Table of Contents:
  • 1956 v.12(1-6) : The interpretation of sociometric status scores in the classroom / Ake Bjerstedt (pag. 1-14)
  • Discrimination of hue as a function of wave length / Gösta Ekman (pag. 15-18)
  • The velocity of the motion after-effect / Gunnar Johansson (pag. 19-24)
  • Systematic observation methods in the study of small groups / Ruth Kuusela (pag. 25-46)
  • Personality-changing processes of psychoanalytic treatment / Harald Schjelderup (pag. 47-64)
  • A study of visual movements determined by form, colour or brightness / Anker Rattleff (pag. 65-75)
  • Recall as an abstractive process / B.R. Gomulicki (pag. 77-94)
  • The inheritance of extraversion-introversion / H.J. Eysenck (pag.95-110)
  • Depth perception of double images in the vicinity of other images / J.L. Zajac (pag. 111-129)
  • Belongingness as a unifying concept in personality investigation / Leon Litwinski (pag.130-135)
  • Thinking: Psychologists and physiology / R.P. Kelvin (pag. 136-151)
  • Communication of the international union of scientific psychology: Report on the third assembly of the council of international organizations of the medical sciences / Henri Pieron (pag. 152-154)
  • International colloquium on factor analysis / M. Reuchlin (pag.154-156)
  • A new contribution to the experimental study of the size-weight illusion / R. Nyssen, J. Bourdon (pag. 157-173)
  • The evidence for the permanently disturbing effects of mother child separation / N. O'Connor (pag. 174-191)
  • Consciousness and meaning / B.M. Foss (pag.192-197)
  • An experimental study on the influence of the mental set on the perception of identity and substitution / J. Ex, G.L. De Bruijn (pag. 198-207)
  • Bibliography of works and papers / G. Révész (pag.208-215)
  • Communications of the international union of scientific psychology: Some impressions of a visit to Soviet psychologists / Jean Piaget (pag.216-230)
  • Report of the XIIth congress of the international association of applied psychology / C.B. Frisby (pag.231-232)
  • Discriminal sensitivity on the subjective continuum / Gösta Ekman (pag. 233-243)
  • The effect of the selection situation on responses to questionnaires / Kullervo Rainio (pag.244-246)
  • A genetic approach to sex differences in localization / C.I. Sandström, I. Lundberg (pag. 247-253)
  • Concepts in psychological model construction / Per Saugstad (pag.254-262)
  • Studies in the development of a percept within various contexts of perceived reality / Gudmund Smith, Maj Henriksson (pag.263-281)
  • The nature of G and the concept of intelligence: The idea of complementarity in psychology / Alexander W. Stern (pag.282-289)
  • On the ‘correction’ and ‘non-correction’ methods of learning / J. M. von Wright (pag. 290-300)
  • Structural factors in the anxiety of the child / Carl Frankenstein (pag.301-325)
  • Levels of muscle activity in psychiatric patients / Irene Martin (pag.326-341)
  • The perception of incongruity by young children / Isaac Behar, William Bevan (pag.342-348)
  • “Warm-up” in pursuit rotor learning as a function of the extinction of conditioned inhibition / H.J. Eysenck (pag. 349-370)
  • The addition of subjective probabilities: The summation of estimates of success and failure / John Cohen, E.J. Dearnaley, C.E.M. Hansel (pag. 371-380)
  • A critical review of Nuttin's tâche, reussite et echec / C.F. Van Parreren (pag.381-399)
  • Communications of the international union of scientific psychology : News and note (pag. 400).
  • 1957/8 v.13(1-5) : The experienced continuations of some three-dimensional forms / Martin Johansen (pag. 1-26)
  • Multidimensional experience variation / Mats Björkman (pag. 27-34)
  • Vertical-Horizontal illusion and surrounding field / Teodor M. Künnapas (pag.35-42)
  • Finnish children's reactions to frustration in the Rosenzweig test: An ethnic and cultural comparison / Annika, Martti Takala (pag.43-50)
  • A note on afterimage serials in twins / Gudmund Smith (pag. 51-53)
  • Goal setting, the level of aspiration and social norms / Dagfinn Sivertsen (pag.54-60)
  • Motion perception and personality II / I. Dureman, H. Sälde, G. Johansson (pag.61-65)
  • Motion perception and personality III / I. Dureman, H. Sälde, G. Johansson (pag.66-67)
  • “Surplus meanings” of psychological concepts and the role of “prescientific knowledge” in psychological research / Ragnar Rommetveit (pag.68-76)
  • Reply to Rommetveit / Per Saugstad (pag.77-78)
  • Situational and personal influences on space perception with experimental spectacles: Part one: Prolonged experiments with inverting glasses / Heinrich Kottenhoff ( pag.79-97)
  • Eysenck's theory of anxiety and hysteria and the results of visual adaptation experiments / G.W. Granger (pag.98-126)
  • Activite psycho-galvanique et rapidite dans une epreuve sensori-motrice complexe / Paul Fraisse, Vincent Bloch (pag.127-139 )
  • Some investigations on the so-called “geometrico optical illusions” / J.L. Zając (pag.140-150)
  • Situational and personal influences on space perception with experimental spectacles: Part two: Semi-prolonged tests with inverting Glasses / Heinrich Kottenhoff (pag. 151-161)
  • The variability of tactile two point discrimination in the sensorimotor induction syndrome / L. Halpern, S. Kugelmass (pag.162-172)
  • Colour phenomena associated with increases and decreases in physical brightness / C. Otto Roelofs, W.P.C. Zeeman (pag.173-196)
  • Scientific work at the psychological department of the university of Vienna: Second report / H. Rohracher (pag.197-219)
  • Method of stimulus presentation as antecedent variable in reaction time experiments / Vidkunn Coucheron Jarl (pag. 225-241)
  • Studies in the perception of heaviness. I.1.2: Some relevant facts concerning the size-weight-effect (SWE) / Paul Koseleff (pag. 242-252)
  • Interocular differences in the vertical-horizontal illusion / Theodor M. Künnapas (pag.253-259)
  • A note on animals' sexual activity in groups / Knut Larsson (pag.260-262)
  • Problem-solving and availability of functions / Per Saugstad, Kjell Raaheim (pag.263-278)
  • Qualitative changes in vocabulary test performance after lobotomy and selective frontal operations / Daisy Schalling (pag.279-287)
  • The serial mirror-drawing test / Gudmund Smith (pag.288-298)
  • Die grundsätze der gestaltwahrnehmung in der haptik / D.A. Scholtz (pag.299-333)
  • Benham's top and the colour phenomena resulting from interaction with intermittent light stimuli / C. Otto Roelofs, W.P.C. Zeeman (pag.334-356)
  • The nature of decisions in gambling: Equivalence of single and compound subjective probabilities / John Cohen, C.E.M. Hansel (pag.357-370)
  • Learning in neurotics and psychotics / J.C. Brengelmann (pag.371-388).
