Table of Contents:
  • No. 1 (1956) : The Direct Estimation of Sensory Magnitudes: Loudness / S. S. Stevens
  • The Overlapping of Signals for Decisions / J. F. Mackworth and others
  • Circles and Derived Figures in Rotation / Hans Wallach, and others
  • Speed of Perception as a Function of Mode of Representation / T. A. Ryan and others
  • The Influence of Visual Stimulation on Kinesthetic Figural After-Effects / Robert Jaffe
  • The Non-Recall of Material Presented during Sleep / William H. Emmons and others
  • Recognitive Thresholds for Words as a Function of Set and Similarity / Sherman Ross, and others
  • The Rôle of Content in Binocular Resolution / Edward Engel
  • An Evaluation of a Method for Developing Ratio-Scales / Trygg Engen
  • Motion Perceived while Viewing Rotating Stimulus-Object / Thomas Mulholland
  • Learned Inhibition of 'Sound-Induced' Seizures in the Rat / A. E. Harriman and others – The Relative Efficacy of Various Types of Stimulus-Objects in Discriminative Learning by Children / Allen D. Calvin and others
  • Intersensory Transfer in the Discrimination of Form / Henry F. Gaydos
  • The Effect of Sleep-Deprivation upon the Thresholds of Taste / Ernest Furchtgott and others
  • Anxiety and Discriminative Learning /Harold W. Stevenson and others
  • The Uses and Abuses of 'Cents' in the Science of Audition / Max F. Meyer
  • The Radial Illusion / Frank M. du Mas
  • The Communication-Value of Content-Free Speech / John A. Starkweather
  • The Effect of Brightness upon Reversible Perspectives and Retinal Rivalry / Helen K. Mull, and others
  • Word-Association and Word-Frequency / Donald M. Johnson
  • Avoidant vs. Unavoidant Conditioning and Partial Reinforcement in Russian Laboratories / Gregory Razran.
  • No. 2 (1956) : Discriminative and Verbal Habits in Incidental Learning / Mavis Plenderleith and others
  • Extinction of a Human Cardiac-Response during Avoidance-Conditioning / P. J. Bersh, and others
  • Factors Affecting Estimation of Depth with Variations of the Stereo-Kinetic Effect / Gloria J. Fischer
  • The Effect of Target-Velocity upon the Trigonometric Relationship of Precision and Angle of Linear Pursuit-Movements / Richard F. Thompson, and others
  • The Effect of Partially Delayed Reinforcement and Trial-Distribution on the Extinction of an Instrumental Response / Earl D. Scott and others
  • Stimulus-Variability and Operant Discrimination in Human Subjects / Edward J. Green
  • Comparisons of Incidental and Intentional Learning with Different Orienting Tasks / Irving J. Saltzman
  • Threshold-Luminance for Recognition in Relation to Frequency of Prior Exposure / Katherine E. Baker and others
  • The Effect of Instruction and Degree of Training on Shifts of Discriminative Responses / Harold W. Stevenson and others
  • Esthetic Fatigue in Ranking / Evelyn M. West and others
  • The Reinforcing Effect of Changes in Illumination on Lever-Pressing in the Monkey / Louis E. Moon and others
  • An Automatic Device for the Investigation of Operant Behavior in Fish /William A. Deterline
  • A Method for Continuously Measuring the Position of a Rat in a Runway / A. H. Black and R. L. Solomon
  • A Micropolygraph / Vladimir Cervin and Bohdan Cervinka
  • A Simple Method of Demonstrating Differences in the Critical Flicker Frequency of Foveal and Peripheral Vision/ Kenneth T. Brown
  • On the Number of Articles of Psychological Interest Published in the Different Languages: 1946-1955 / S. W. Fernberger
  • Errata of Freud / John Fizer
  • Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association / Gorham Lane
  • Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Psychologists / W. D. Neff
  • Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology / Joseph E. Moore
  • Second Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association / M. C. Langhorne
  • Egon Brunswik: 1903-1955 / Edward C. Tolman
  • William Lowe Bryan: 1860-1955 / D. G. Ellson
  • John Carl Flugel: 1884-1955 / Roger W. Russell.
