilán, Mariel E.

    Published 2014
    “…It also includes geological references to provide a context for understanding lithic raw material availability in the area. …”
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    Gender and identity: women through museums by Cipolla, Damián A.

    Published 2019
    “…We understand that socio-cultural studies of women and gender allow us to provide new knowledge about the social and cultural construction of relationships between men and women in particular contexts of space and time. …”
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  13. 33

    Loma L´Ántigo: consideraciones sobre la arquitectura de un poblado Tardío en el valle del Cajón (Catamarca, Argentina) by Bugliana, María Fabiana

    Published 2012
    “…They meet the results of such a study and a fi rst approach is provided on the organization of the space in the settlement and the stylistic modalities of the architectural group. …”
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  14. 34

    Preservación de restos óseos humanos. Análisis de una muestra fetal contemporánea by García Mancuso, Rocío

    Published 2020
    “…Rómulo Lambre Collection (National University of La Plata). The remains were provided by the La Plata County Cemetery. We quantified skeletal parts to identify which are better represented in the sample. …”
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  15. 35

    Isotopic ecology and human palaeodiets in the lower basin of the Colorado River, Buenos Aires province, Argentina by Martinez, Gustavo Adolfo, Zangrando, Atilio Francisco Javier, Prates, Luciano Raúl

    Published 2009
    “…As a general trend, the results obtained from both C and N isotopic signals indicate a diet based on the consumption of protein provided by meat of terrestrial herbivores (e.g. artiodactyls) with the complement of fish. …”
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  16. 36

    Artificial levels vs. stratigraphic units: the human burial subsequent to Sancti Spiritus Fort (1527-1529), Puerto Gaboto (Santa Fe) by Pasquali, Cristina, Sánchez-Pinto, Iban, Meletta, Héctor, Giobergia, Carolina

    Published 2014
    “…Secondly the historical sequence of the site deduced by the stratigraphic excavations and its relationship to the burial is provided. Additionally the process followed to integrate the burial into the stratigraphic sequence and to identify the phase of the historical sequence to which it belongs is presented.…”
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  17. 37

    The Meanings of Democracy and Participation. A case study on school take overs in Cordoba during 2010 by Miguez, Daniel Pedro, Hernandez, Andres

    Published 2016
    “…While the results of the case study cannot be generalized, it does provide basis to formulate hypothesis about the way in which intergenerational relationships and participation are currently changing in secondary education.…”
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    Introduction to the Dossier Bone Markers of Activity: Approaches and Limitations from Bioarchaeological StudiesThis dossier gathers the works presented in the symposium that had th... by Mazza, Barbara, Fabra, Mariana

    Published 2017
    “…Six papers were presented in which different methods were discussed and applied both for the survey and for the statistical analysis of bone markers that can provide information about levels of physical activity along with their social, cultural and adaptive implications. …”
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    Asterisms, sky and time cycles among the Wichi by Gómez, Cecilia Paula

    Published 2020
    “…This article aims to provide a preliminary description of the celestial domain and some of the time cycles which, from the Wichi point of view, are associated with the sky. …”
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  20. 40

    Rock art in Mojones river basin (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina) by Gentile, María Cecilia, Casanova Menéndez, Martín Tomás, Grant, Jennifer, Coll, Luis, Lane, Kevin

    Published 2019
    “…We describe the analysed motifs and provide a regional framework based on a comparison with similar cases within the study region. …”
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