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Physical dating violence: a dyadic types analysis in argentinean population
Violence against women in dating relationships has been extensively explored in most developed countries and more pointedly in developing countries. This article presents rates of physical dating violence and resulted injuries in heterosexual relationships by a sample of 963 Argentinean undergraduat...
Violence against women in dating relationships has been extensively explored in most developed countries and more pointedly in developing countries. This article presents rates of physical dating violence and resulted injuries in heterosexual relationships by a sample of 963 Argentinean undergraduate subjects of both sexes. On average, 34 % of females and 22 % of males physically assaulted his or her partner in the last 12 months of relationship, and 6 % physically injured his or her partner. Results show few differences between sexes. Probably the most important similarity is the high rate of physical assaults perpetrated by both females as males, and the bidirectionality as the most frequent pattern in couples, 52 % of couples were classified in this dyadic type. The results are compared with findings from an international survey and other studies from the Spanish-speaking context. Finally, the implications for prevention and intervention programs are discussed.