  • 1958 v.14(1-5) : Remarks on the psychology of art / Angiola Massucco Costa (pag. 1-11)
  • The influence of the subject's attitude in perception / A. Gemelli, A. Cappellini (pag.12-23)
  • Dynamic conception of vocational guidance / Leonardo Ancona (pag.24-40)
  • Les caracteres perceptifs des objets et la theorie mathematique des groups / C.L. Musatti (pag.41-53)
  • Psychology in Italy from 1945–1957 / Virgilio Lazzeroni, Alberto Marzi (pag. 54-80)
  • Psychological effects of urban and rural domiciles / Kai Von Fieandt (pag. 81-91)
  • Effects of prolonged gravitational stress on performance / Marianne Frankenhaeuser (pag.92-108)
  • Studies in the perception of heaviness II: Concerning the quantitative determination of the size-weight-effect (SWE) / Paul Koseleff (pag.109-130)
  • Fixation and the vertical-horisontal illusion / Theodor M. Künnapas (pag.131-136)
  • Effects of praise and reproof in a localization experiment / C.I. Sandström, E. Weinz (pag.137-143)
  • An economical design for the control of commercial screening tests / Gudmund Smith, Sven Marke (pag.144-151)
  • Some comments on problem-solving availability and test-magic / Lajos Szekely (pag.152-157)
  • Historical note on the term differential psychology / Vidkunn Coucheron Jarl (pag. 158-160)
  • Figural after-effects: An examination of Köhler's theory / M.K. Malhotra (pag.161-199)
  • Expressive movement in abnormals, with particular reference to extraversion and psychoticism / J.C. Brengelmann, J.T. Marconi (pag.200-214)
  • Some determinants of seen after movements in the Archimedes spiral / H. C. Holland (pag.215-222)
  • Some fundamental problems in conditioning / Cyril M. Franks (pag.223-246)
  • The structural meaning of aggressiveness / Carl Frankenstein (pag.253-280)
  • Effects of “biochemical lesions” on behavior / Roger W. Russell (pag.281-294)
  • An investigation of thirteen beginners in reading / J.F. Reid (pag.295-313)
  • The Maudsley personality inventory / Arthur R. Jensen (pag. 314-325)
  • Reduction of “Barrier tendencies” during experience of international co-living. Psychological control studies of certain aspects in the CISV socio-educational approach / Ake Bjerstedt (pag.329-346)
  • Relation between childhood environment and adaptation to military training school / Gunnar Hjelholt (pag.347-352)
  • A note on measurement of cross-pressures in groups / Joachim Israel (pag.353-358)
  • Rigidity, stability, and motion in perceptual space: A discussion of some mathematical principles operative in the perception of relative motion and of their possible function as determinants of a static perceptual space / Gunnar Johansson (pag.359-370)
  • Measurements of subjective length in the vertical-horizontal illusion / Theodor M. Künnapas (pag.371-374)
  • Visual field and interocular differences in the bisection of a line / Theodor M. Künnapas (pag.375-383)
  • Availability of functions. A discussion of some theoretical aspects / Per Saugstad (pag. 384-400)
  • Interest and attitude, an attempt at a new orientation / Wilhelm Sjöstrand (pag. 401-412).
  • 1959 v.15 : XVe congrès international de psychologie : Actas : Réflexions sur le role du langage dans l'analyse des organisations perceptive / A. Michotte (p.17-34)
  • Psychologie und naturwissenschaft / Wolfgang Köhler (p.37-50, IN1-IN4)
  • Le role de la notion d'équilibre dans l'explication en psychologie / Jean Piaget (p.51-62)
  • Anthropology and psychology / Clyde Kluckhohn (p.63-75)
  • Pleasure and value / James Olds (p.76-84)
  • On the neurology of values / Karl H. Pribram (p.77-82)
  • On values in cross-cultural perspective / Clyde Kluckhohn (p. 82-84)
  • Values and the control of social behavior: The case of money / Talcott Parsons (p.84)
  • Can we have a general theory of behaving systems? / James G. Miller (p.85-90)
  • An approach to the measurement of the level of organisation of behaviour systems / Philip G. Herbst (p. 86-88)
  • Les formes de la conduit / Michel Ralea (p.88-90)
  • On the measurement of sensation / S.S. Stevens (p. 91-94)
  • An argument for the use of discriminability scaling procedures in scaling sensory intensities / W.R. Garner (p.94-97)
  • The estimation of sense ratios: Brightness / R.M. Hanes (p. 97-101)
  • Serial extrapolation: A suggestion for a new psycho-physical method / John Beloff (p.102-103)
  • Subjective judgment of brightness / R.G. Hopkinson (p. 103)
  • Symmetric uncertainy analysis and redundancy of printed English / W.R. Garner (p. 104-124)
  • Information theory and older approaches in psychology / D.E. Broadbent (p. 111-115)
  • Le Modéle de la Théorie de L'Information en Psychologie / J.M. Faverge (p. 116-124)
  • La méthode de l'information appliquéeàl'étude des liaisons entre variables psychologiques / F. Bacher (p.125-129)
  • The cybernetic origin of habituation / W.R. Ashby (p.126)
  • “Comprehension Time”, cybernetics, and regressive eye movements in reading / Leonard Carmichael (p.126-127) – Princepes d'incertitude de la perception / A. Moles (p. 127-128)
  • Contributions théoriques et expérimentales à l'application de la théorie de l'information en psychologie / Ion N. Balanescu (p. 128-129)
  • Introduction to facet design and analysis / Louis Guttman (p.30-138)
  • Des applications de la Théorie de l'information aux quasi-échelles / S. Moscovici, G. Vibert-Durain (p.133-138)
  • Non-parametric reliability criterion:: A new and more general approach / Sten Holmqvist (p. 139-153)
  • Multidimentional scaling theory and applications / Harold Gulliksen (p.140)
  • Inconsistency of preferential judgments as measure of psychological distance / Clyde H. Coombs (p. 141)
  • Scaling methods applicable to human learning / Philip H. DuBois (p.141-142)
  • The problem of measurement in the psychological sciences / Wolfe Mays, H. Ruben (p.143-144)
  • A Consideration of some statistical designs in the field of psychological research / Doris M. Lee (p.144-145)
  • L'Inferenza statistica / Francesco Alberoni (p.145)
  • A coherent rationale for factor analysis / Norman A. Crowder (p.146)
  • L'analyse factorielle et l'identification de facteurs psychologiques / U. Bouvier (p.147)
  • Some implications of prediction theory in standard psychological diagnostic methods / Jerome Fisher (p.148-149)
  • Multiple regression vs pattern analysis: A comparitive application of linear and non-linear multivariate methods of prediction / Marilyn C. Lee-van Goethem (p. 149-150)
  • Subjective Probability (ψ) / John Cohen (p. 151)
  • Decision making in risky situations / Ward Edwards (p.152-153)
  • Das subjektive verlässlichkeits-niveau / Peter R. Hofstätter (p.153)
  • Some new tasks for psychological phenomenology / Robert B. MacLeod (p.154-159)
  • Structure of the stream of behavior / Roger G. Sarker (p.155-156)
  • Phenomenological vs. statistical approach to a theory of decision / Hans Thomae (p.156-159 )
  • Structured phenomenology in the analysis of a learning situation / Paul Bakan (p.160-163)
  • The reconstruction of the individual and collective past / Frederick Wyatt (p.161-162)
  • A theory of consciousness as a regulatory field / Rex M. Collier (p.162-163)
  • Objectives and methods of research into the psychology of african peoples / S. Biesheuvel (p.164-175)
  • Considérations méthodologiques en rapport avec l'étude des aptitudes et l'élaboration de tests chez les autochtones africains / P. Verhaegen, J.L. Laroche ( p. 167-169)
  • Le problème de la lenteur du noir analysé dans une tâche intellectuelle: Comparaison d'une population blanche er d'une population noire / A. Ombredane, P. Bertelson, E. Beniest-Noirot (p.169-170)
  • Immanent justice among gold coast children / G. Jahoda (p.171)
  • Attitude studies among africans: Methods and results from investigations in the Union of South Africa / S. Biesheuvel (p.172-175)
  • The impact of education on non-scientific beliefs in Ethiopia / Edith Lord (p. 176-181)