  • No. 3 (1956) : The Perceptual Elaboration of Stroboscopic Presentations / Hans H. Toch
  • Extinction Following Partial Reinforcement with Control of Stimulus-Generalization and Secondary Reinforcement / D. W. Tyler
  • Effect of Contours on Binocular CFF Obtained with Synchronous and Alternate Flashes / Garth J. Thomas
  • On the Derivation of Equations Relating Data of Fractionation and Constant-Sum to Physical Scales of Measurement / Katherine E. Baker and others
  • Serial Non-Randomness in Auditory Differential-Thresholds as a Function of Interstimulus Interval / Willard F. Day
  • Changes in the Memory-Trace for Perceived Forms with Successive Reproductions / Edward L. Walker and others
  • Temperature Changes of the Skin: A Function of Initial Level / Robert Plutchik and others
  • Information and Effect in Incidental Learning / M. E. Bitterman
  • Developmental Differences in the Perception of Causality / Vivian Olum
  • The Relationship between Associative Frequency, Associative Ability and Paired-Associate Learning / George Mandler and others
  • The Extension of Marbe's Law to the Recall of Stimulus-Words / W. A. Bousfield,and others
  • Accuracy of a Simple Positioning Response with Variation in the Number of Trials by Which Knowledge of Results Is Delayed / Ina McD. Bilodeau
  • Effect of Stimulus-Determination on Response-Independence at Threshold / Jack E. Conklin and others
  • Aversive Behavior Following Lesions of the Septal Region of the Forebrain in the Rat / W. H. Tracy and others
  • Some Observations on the Reinforcement of Verbal Operants / William Cody Wilson and others
  • Reversible Figures and Eye-Movements/ Chester H. Pheiffer, and others
  • A Quantitative Index of Stimulus-Similarity Proximity vs. Differences in Brightness / Julian Hochberg and others
  • Critical Flicker Frequency, Age, and Intelligence / Carney Landis and Violet Hamwi
  • An Apparatus for Investigating the Methods Humans Use in Solving Complex Problems / Melvin H. Marx, and others
  • A Constant Current Stimulus-Generator/ Robert Davidon and others
  • The Size-Distance Paradox: A Reply to Gilinsk / Howard E. Gruber
  • Technical Terms in Science and Technology / E. S. Calvert
  • Figural After-Effect, After-Image, and Physiological Nystagmus / Julian Hochberg and others
  • Intelligence and Reversals of Perspective / Douglas N. Jackson
  • Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association / Leona E. Tyler
  • Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association / Donald W. Fiske
  • Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association / Dalbir Bindra
  • Robert Mearns Yerkes: 1876-1956 / Richard M. Elliott
  • Warner Brown: 1882-1956 / H. C.Gilhousen and others.
  • No. 4 (1956) : The Orientation of Forms on the Retina and in the Environment / Irvin Rock
  • Phantoms in Patients with Leprosy and in Elderly Digital Amputees / Marianne L. Simmel
  • Past Experience and Perception: Memory Color /S. Carolyn Fisher, and others
  • The Effect of Auditory and Visual Background on Apparent Duration / I. J. Hirsh, and others
  • Perception of Overlapping and Embedded Figures by Children of Different Ages / Lila Ghent
  • The Modified Fechner-Weber Law as a Complex Law of Dose-Action / Albert Bachem
  • Stability of Choices among Uncertain Alternatives / William H. McGlothlin
  • The Constant-Sum Method Applied to Scaling Subjective Dimensions / Frank J. Dudek and others
  • An Experimental Analysis of Subception / Charles W. Eriksen
  • Figural After-Effects with Tachistoscopic Presentation / Allen Parducci and others
  • Effect of the Relative Volume of Standard and Comparison-Object on Half-Heaviness Judgments / Richard M. Warren and others
  • The Effect of Partial Reinforcement and Length of Acquisition-Series upon Resistance to Extinction of a Motor and a Verbal Response / Donald J. Lewis and others
  • A Further Investigation of Various Stimulus-Objects in Discriminative Learning by Children / Allen D. Calvin, and others
  • Recognition as a Function of Meaningfulness and Intention to Learn / Robert L. Karen
  • Context in the Perception of Sentences / Elmo E. Miller
  • Automatic Measurement of General Activity in Time-Units / Edward Newbury
  • An Apparatus for the Study of Instrumental Learning in the Rat / J. L. McGaugh and others
  • A Continuous Drinking-Recorder for Small Animals / Michael L. Duffy and others
  • Mazes for Small Aquatic Animals / Richard H. Lawless
  • Recall of Stimulus-Items Arranged in a Square Matrix / Alexander W. Astin and others
  • An Explanation of Du Mas's "Radial Illusion" / Bruce H. Deatherage
  • A Forced-Choice Method of Limits / F. Nowell Jones
  • Psychologie Franc̨aise / K. M. D.
  • Sixty-Fourth Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association / Roger W. Russell
  • Samuel Weiller Fernberger: 1887-1956 / Francis W. Irwin
  • Lightner Witmer: 1867-1956 / Robert I. Watson
  • Chauncey McKinley Louttit: 1901-1956 / Karl M. Dallenbach
  • James Pertice Porter: 1873-1956 / Harvey C. Lehman