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Environmental enrichment (EE) is a technique that increases animal welfare. The behavior of maned wolves when exposed to four odors hidden outside the enclosure was investigated. Using the focal animal method and recording all occurrences, their behavior was analyzed for five minutes in each baselin...
Environmental enrichment (EE) is a technique that increases animal welfare. The behavior of maned wolves when exposed to four odors hidden outside the enclosure was investigated. Using the focal animal method and recording all occurrences, their behavior was analyzed for five minutes in each baseline phase (Basal), during exposure (Exp), and after withdrawal of the stimulus (Pos). Behavioral responses were categorized as positive (P+), negative (N-), and other (Ot). The average P+ increased significantly (P < 0.05) from the Basal to the Exp, but it was not statistically different (P = 0.60) between the Basal and the Pos. Neither N- nor Ot changed statistically in any of the phases (P > 0.5). Maned wolves appeared to be sensitive to this EE with the olfactory stimuli used during the period of olfactory stimulation. The method used is practical, safe, and flexible, and can be useful in sensory enrichment programs.