  • L'acculturatiun de l'attitude et de la personnalité chez la femme katangaise / Maria Leblanc (p.177-178)
  • Quelques résultats d'une recherche sur l'influence des pratiques de “ChildTraining” sur le dévelopment de la personnalité dans une société bacongo; (Congo belge) / Marie-Thérèse Knapen (p.179-180)
  • Développement psycho-moteur de l'enfant africain et comportement de la mére, la premiére année / Marcelle Geber (p.180-181)
  • Individual differences in behavior and their correlates in brain biochemistry / Mark R. Rosenzweig, David Krech, Edward L. Bennett (p. 182-190)
  • Effects of “Biochemical Lesions” of behavior / Roger W. Russell (p. 183-185)
  • Effects of behavioral changes on biochemical processes / John J. Boren, Joseph V. Brady (p.185-186)
  • Some biochemical agents and their effect on behavior / S.L. Sherwood (p.186-190)
  • Psychological variables as measures of biochemical activity / R.H.J. Watson (p.191-202)
  • The effects of stimulant and depressant drugs upon conditioning in man / C.M. Franks (p.192-193)
  • Degree and adequacy of confidence in immediate memory as related to drugs / J.C. Brengelmann (p.193-194)
  • Plasma catecholamines as related to direction of aggression in human beings / S. Eiduson, E. Crumpton, N.Q. Brill (p.194-195)
  • Psychische verhaltenänderungen durch aminosäuren / Rolf Müller (p.95-197)
  • The effect on LSD and related drugs on localized reward systems in the brain / James Olds, S. Eiduson (p. 198)
  • An experimental approach to the identification of factors the effects of benactyzine / Max Hamilton (p.199)
  • Analysis of the effects of an “Insoluble problem” by means of a drug / Roger W. Russell, Hannah Steinberg (p.200)
  • Effets post-excitatiores dans le comportement sexuel du rat male / Knut Larsson (p.200-201)
  • The reception of the affective stimuli on drug addiction / Metin Özek (p.201-202)
  • Some effects of hippocampal lesions on conditioned avoidance behavior in the cat / Howard F. Hunt, Irving T. Diamond (p.203-211)
  • Hypothesis and methods relative to lateralization and localization of cerebral lesions / Hallgrim Kløvb (p.205-207)
  • Differential patterns of results in lateralized and localized cerebral lesions / Ralph M. Reltan (p.208-211)
  • Assessment of recovery of functions after brain injury in man / Hans-Lukas Teuber (p.212-225)
  • Further studies on visual imagery and the egg / James Drever (p.213-214)
  • The comparative significance of qualitative and quantitative psychological changes with brain damage / Ralph M. Reitan (p.214-215)
  • Reaction time studies on brain-injured subjects / Arthur L. Benton (p.216-217)
  • Perceptual and memory disturbances in human temporal lesions / Brenda Milner (p.217-218)
  • Intelligence and brain function / David Wenhsler (p.218)
  • Brain injuries and behaviour of rats / L. van der Horst (p.219-220)
  • Les formers musculaires d'expression de la vigilance et leur traduction expérimentale / J. Paillard (p.220-221)
  • Physiological indicants of motivation and of “Arousal” / Robert B. Malmo (p.221-222)
  • Le rôle du tonus dans le dévelopment moteur de la premiére enfance / Mira Stambak (p.222-223)
  • Correlations between psychosensory stimulations and electroencephalography / M. Nistri, A. Devoto, R. Sferlazzo (p.223-224)
  • Theorie der hypnose / Albert Wellek (p.224-225)
  • The effects of lack of sleep on performance / R.T. Wilkinson (p.226)
  • Alterations in perception after brain injury in man / Hans-Lukas Teuber (p.227-235)
  • The neurology of perception / Karl H. Pribram (p.230-231)
  • Studies of the auditory cortex12 / William D. Neff (p. 232-235)
  • Complex visual perception in patients with brain tumor / M.B. Bender, W.S. Battersby, M. Pollack (p.236-257).
  • 1959 v.16 (1-5) : The kinesthetic estimation of distances in relation to the midline of the body in normal persons / N. Amir, S. Kugelmass (p.235-244)
  • Monochromatic brightness functions: A preliminary investigation / Gösta Ekman, Hannes Eisler, Teodor Künnapas (p.245-253)
  • Apperception: A new approach to a forgotten problem / Franz From (p.254-266)
  • The ability to name functions for common objects / Kjell Raaheim (p.267-276)
  • On the significance of factors in studies with a small number of variables / Kullervo Rainio (p.277-289)
  • Selectivity in person perception in different experimental settings / Ragnar Rommetveit, Roar Svalheim (p.290-301)
  • Comparisons between adaptive patterns in two serial experiments / Gudmund J.W. Smith (p.302-315)
  • Attitude formation, personality and family / Per Olav Tiller (p.316-320)
  • The interaction of task difficulty and motivation: The Yerkes-Dodson law revived / P.L. Broadhurst (p. 321-338)
  • Differences in questionnaire responses between English and German nationals / J.C. Brengelmann (p.339-355)
  • Group-structure and group-performance / Mauk Mulder (p.356-402)
  • Piaget's law of relative centrations / Eliane Vurpillot (p.403-430).
  • 1960 v.17 (1-5) : Étude des capacités de définition et d'évocation des mots en fonction de l'age / René Nyssen, Serge Crahay (p. 1-22)
  • The information contained in light / James J. Gibson (p. 23-30)
  • Facial expression and situational cues: Demonstration of logical error in Frijda's report / E.E. Rump (p.31-38)
  • The nature of the relation between two persons and the degree of their influence on each other / J. Ex (p.39-54)
  • A comparison of subjective and objective methods for observation of discussion-groups in personnel selection / S.D. Fokkema, A. Dirkzwager (p. 55-79)
  • A statistical analysis of personality theories / Ronald Taft (p.80-88)
  • Laboratory studies on the psychology of motion-sickness / H. Kottenhoff, L. Lindahl (p.89-91)
  • On using inverting spectacles with children to test their motion sickness susceptibility / H. Kottenhoff (p.92-111)
  • I. A pilot experiment / J.C. Brengelmann, H. Hahn, J.C. Pedley, J.G. Amato (p.113-118)
  • II. FRT reproduction learning analysed by practice stages / J.C. Brengelmann, L. Brengelmann (p.119-147)
  • Supplement to “figural after-effects: An examination of Köhler's theory” / M. K. Malhotra (p.48-153) – Errata (p. )
  • Rhythm: Recent French contributions / Stéphane Ehrlich (p.155-176)
  • The time taken to decide as a measure of subjective probability / John Cohen, C.E.M. Hansel, D.B. Walker (p.177-183)
  • International Union of Scientific Psychology (p.184-192)
  • Convergence and depth perception / C. Otto Roelofs (p.193-217)
  • The response of chronic schizophrenics to verbal signals / N. O'Connor, P.H. Venables (p.218-225)
  • III. FRT immediate recall and recognition learning / J.C. Brengelmann, L. Brengelmann (p.226-252)
  • The dependence of the figural after-effects on the location of the stimuli in the visual field / M.K. Malhotra (p.253-259)
  • Some factors affecting the drawing of abstract designs by elderly “organic” and “functional” psychiatric patients / J.G. Field (p.260-272)
  • Psychology of music: Some European studies / Camille Jacobs (p.273-297)
  • Critical flicker frequency during dark adaptation: The effect of anxiety / G.W. Granger, H. Ikeda (p.298-308)
  • Some experimental contributions to illustrate the delimiting of interest and attitude as psychological phenomena / Wilhelm Sjöstrand (p.309-325)
  • IV. Certainty and output motivation / J.C. Brengelmann (p. 326-356)
  • The influence of instruction in a two-choice probabilistic learning task under partial reinforcement / H.C. Van Der Meer (p.357-376)
  • An application of Osgood's “semantic differential” technique / J.A. Michon (p.377-391)
  • Brightness of monochromatic light as measured by the method of magnitude production / Gösta Ekman, Hannes Eisler, Teodor Künnapas (p. 392-397)
  • Perception / C.J. Adcock (p.398-406)
  • A factorial study of certain scales from the MMPI and the STDCR / C.M. Franks, M.I. Souieff, A.E. Maxwell (p. 407-416)
  • Figural after-effects as a function of age / R.H. Pollack (p.417-423).
