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Feedback from the agribusiness model. Diet, power and climate change in the Pampas (1960-2008)
The uses of the territory promoted by the agribusiness model affect the quality of the food obtained and the sustainability of the environment. Based on a contemporary sociological approach, this work proposes to characterize and analyze a rationality where monoculture degrades the diet and simplifi...
The uses of the territory promoted by the agribusiness model affect the quality of the food obtained and the sustainability of the environment. Based on a contemporary sociological approach, this work proposes to characterize and analyze a rationality where monoculture degrades the diet and simplifies ecosystems. It is a productive model that distances producers from consumers, increasing both the energy needed to produce a calorie of food and that consumed in processing raw materials so that they can extend their useful life. The technical transformations of the Green Revolution -at the beginning of the 1960s- are the starting point of a process that increases productivity at the expense of biodiversity. This consolidates the industrialization of agriculture based on the architectural character of power, resulting in foods with lower nutritional quality that tend to malnutrition of the population. Agribusiness is part of this process, where the problems generated become inputs to continue functioning and allow, in turn, to explain the nexus diet, power and climate change.