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Contención y orientación para adolescentes para su ingreso a la universidad en tiempos de pandemia
This project, known as "The UNLaR with you in times of pandemic", aims to help students decide the direction they want to have in life by means of spaces of social support and educational and vocational guidance. They were created to function as social places for reflection where young peo...
This project, known as "The UNLaR with you in times of pandemic", aims to help students decide the direction they want to have in life by means of spaces of social support and educational and vocational guidance. They were created to function as social places for reflection where young people could express their expectations regarding the continuity of the teaching-learning process and find support and a space of dialogue to express the emotions provoked on them by the period of “Social and Preventive Isolation” owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The target population of the project are young people of different genders involved in an Unintended Teenage Pregnancy Program called “Plan ENIA” created by the Childhood, Adolescence and Family National Office (SENAF) under the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. In this framework, it was deemed appropriate to accompany this public policy with the implementation of an extension project in which students and teachers from the Social Work course of study of UNLaR establish concrete actions that contribute to improving the quality of life of adolescents.