  • 1966 v.25 (1-4) : The autobiography of the future as a measure of Riesman’s social types /Warren Bachelis (p.1-11)
  • Information theory and figure perception: The metaphor that failed / R.T. Green, M.C. Courtis (p.12-35)
  • The stroop color-word test: A review / Arthur R. Jensen, William D. Rohwer Jr. (p.36-93)
  • The effect of instructions on the reported duration of a spiral after-effect / John B. Knowles, Caroline Purves, J.F. Oliver (p.94-100)
  • Aspects of the criterion problem in small group research: Behavioral domains to be studied / Irwin Altman (p.101-131)
  • Reaction times to new versus repeated signals in a serial task as a function of response-signal time interval / Paul Bertelson, André Renkin (p. 132-136)
  • Some experiments on the accuracy of self-judgements / J.F.M.C. Aarts (p.37-158)
  • An experiment on some differences in logical thinking between Dutch medical people, under and over the age of 35: A replication experiment / Ermi Cijfer (p. 159-171)
  • Effects of facilitating, neutral and inhibiting instructions on perceptual tasks following brain damage / Ann Lodge (p. 173-198)
  • Constancy and contrast IIIA / H.K.W. Moed (p. 222-292)
  • Expectancy: Application and measurement / A.F. Sanders (p.293-313)
  • Maintenance of behaviour by secondary reinforcement / J.D. Keehn (p.314-333)
  • L'apprentissage de la quantification de l'inclusion et la theorie operatoire / Juan Pascual-Leone, Magali C. Bovet (p.334-356)
  • Apparent shrinkage of a rotating arc as a function of luminance relations between figure and surround / Gordon Stanley (p.357-364)
  • The response style myth an empirical study involving the T-scale / R.T. Green, B.G. Stacey (p.365-372)
  • The effect of background on the Zöllner illusion / G.K. Wallace (p.373-380)
  • Expectancy, performance and self-concept / J. Beijk (p.381-388)
  • Conservation across illusory transformations in young children / David Elkind (p.389-400).
  • 1967 v.26 (1-4) : Decisions involving risk in dyads / Y. Rim (p.1-8)
  • Application of the mosaic test upon Hindus and Muslims / Satya N. Sharma, Bishwa B. Chatterjee (p.9-16)
  • Apparent brightness of a rotating arc-line as a function of speed of rotation / Gordon Stanley (p.17-21)
  • Some functions of gaze-direction in social interaction / Adam Kendon (p.22-63)
  • L'apprentissage de la quantification de l'inclusion et la theorie operatoire: Partie II: Quelques resultats experimentaux nouveaux / Juan Pascual Leone, Magali C. Bovet (p.64-74)
  • Behaviorism and the unconscious / J.D. Keehn (p.75-78)
  • A proof of the unlearning hypothesis / Wanda Budochoska (p.79-88)
  • Social desirability and dimensionality in the sensation-seeking scale / Frank H. Farley (p.89-96)
  • A validation of repertory grid technique as a measure of political construing / Fay Fransella, D. Bannister (p.97-106)
  • Age differences in fluid and crystallized intelligence / John L. Horn, Raymond B. Cattell (p.107-129)
  • Une singulière illusion visuelle: L'Effet Piston apparent / A. Coen-Gelders (p.130-147)
  • Perception without awareness / K. M. Bánréti-Fuchs (p.148-160)
  • Über den affektwert von wortdarstellungen – Eine untersuchung an Kindern / Maria D. Simon (p.161-181)
  • Time perception in children in the absence of external temporal synchronizers / M. L. J. Crawford, D. H. Thor (p.182-188)
  • Perception of simultaneous stroboscopic movements in different directions and the gestalt theory hypothesis of physiological short circuiting / Giovanni C. Zapparoli (p.189-201)
  • About a new polyvalent apparatus of stimulation / Giovanni C. Zapparoli, Franco G. Ferradini (p.202-208)
  • A short report on an interculturally standardized semantic differential: European results / Mathilda J. Jansen, A.J. Smolenaars (p.209-215)
  • Perceptual and response hierarchies in object identification / Arthur Wingfield (p.216-226)
  • The effect of massed versus spaced practice on auditory threshold / R.W. Ramsay, L.C. Utrecht, D. Alkema (p.227-232)
  • Note on perceived movement and apparent displacement / Leonard Brosgole (p.233-235)
  • The relationship between perceived movement and apparent displacement: A reply to Brosgole / Joseph Glick, Seymour Wapner (p. 236-240)
  • Retroactive facilitation in the learning of new responses to old stimuli / Wanda Budohoska (p.241-248)
  • Contradictions and incompatibilities in the self and the ideal-self concept / J. J. Van Der Werff (p.249-256)
  • On the difficulty of reading about the serial color-word test / G. Eberhard Nyman, Gudmund J.W. Smith (p.257-259)
  • Light summation and the perceived length of moving lines / Gordon Stanley (p.260-264) The development of a questionnaire measure of hostility and aggression / R. T. Green, B. G. Stacey (p.265-285)
  • Color association values and response interference on variants of the Stroop test / Karl E. Scheibe, Phillip R. Shaver, Samuel C. Carrier (p.286-295)
  • Constancy and contrast IIIB / H.K.W. Moed (p.297-352)
  • Decision making: Need for achievement and probability preference under change and skill orientation / H. C. van der Meer (p.353-372)
  • The effect of compatibility on grouping successively presented signals / A. F. Sanders (p.373-382)
  • On the unitary nature of extraversion / H.J. Eysenck, Sybil B. G. Eysenck (p.383-390)
  • Belongingness and mental health: Some research findings / Santokh S. Anant (p.391-396)
  • An automated Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory test / P.J. Lewi, A.G. Pinchard (p.397-399).
  • 1967 v.27 : Symposium held at Driebergen
  • 1968 v.28 (1-4) : An analysis of induced motion / Leonard Brosgole (p.1-44)
  • The generality of word-association hierarchies: I. Production and recall of association responses / Ida J. Van Der Made-Van Bekkum, Jitske Prevo-Molenaar (p.45-62)
  • Extremeness, indifference and moderation response sets: A cross-cultural study / M.I. Soueif (p. 63-75)
  • Choice among bets and revision of opinion / A.F. Sanders (p. 76-83)
  • Participation and opinion-change as a function of the sex of the members of two-person groups / D.W. Carment (p. 84-91)
  • Experience of real similarity, sympathy and person perception / J. Ex, J. Schouten (p.92-96)
  • The composition of groups: A review of the literature / W.W. Haythorn (p.97-128)
  • The location of experience: A manifest time orientation / Thomas J. Cottle (p.129-149)
  • Exploration of novelty in children with and without upper C.N.S. lesions and some effects of auditory and visual incentives / Corinne Hutt (p.150-160)
  • Acoustic perception and acoustic memory of letters: Multidimensional ratio scaling and multidimensional similarity / Teodor Künnapas (p.161-170)
  • Perception without awareness: A reply to K.M. Bánréti-Fuchs / N.F. Dixon (p. 171-180)
  • A facilitative effect of prior shocks on: I. Subsequent resistance to consistent shocks / Mohammad Akhtar (p.181-188)
  • A facilitative effect of prior punishments on: II. Subsequent resistance to simple extinction / Mohammad Akhtar (p.189-194)
  • A test of Pavlov's cortical irradiation hypothesis / D.W. Forrest, J. Robinson (p.195-200)
  • A preliminary report on an approach to the problems of interpersonal understanding / Kresten Bjerg (p.201-245)
  • Concerning the preparation for the use of exact methods in editing and interpreting psychological research programs / M.J. Langeveld (p.246-265)
  • The figural after-effects in the reverse direction / M.K. Malhotra (p.266-282)
  • The effect of set on perceived egocentric distance / Walter C. Gogel (p.283-292)
  • A note on a new technique of recording ambulation in the open field test and its validation / H.C. Holland, E. Weldon (p.293-300)
  • New directions for theory and research on rule learning: I. A set-function language / Joseph M. Scandura (p. 301-321)
  • Strategies of search / John Cohen, Peter Meudell (p. 322-343)
  • ‘Unconscious processes’ in concept formation: An empirical fact or a theoretical construction? / Steinar Kvale (p.344-362)
  • A review of research on aesthetic measure / Harold J. McWhinnie (p.363-375)
  • Dominance hierarchies and conflict in eye contact / K.T. Strongman, B.G. Champness (p.376-386)
  • Global self-ratings, the independence of questionnaire drive and anxiety, and social desirability variance / Frank H. Farley (p.387-397)
  • Apparent length of a rotating arc-line as a function of speed of rotation / Gordon Stanley (p.398-403).
