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Analysis of municipal economic inequality in the state of Mexico
In recent years, interest in analyzing the relationship between territory and economy has increased. This is due, in part, to the concern to analyze economic inequalities at the municipal level and, on the other hand, to determine economic zones based on homogeneous regionalization that allows local...
In recent years, interest in analyzing the relationship between territory and economy has increased. This is due, in part, to the concern to analyze economic inequalities at the municipal level and, on the other hand, to determine economic zones based on homogeneous regionalization that allows local governments to define a strategy that is in line with the Framework of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030. To analyze these disparities, we approach it from the perspective of regional development using some of the techniques of regional economic analysis such as the regionalization index, the manufacturing development index, specialization and economic diversification. Likewise, a description is made of the productive capacities of the different economic regions in the State of Mexico. Such description is carried out in the present work whose results are very similar to those addressed by other authors. The results show that disparities at the municipal level continue to persist and that local governments have done little to combat them.
Reception date: 01/02/2021
Acceptance date: 15/04/2021