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Feminist movement and gender policies in the Argentine university system
This article analyzes the impact of the feminist university movement nucleated in the Interuniversity Network for Gender Equality and Against Violence (RUGE) of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN), in the Argentinian university system.
Quantitative data was collected during a diagnosis for th...
This article analyzes the impact of the feminist university movement nucleated in the Interuniversity Network for Gender Equality and Against Violence (RUGE) of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN), in the Argentinian university system.
Quantitative data was collected during a diagnosis for the implementation of gender policies in universities, which was carried out by the RUGE in 2020 and coordinated by the authors of this article.
The diagnosis revealed information about gender policies, and the collective actions that promoted, produced and implemented them, in 60 national and provincial universities.
The results show how in a few years, the feminist university movement enabled changes in the higher education institutions, promoted action protocols against situations of discrimination and gender violence, enforced the “Ley Micaela” through the training of public officers, and institutional spaces to guarantee gender policies.
Nevertheless, major obstacles to the enhancement and promotion of gender policies were detected, which could become tomorrow’s challenges for university feminists.