  • 1969 v.29 (1-4) : Adaptive regulation of visual after-effect duration and social-emotional adjustment / Alf L. Andersson (p.1-34)
  • Peak experiences and ego permissiveness: An exploratory factor study of their dimensions in normal persons / Ronald Taft (p.35-64)
  • An evaluation of the French, Spanish, and German translations of the MMPI / Kenneth M. Glatt (p. 65-84)
  • Some correlates of extreme response set / J.P. Das, Tapati Dutta ( p.85-92)
  • The sensory-tonic theory of figural after-effect — A failure to replicate /P. McEwen, W.B. Templeton (p. 93-97)
  • New directions for theory and research on rule learning: II. Empirical research / Joseph M. Scandura (p.101-133)
  • Rhythmic registration of movement, apparent movement and apparent rest / Abram R.W. Muijen (p.134-149)
  • On serial scoring of the color word test / Lennart Sjöberg (p. 150-162)
  • Repetition and probability effects in a serial choice reaction task /D.J. Hale (p.163-171)
  • Effects of practice on the validity of a group-administered embedded figures test / Frederick J. Evans (p.172-180)
  • Salivary response and introversion- extraversion / R.W. Ramsay (p.181-187)
  • Effects of GABA and Metrazol and alternation of response / S. N. Sinha, John P. Seward (p.188-194)
  • Piaget on uses and abuses of philosophy / Hans G. Furth (p.195-204)
  • New directions for theory and research on rule learning: III. Analyses and theoretical direction / Joseph M. Scandura (p.205-227)
  • Effects on anticipated delegate status on level of risk taking in small decision-making groups / Nathan Kogan, Willem Doise (p.228-243)
  • A further study of the relation between subjective distance and emotional involvement / Oswald Bratfisch (p.244-255)
  • The apparent movement between visual and acoustic stimulus and the problem of intermodal relations / Giovanni Carlo Zapparoli, Licia L. Reatto (p.256-267)
  • Laboratory studies of repetitive work: IV. Auto-arousal as a determinant of performance in monotonous tasks / K.F.H. Murrell (p.268-278)
  • Steps towards genuine artificial intelligence / A.V. Reader (p.279-289)
  • Augmenters and reducers: A note on a replication failure / Anne Broadhurst, David W. Millard (p.290-296)
  • Latent communication: The objects as vehicles / M. Höweler, A. Vrolijk (p.297-302)
  • Psychometric correlates of the visual evoked potential / R.T. Osborne (p.303-308)
  • On the relationship between spatial localization and eye-movement / ZS. Tánczos (p.309-332)
  • The duration inventory: Subjective extensions of temporal zones / Thomas J. Cottle (p. 333-352)
  • An emphasis-congruence hypothesis in recall / George D. Yonge, Julius M. Sassenrath (p.353-366)
  • Intuitive perceptual judgements and the efficiency of observed decision strategies / G. Lowe (p. 367-375)
  • Clusters of stimuli based on subjective ratio scale information / Leroy A. Stone (p.376-384)
  • Some variations of Bem's interpersonal hunger judgment experiment / David Van Kreveld (p.385-392)
  • Verbal factor in number perception / Stanislav Dornič (p.393-399).
  • 1969 v.30 : Proceedings of the Donders Centenary Symposium on Reaction Time.
  • 1969 v.31 (1-4) : The theory of symbolic transformations / Louis Carini (p. 1-44)
  • The development of the Polish adaptation of the Eysenck's ‘Maudsley Personality Inventory’ / Mieczyslaw Choynowski (p. 45-65)
  • Perception, past experience and the impossible experiment / Gaetang Kanizsa (p. 66-96)
  • Toward understanding the role of tasks in behavioral research / J. Richard Hackman (p. 97-128)
  • The effect of conditional probability of the response signal on the simple reaction time / Jean Requin, Marylin Granjon (p. 129-144)
  • Evaluation of the information throughout flux /Hans Breuer (p. 145-157)
  • The flash-room method — Drawing training for freshman architectural students / Hoyt L. Sherman, Harold J. McWhinnie (p. 158-168)
  • Some relationships between creativity and perception in fourth grade children / Harold McWhinnie (p. 169-175)
  • Two putative measures of cognitive dissonance / Frank H. Farley (p. 176-182)
  • Acquisition of efficiency in two psychomotor tasks as a function of knowledge of results / Vidhu Mohan (p. 183-188)
  • The effect of dark gaps on the apparent length of a moving light line / Gordon Stanley, Jagdish K. Dua (p.189-193)
  • A theory of the human person and its world / M.I. Langeveld (p. 194-196)
  • A generalisation about group behavior /G. Burnand (p. 197-231)
  • Informational context as a determinant of what can be learned / William A. Shaw, Robert J. Seidel (p. 232-260)
  • Psychological consequences of inter-generation mobility: An overview / B.G. Stacey (p. 261-276)
  • A cross cultural study of values and needs /S.W. Johnson, R.J. Stiggins (p. 277-284)
  • The relationship of opinion-strength and order of self-produced arguments to number of arguments produced and opinion change / D.W. Carment, Gillian Foster (p. 285-292)
  • Acoustic confusion in long term memory / Michael M. Gruneberg, Robert N. Sykes (p. 293-296)
  • The effect of time intervals between two shortly spaced acoustic signals on response times to the second / P.J.G. Keuss (p. 297-311)
  • Stereotypes according to ethnic origin, social class and sex / Y. Rim, R. Aloni (p. 312-325)
  • The limited capacity hypothesis and short term memory / Michael M. Gruneberg (p. 326-339)
  • Rouge et noir: Influence of previous play on choice of binary event outcome and size of stake in a gambling situation / John Cohen, L.E. Boyle, A.P.W. Shubsachs (p. 340-352)
  • Personality attributes associated with two measures of cognitive style / George Shouksmith (p. 353-364)
  • A pictorial perception paradox / Jan B. Deregowski (p. 365-374)
  • The role of the felt position of the head in the audiogyral illusion / Gene Lester, R.B. Morant (p. 375-384)
  • A cross-cultural study of belongingness, anxiety and self sufficiency / Santokh S. Anant (p. 385-393)
  • A study of the Bender Gestalt figures and visual perception / Robert M. Allen, Cynthia Adamo (p. 394-396).
