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Far from Champions, close to Midgets International Production Sharing in Central and South America
This paper assesses the relative participation of Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala and Nicaragua in fragmented world production. Based on trade statistics from 2000 to 2004, it analyses whether the trade flows of these economies have evolved towards production sharing schemes and how great this type of...
This paper assesses the relative participation of Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala and Nicaragua in fragmented world production. Based on trade statistics from 2000 to 2004, it analyses whether the trade flows of these economies have evolved towards production sharing schemes and how great this type of trade is in order to sustain their presence into the world economy. Guatemala and Nicaragua hold a moderate participation in a global production chain under a North-South trade pattern. Nonetheless, their participation is threatened by international competition and their dependence on a unique market. Brazil has consolidated participation into few chains of production showing a more diversified North–South trade pattern. Argentina has attained insertion into the automotive chain of production whereas its participation in other ones is still limited. The country has a more South-South trade pattern, which exposes it to a certain degree of dependence.