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The aim of this article is to examine the influence of the agribusiness discourse, which is hegemonic in public sphere, in individual economic-labour identifications of the pampeanagricultural actors. We take as study object different agricultural actors of Buenos Aires province. The analysiscorpusc...
The aim of this article is to examine the influence of the agribusiness discourse, which is hegemonic in public sphere, in individual economic-labour identifications of the pampeanagricultural actors. We take as study object different agricultural actors of Buenos Aires province. The analysiscorpusconsists of 42 in-depth interviews conducted in two Buenos Aires counties (Ayacucho and Baradero) and 329 surveys carried out in 27 of the 30 homogeneous agro-economic zones of that province. From this study, we give an account that although the productive transformations promoted by the agribusinessdiscoursehave become predominant in the pampean agriculture, in the agricultural actors identifications persist subjective positions that adhere to other discursivities with historical presence in the sector, and that come into tension with the identity profile promoted by agribusiness.