  • 1970 v.32 (1-4) : The conservation of number, mother, water and a fried egg chez l'enfant / R.T. Green, V.J. Laxon (p. 1-30)
  • Studies of visual backward masking and a model for the Crawford effect / P.C. Dodwell, L.G. Standing (p.31-47)
  • The behaviour of laboratory rats in a social learning situation / Hilary Oldfield-Box (p. 48-64)
  • The exploration of transition rules in conservation of quantity (substance) using film mediated modeling / Leslie Waghorn, Edmund V. Sullivan (p.65-80)
  • The influence of margins on visual after-effects in the third dimension / Mario Farnè (p.81-90)
  • Some effects of selected pedagogical techniques on the acquisition of socialized thought / Jerry S. Carlson (p. 91-100)
  • Movement coordination in social interaction: Some examples described / Adam Kendon (p. 101-125)
  • Psychometric paradox / M. Nowakowska (p.126-144)
  • A practical guide to estimating intelligence, attainments and intellectual deficit / J.E. Orme (p.145-161)
  • Category width and acquiescence / Peter Murdoch, Paul Paulus (p.162-178)
  • Perception and knowledge of the world / Ruben Ardila (p.179-185)
  • Circadian periodicity in self stimulation with light: Effect of previous light exposure / Donald H. Thor (p. 186-191)
  • Some observations on Ganz's theory / Mario Farnè (p.192-195)
  • Cerebral dominance or lateral preference in motor control /Stuart J. Dimond (p.196-198)
  • A note on ‘the sensory-tonic theory of figural after-effect — A failure to replicate’ / Robert H. Pollack (p.199-201)
  • The XVIIth International congress of applied psychology (p.202-204)
  • Constancy and contrast IIIC / H.K.W. Mofd (p.205-268)
  • Stimulation seeking behaviour and extraversion / Rudolph L. Philipp, Gerald J.S. Wilde (p.269-280)
  • The conditioning of evaluative meaning / B.J. Bakker-De Pree, P.B. Defares, E.J. Zwaan (p.281-289)
  • Influences of the sequence of similar stimuli on paired-associate learning / Mukul K. Dey (p. 290-300)
  • A mathematical model for the transition rule in Piaget's developmental stages / Juan Pascual-Leone (p.301-345)
  • The processing of conceptual information on spatial directions from pictorial and linguistic symbols / Ronald E. Shor (p. 346-365)
  • Divisibility and retention of psychological time / P.A. Vroon (p.366-376)
  • A reassessment of Max Wertheimer's contribution to psychological theory / Louis Carini (p.377-385)
  • A descriptive study of the emphasis-congruence hypothesis in recall / Robert J. Sardello, Michael O'Shea (p.386-393)
  • Acoustic confusion in long term memory: An extension of previous findings / Michael M. Gruneberg, S.J. Colwill, P. Winfrow, R.W. Woods (p.394-398)
  • Drawing-by-seeing: The use of Sherman's flash method with secondary school art students / Paul McDowell, Harold J. McWhinnie (p.399-404).
  • 1970 v.33 : Attention and Performance III : Proceedings of a Symposium on Attention and Performance, held in Soesterberg.
  • 1970 v.34 (1-4) : Curvilinear relationships between creative thinking abilities and personality trait variables / M.I. Soueif, A.M. El-Sayed (p.1-21)
  • The influence of speed and interval variation of serial stimuli on physiological change / A. Kok (p.22-38)
  • Individual differences in signal detection / J.G. Ingham (p.39-50)
  • Extraversion, sex, arousal and olfactory sensitivity / Henry S. Koelega (p.51-66)
  • Concurrent circadian periodicities: Gross activity and self stimulation with light / Donald H. Thor, Ellery Pierson (p. 67-77)
  • Sex differences on tests of visual figural aftereffects / A.W. Pressey (p.78-88)
  • A factor analytic study of perceptual behavior in 4th and 5th grade children / Harold James Mcwhinnie (p. 89-97)
  • Conditional reflexes and learning machines / A.V. Reader (p.98-105)
  • Haidinger's brushes and the perception of polarization: The history to the present of an on-going problem / Gene Lester (p. 106-114)
  • Effects of presented and processed information on duration experience / P.A. Vroon (p. 115-121)
  • Complex cognitive behavior of the rat as a result of learning sign-significate relations / Peter O. Peretti (p.122-128)
  • Logical foundations and measurement of subjective probability / Bruno de Finetti (p. 129-145)
  • Measurement of subjective probability / Carl-Axel S. Staël von Holstein (p.146-159)
  • Learning probabilities of events: An analysis of the problem and its relevance for the study of decision making / Charles A.J. Vlek (p.160-171)
  • Learning probabilities of events: A discussion / David M. Messick (p.172-183)
  • Experiments on probabilistic information processing / Wolfgang Manz (p. 184-200)
  • On the processing of information: Probabilistic and otherwise / Gordon F. Pitz (p.201-213)
  • Utility and risk / Dirk Wendt (p. 214-228)
  • Subjective probability in experimental games / Jaro Krivohlavý (p.229-240)
  • Use of subjective probability in decision making /Václav Břicháček (p.241-253)-- The ‘true probability’ problem / Lawrence D. Phillips (p.254-264)
  • Economics and the probability concept / E. De Leede, J. Koerts (p.265-272)
  • Scoring rules in probability assessment and evaluation / Allan H. Murphy, Robert L. Winkler (p.273-286)
  • Origins of subjective probability / James A. Wise (p.287-299)
  • Aspects of suboptimality in a multidimensional probabilistic information processing task / Charles A.J. Vlek, Lex H.C. Van Der Heijden (p.300-310)
  • A Bayesian analysis of subjective probabilities of interpersonal relationships / Steven P. McNeel, David M. Messick (p.311-321)
  • An application of Bayes' theorem to person perception: The effect of rate of revision and initial revision on the perception of another's age / A.D. Lovie, Ann D.M. Davies (p. 322-327)
  • Psychiatric diagnosis and subjective probabilities / Folkert Beenen (p. 328-337)
  • The utilization of subjective probabilities in production planning / John B. Kidd (p.338-347)
  • Appreciation of conditional probabilities in binary sequences / W.A. Wagenaar (p.348-356)
  • Decision-making in roulette / Brigitte Hochauer (p.357-366)
  • An attempt to demonstrate utility of gambling /Matthias Burisch (p.367-374)
  • Minimization of risk and maximization of expected utility in multistage betting games / Amnon Rapoport (p.375-386)
  • Trend-control in a dynamic decision-making task / Gernot D. Kleiter (p.387-397)
  • The diminishing time-uncertainty with the lapse of time after the warning signal in reaction-time experiments with varying fore-periods / Risto Näätänen (p.399-419)
  • A model of answering to a questionnaire item /Maria Nowakowska (p.420-439)
  • Conceptions of group decision and group conflict applied to vector space: A research model / Karl H. Delhees (p. 440-450)
  • Conceptual uncertainty and the latency of judgements of the congruence of word-shape pairs / Philip H.K. Seymour (p. 451-461)
  • Influence of meaning category on transfer of training and retroactive inhibition in free-recall learning / Mukul K. Dey (p.462-470)
  • An evidence of position association in serial paired-associate learning / Mukul K. Dey (p.471-479)
  • Psychological characteristics of probabilistic inference / Jozef Kozielecki (p.480-488)
  • A dichotomous theory of memory — Unproved and unprovable? / Michael M. Gruneberg(p. 489-496)
  • Attention demand during storage of traces in motor short-term memory / Richard A. Schmidt, Kenneth M. Ascoli (p.497-504)
  • The effect of extraversion and stimulant and depressant drugs on verbal conditioning /B.S. Gupta (p.505-510)
  • Verbal communication length as an index of interpersonal attraction / Marijke Höweler, Arie Vrolijk (p. 511-515)
  • The boundaries of entoptic space and Emmert's law / Ante Fulgosi, Ljerka Fulgosi (p.516-520)
  • The generality of social perception characteristics / Willem Doise, Marisa Zavalloni (p. 521-524)
  • Constancy and contrast IIIc / H.K.W. Moed (p.525-645).
