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Digital social networks in the development of high school students’ critical thinking
This text presents an inquiry about the pedagogical possibilities of the use of ICT for the development of critical thinking in secondary school students. The practice was supported by the use that students make of technological devices to apply an argumentation strategy in the area of social scienc...
This text presents an inquiry about the pedagogical possibilities of the use of ICT for the development of critical thinking in secondary school students. The practice was supported by the use that students make of technological devices to apply an argumentation strategy in the area of social sciences by the use of Facebook. For this purpose, a private group was created in such social network so that the participants could interact with each other on the analysis of an event related to a topic of social sciences. From the results obtained, it could be established that the use of ICT offers pedagogical possibilities for the development of critical thinking, due to the familiarity and interest that young people have in the use of technology and virtual platforms such as social networks. Although these platforms pose an entertaining function, they favor the development of academic activities that encourage the strengthening of cognitive abilities.