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Social Support for Immigrant Women of Valparaíso, Chile
Social support is a protection resource for the quality of life of immigrant women and a form of social capital. The objective was to identify the frequency and satisfaction of the social support perceived and received by immigrant women from the Valparaíso Health Centers. The study was cross-sectio...
Social support is a protection resource for the quality of life of immigrant women and a form of social capital. The objective was to identify the frequency and satisfaction of the social support perceived and received by immigrant women from the Valparaíso Health Centers. The study was cross-sectional associative and the technique was the social survey. The Perceived and Received Social Support Questionnaire (ASORPE) and questions on sociodemographic characteristics were applied to 227 immigrant women between 18 and 44 years old. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were used. Marital status, education, years in Chile, type of housing, number of people with whom she lives, migratory status and having been diagnosed with a disease are related to the frequency and satisfaction of perceived and received social support from immigrant friends, Chileans, family and others. The social support provided by the networks of immigrant groups, whether informational, material or emotional support, constitutes social capital for their communities, enabling the existence of bonds of trust between relatives, immigrant and non-migrant friends, contributing to their integration into the society of reception.