  • 1971 v.35 (1) : Effects on tachistoscopic perception from independent variation of word probability and of letter probability / D.E. Broadbent, M.H.P. Gregory
  • A test of ve-theories of risk and the effect of the central limit theorem / Clyde H. Coombs, James N. Bowen
  • Sex differences in emotional behaviour in mammals including man: Endocrine bases / Jeffrey A. Gray
  • Effects of signal uncertainty on statistical decisions / G. Lowe
  • The role of overt motor rehearsal in kinesthetic recall / George E. Stelmach, Stanley L. Bassin
  • Perceptual analysis from confusions between vowels / L.J.Th. Van Der Kamp, L.C.W. Pols
  • Serial non-randomness as a function of duration and monotony of a randomization task / W.A. Wagenaar.
  • 1971 v.35 (2) : Sex differences in emotional and cognitive behaviour in mammals including man: Adaptive and neural bases / Jeffrey A. Gray, Anthony W.H. Buffery
  • ‘Same’-‘different’ response times: A further test of a ‘counter and clock’ model / Raymond S. Nickerson
  • Probabilistic advance information and the psychological refractory period / A.F. Sanders
  • Effects of extraneous stimulation on afterimage adaptation / Gudmund J.W. Smith, Lena Sjöholm, Alf L. Andersson
  • Discriminating between the frequency of occurrence of two alternative events / D. Vickers, D. Caudrey, R. Willson.
  • 1971 v.35 (3) : Comments on a new risk taking model / J.H. Andriessen
  • On the relation between reaction and motion time in a choice reaction task / S.G. Danev, C.R. de Winter, G.F. Wartna
  • Opinion revision and the influence of corresponding and conflicting adjectives / J.H. de Swart
  • The relationship between speed and accuracy of movement aimed at a target / C.I. Howarth, W.D.A. Beggs, J.M. Bowden
  • Detection of one-, two-, and three-dimensional Markov constraints in visual displays / Irwin Pollack
  • The processing of tachistoscopic displays as a function of effective stimulus duration / A.H.C. van der Heijden
  • Some further investigations of concept learning in incompleted sequential letter patterns / Peter G. Vos.
  • 1971 v.35 (4) : On the principle of odor interaction / Birgitta Berglund, Ulf Berglund, Thomas Lindvall
  • The corneo-retinal potential as the generator of alpha rhythm in the human electroencephalogram / Jean A. Ennever, O.C.J. Lippold, G.E.K. Novotny
  • Conjoint analysis of two concept identification tasks /Rachel Falmagne
  • Psychophysiological reactions to understimulation and overstimulation / Marianne Frankenhaeuser, Bo Nordheden, Anna-Lisa Myrsten, Birgitta Post
  • Anticipation of electric shock: A psychophysical study / Ulf Lundberg, Gösta Ekman, Marianne Frankenhaeuser
  • Non-aging fore-periods and simple reaction time / Risto Näätänen
  • Discriminability scales of number for multiple and fractional estimates / Stanley J. Rule.
  • 1971 v.35 (5) : Timing the transfer of information between hemispheres in man / R. Davis, V. Schmit
  • English and Hebrew consonant memory span related to the structure of the written language / Marcel Kinsbourne, Vicki Cohen
  • Catecholamine excretion in pleasant and unpleasant situations / Paula Pátkai
  • Psychology graduate students' multidimensional perceptions of their psychology faculty / Leroy A. Stone, Gary J. Coles
  • The relation between latency and accuracy in the identification of visual stimuli. I. The effects of task difficulty / J.M. Wilding
  • The relation between latency and accuracy in the identification of visual stimuli. II. The effects of sequential dependencies / J.M. Wilding.
  • 1971 v.35 (6) : Sex differences in emotional behaviour: A reply to Gray and Buffery / John Archer
  • Emotional reaction to past and future events as a function of temporal distance / Gösta Ekman, Ulf Lundberg
  • The separation of individual- and system- influences on behavior in social contexts / H. Scheiblechner
  • Perceptual and judgemental bias in classification of word-shape displays / Philip H.K. Seymour
  • Two techniques for assessment of subjective probability distributions — An experimental study / Carl-Axel S. Staël von Holstein
  • A comparison of albino rats and Mongolian gerbils on the visual cliff / Peter O. Peretti.
  • 1972 v.36 (1) : Spatial relationships and S-R compatibility / John Brebner, Maxine Shephard, Peter Cairney
  • Effects of diagnosticity and prior odds on conservatism in a bookbag-and-pokerchip situation / J.H. De Swart
  • Hemispheric control of hand function in the human brain / Stuart J. Dimond, J.Graham Beaumont
  • Observing-response model and elimination learning / Henri Durup
  • Acoustic confusions and order forgetting / Michael M. Gruneberg, Keith C. Melton
  • Visual search through short digit sequences is self terminating / Marcel Kinsbourne, Nancy Innis
  • Foreperiod duration and the timecourse of preparation / A.F. Sanders
  • Goal-box valence as a determinant of runway performance / Roderick Wong
  • Backward and forward Crawford masking of multiple recognition stimuli / Nigel R. Long
  • 1972 v.36 (2) : Multidimensional scaling according to different vector models for subjective similarity / Bo Ekehammar
  • Anchor effects in comparative judgment and an analysis of response times / Hadyn D. Ellis
  • The effect of frequency variation upon RT to the second of two shortly spaced auditory stimuli / P.J.G. Keuss
  • Bounding of letter sequences and the integration of visually presented words / Paul A. Kolers, Clayton L. Lewis
  • Personality, payoff information, and behavior in a two-person bargaining game / David Mack
  • An explanation of conservatism in the bookbag-and-pokerchips situation / D.F. Marks, J.K. Clarkson
  • Brief auditory storage: A modification of Sperling's paradigm applied to audition / Michel Treisman, A.B. Rostron.
  • 1972 v.36 (3) : The accuracy of aiming at a target: Some further evidence for a theory of intermittent control / W.D.A. Beggs, C.I. Howarth
  • On threshold mechanisms for achromatic and chromatic vision / Maarten A. Bouman, Pieter L. Walraven
  • Some effects of cognitive similarity on proactive and retroactive interference in short-term memory / A.A. Bunt, A.F. Sanders
  • Conservatism as a function of bag composition / J.H. De Swart
  • A measurement model for the effect of mass-media / Gerhard H. Fischer
  • The serial position curve and the distinction between short-and long-term memory / Michael M. Gruneberg
  • Reaction time to the second of two shortly spaced auditory signals both varying in intensity / P.J.G. Keuss
  • Heart rate variability in a binary choice reaction task: an evaluation of some scoring methods / G. Mulder, W.R.E.H. Mulder-Hajonides Van Der Meulen .
  • 1972 v.36 (4) : Observers detecting a signal in two multiple observation tasks / Jose Gaussin
  • The effect of distance between related words on the identification of semantic relationships / Michael M. Gruneberg
  • Regulation of study-time and interstimulus similarity in self-paced learning conditions / Jean-François Le Ny, Guy Denhiere, Danielle Le Taillanter
  • Retention over time in relation to arousal during learning: An explanation of discrepant results / Edward Levonian
  • Personality and system influences on behavior in groups: Frequency models / H. Scheiblechner.
