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Measuring Strategies to Cope with Boredom in Spanish Speaking Population: A Study with Argentinean University Students
A study was conducted in order to validate the Boredom Coping Scales and test its psychometric properties on a sample of Argentinean university students (namely BCS-AR). The BCS-AR, adapted into Spanish, was applied to a sample of students at National University of Córdoba and the National Techno...
A study was conducted in order to validate the Boredom Coping Scales and test its psychometric properties on a sample of Argentinean university students (namely BCS-AR). The BCS-AR, adapted into Spanish, was applied to a sample of students at National University of Córdoba and the National Technological University (N = 250). Internal consistency was estimated through Cronbach's alpha (?). Evidence about the test's internal structure was obtained from evaluating and comparing three measurement models for boredom coping strategies. Criterion validity evidence was provided by bivariate correlations with task value, attention, academic boredom and enjoyment. The scales showed acceptable internal consistency scores (between ? = .69 and ? = .92). The four factor model showed an acceptable fit (?2/df = 1.65, CFI = .95, GFI = .91, RMSEA = 0.051). Test criterion evidence partially corresponded to the expected results. Results are discussed within the framework of control-value theory of achievement emotions and boredom coping.