Table of Contents:
  • v.40, no.1 (2013) : Editorial
  • Happy Birthday, Teaching of Psychology! / Andrew N. Christopher-- Acknowledgment
  • Topical Articles : Following Teaching of Psychology Into Middle Age: Changes, Contributors, and Contents / Richard A. Griggs; Brian Collisson
  • Cumulative Exams in the Introductory Psychology Course / Natalie K. Lawrence
  • The Impact of a Multifaceted Approach to Teaching Research Methods on Students’ Attitudes / Natalie J. Ciarocco; Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr; Michele Van Volkom
  • The Effects of Student Response Systems on Student Learning and Attitudes in Undergraduate Psychology Courses / Cheryl Fortner-Wood; Leigh Armistead; Anna Marchand; and F. Benjamin Morris
  • The Impact of Language and Response Format on Student Endorsement of Psychological Misconceptions / Sean Hughes; Fiona Lyddy; and Robin Kaplan
  • Jordan D. Troisi
  • To Thine Own Self Be True: Reducing Self-Biases With a Seminar Course on the Self / Ariana F. Young; Brianna Harris
  • Methods and Techniques : Practicing What Is Preached: Self-Reflections on Memory in a Memory Course / Nicole J. Conrad
  • Faculty Forum : Student Perceptions of Undergraduate Teaching Assistants / Tonya Filz; Regan A. R. Gurung
  • Stats on the Cheap: Using Free and Inexpensive Internet Resources to Enhance the Teaching of Statistics and Research Methods / Jessica L. Hartnett
  • Teaching the Truth About Lies to Psychology Students: The Speed Lying Task / Matthew R. Pearson; Thomas A. Richardson
  • Changing Students’ Stereotypes of Older Adults / Sandy K. Wurtele; LaRae Maruyama
  • The Influence of a Positive Psychology Course on Student Well-Being / Karol K. Maybury
  • The Generalist’s Corner : Teaching Generation Me / Jean M. Twenge.
  • v.40, no.2 (2013) : A Word From Our STP President
  • President's Greetings / Victor A. Benassi
  • Topical Articles: ToP’s Greatest Hits: The Most Frequently Cited Teaching of Psychology Articles / Richard A. Griggs; Brian Collisson
  • Orchestrating Authorship: Teaching Writing Across the Psychology Curriculum / Champika K. Soysa; Dana S. Dunn; Andrea L. Dottolo; Alyson L. Burns-Glover; Regan A. R. Gurung
  • The Ubiquitous Clicker: SoTL Applications for Scientist–Educators / R. Eric Landrum
  • Ideal Teacher Behaviors: Student Motivation and Self-Efficacy Predict Preferences / Meera Komarraju
  • Diversity in the Undergraduate Curriculum: Perspectives Held by Undergraduate Students at a Predominantly European American University / Linh Nguyen Littleford
  • Methods and Techniques : Using the Implicit Association Test as an Unconsciousness Raising Tool in Psychology / Bettina J. Casad; Abdiel J. Flores; Jessica D. Didway
  • The Development of an Undergraduate Study Abroad Program: Nicaragua and the Psychology of Social Inequality / Ellen I. Shupe
  • Professor–Student Rapport Scale: Six Items Predict Student Outcomes / Janie H. Wilson; Rebecca G. Ryan
  • Illusions of a Good Grade: Effort or Luck? / Susan P. Buckelew; Nikki Byrd; Colin W. Key; Jessica Thornton; Michelle M. Merwin
  • Analyzing Data From Studies Depicted on Video: An Activity for Statistics and Research Courses / W. Burt Thompson; Donna Fisher-Thompson
  • Replicate This! Creating Individual-Level Data From Summary Statistics Using R / Brendan J. Morse
  • Gaming in the Classroom: An Innovative Way to Teach Factorial Designs / Jessica A. Stansbury; Geoffrey D. Munro
  • Standing in the Hallway Improves Students’ Understanding of Conformity / Timothy J. Lawson; Richard R. Haubner; James H. Bodle
  • The Generalist’s Corner: Using Forensic Psychology to Teach Basic Psychological Processes: Eyewitness Memory and Lie Detection / Mark A. Costanzo