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The uninominal system in history electoral argentina
This article focuses on the study of the two electoral laws that established the uninominal system in Argentina: the first one was in 1902 under the government of Roca and the second one was in 1951 when Perón was President. Enrolling in the recent electoral studies, with a renewed way of analysing...
This article focuses on the study of the two electoral laws that established the uninominal system in Argentina: the first one was in 1902 under the government of Roca and the second one was in 1951 when Perón was President. Enrolling in the recent electoral studies, with a renewed way of analysing the elections and its rules, we study the electoral designs of both moments as expressions of a set of values that define political representation. In this article we seek to explain the ideas about the political world that were expressed at each occasion. By this mean, we will see that even though the same electoral system was used in the elections of 1904 and in 1951 and 1954, their conceptions, objectives and consequences were completely different. While Roca and his Minister Joaquin V. Gonzalez tried to give politica representation to the economic interests that were expressed throughout the society, Perón’s intention was to implement a system that would allowed him to build a unanimous Congress.