  • 1972 v.36 (5) : Bias in estimates of conditional probabilities and betting behavior as a function of relative frequency and validity of cues in a Cue-Probability Learning task / Marianne Bauer
  • Can Hick's law and Fitts' law be combined? / W.D.A. Beggs, J.C. Graham, T.H. Monk, M.R.W. Shaw, C.I. Howarth
  • Space-time relations: The effects of variations in stimulus and interstimulus interval duration on perceived visual extent / J. Christopher Bill, Leon W. Teft
  • A model for diagnostic problem solving / Józef Kozielecki
  • Detection of suppressed involvement with information through a forced number-guessing technique / Israel Lieblich, Anat Ninio
  • Compensatory tracking performance of children in terms of linear operator theory /N.W.A. Marsh, J.W.K. Chang, E. Rose
  • The relationship between estimated probabilities and achievement motivation / Klaus Schneider.
  • 1972 v.36 (6) : Learning of positive linear functions under two different feedback conditions / L.F.W. De Klerk, S. Oppe, C.L. Truijens
  • The processing of multidimensional information from iconic storage: Perceptual independence and comparative rates of decay / Ken Den Heyer
  • On the nature of the interhemispheric effects of fatigue / Stuart J. Dimond, J.Graham Beaumont
  • The effect of expectation on judgments of odor / Trygg Engen
  • Effects of foreperiod interval upon reaction time, alpha blocking, and heart rate under variable conditions with reduced learning factors / Shoji Kakigi, Hayao Imashioya
  • The codability of kinesthetic location and distance information / Ronald G. Marteniuk, Eric A. Roy
  • Dominance-ascendance and behavior in the reiterated prisoner's dilemma game / Michael F. Moore, David Mack
  • Time uncertainty and occurence uncertainty of the stimulus in a simple reaction time task / Risto Näätänen.
  • 1973 v.37 (1) : Stimulus probability and prediction outcome as determinants of choice reaction time: Some procedural considerations / E.Scott Geller, Charles P. Whitman, David S. Post
  • Adaptation-level and theory of signal detection: An examination and integration of two judgment models for voluntary stimulus generalization / John A. Hébert
  • Interindividual differences in homomodal and heteromodal scaling / Teodor Künnapas, Lennart Hallsten, Gunilla Söderberg
  • Study-time of sentences as a function of their specificity and of semantic exploration / Jean-François Le Ny, Guy Denhière, Danielle Le Taillanter
  • Conservatism as non-Bayesian performance: A reply to De Swart / D.F. Marks, J.K. Clarkson
  • association and categorisation effects on free recall / W.A. Matthews
  • Time course of the iconic memory signal / F.L.J. Vanthoor, E.G.J. Eijkman.
  • 1973 v.37 (2) : Transfer between the cerebral hemispheres in human learning / J.Graham Beaumont, Stuart J. Dimond
  • S-R compatibility and changes in RT with practice / John Brebner
  • Detection of informational constraints related to multi-variate visual displays / Irwin Pollack
  • The assessment of subjective probability distributions: A training experiment / Ralf E. Schaefer, Katrin Borcherding
  • Rule identity classification of name and shape stimuli / Philip H.K. Seymour
  • A revision of the psychological refractory period / Frank J. Tolkmitt.
  • 1973 v.37 (3) : Expectation theories of decision making for duplex gambles / W.G. Davenport, M.A. Middleton
  • Slow potential changes and choice reaction time as a function of interstimulus interval / A.W. Gaillard, R. Näätänen
  • An investigation into response blockaging / Michael M. Gruneberg, Roger L. Smith, Paul Winfrow
  • The internal representation of simple geometric networks: Experiments with sequential part presentation / W.H. Janssen, J.A. Michon-- Effects of time uncertainty on the time-course of preparatory processes in cats performing a RT task / Françoise Macar, Nicole Vitton, Jean Requin.
  • 1973 v.37 (4) : Visual and verbal coding in the interhemispheric transfer of information / R. Davis, V. Schmit
  • Asymmetry in perception: Attention versus other determinants / Henry L. Dee, H.Julia Hannay
  • A possible artifact in serial response behavior / Shirley Fisher
  • Two components and two stages in search performance: A case study in visual search / W. Prinz, D. Ataian
  • Time reproductions by H.M. / Whitman Richards
  • The reply of Marks and Clarkson reconsidered / J.H. De Swart.
  • 1973 v.37 (5) : Selectivity versus summation in multiple observation tasks: Evidence with spectrum parameter noise in speech / Mark Haggard
  • The relation between prediction outcome and choice reaction speed: Comments on the study of Geller et al.(1973) / Len F.W. de Klerk, Ed. Eerland
  • The effect of an additional task on recall accuracy in serial short term memory: Preemption of rehearsal or acquisition? / Stanley M. Moss, Andries F. Sanders
  • Logical and memory processes in a unidimensional concept identification task by children and adults / Jean-François Richard, Evelyne Cauzinille, Jacques Mathieu
  • Feedback — A determiner of forgetting in short-term motor memory / George E. Stelmach.
  • 1973 v.37 (6) : Immediate and short memory: Recall of simple auditory stimuli / W. Budohoska, B. Czachowska-Malycha, J. Jarymowicz, L. Szymanski
  • Ear asymmetry in perception of emotional non-verbal stimuli / Amiram Carmon, Israel Nachshon
  • The linear logistic test model as an instrument in educational research / Gerhard H. Fischer
  • Depth of visual information processing / Irwin Pollack
  • Short term serial recall of mixed auditory and visual lists: PAS or rehearsal? / Andries F. Sanders, Stanley M. Moss.
  • 1974 v.38 (1) : An empirical test for Fishburn's additivity axiom / Luc Delbeke, Jos Fauville
  • Structural stimulus complexity: One factor influencing the clarity of iconic storage / Ken Den Heyer
  • Is there a memory for sentences? / Giovanni B. Flores D'Arcais
  • An empirical test of two psychophysical models / Virgil Graf, John C. Baird, Glen Glesman
  • Context control of search behavior: Evidence from a ‘Hurdling’-technique / Wolfgang Prinz, Rosemarie Tweer, Rolf Feige.
  • 1974 v.38 (2) : Symmetry and discrimination learning / J.B. Dergowski, Diane Ellis
  • The effect of set size on the latency to name words / Angus R.H. Gellatly, Vernon H. Gregg
  • Response times and inspection times in n-value concept learning / K.J. Gilhooly
  • Similarity judgments modified by feedback / R.A.M. Gregson
  • Task requirement and hemifield asymmetry in tachistoscopic partial report performance / Eckart Scheerer
  • The role of hemispheric specialization in the analysis of stroop stimuli / V. Schmit, R. Davis.
  • 1974 v.38 (3) : The effects of noise on the performance of simultaneous interpreters: Accuracy of performance / David Gerver
  • Some evidence for a selfterminating process in simple visual search tasks / A.H.C. Van der Herjden, H.W. Menckenberg
  • Decisions of timing in bipolarized conflict situations with complete information / James P. Kahan, Amnon Rapoport
  • An analysis of the stages underlying the process of responding to personality items / T.B. Rogers
  • Application of the Bower and Trabasso theory to four-category concept learning with probabilistic feedback / Jens Wandmacher, Dirk Vorberg
  • Oculomotor control and occipital alpha activity: A review and a hypothesis / A.H. Wertheim.
  • 1974 v.38 (4) : Feeling of knowing and cued recall / Michael M. Gruneberg, Joseph Monks
  • Eye movements and visual imagery in free recall / Wiel H. Janssen, Calvin F. Nodine
  • Hick's law revisited / Colin Kirkby
  • Aniseikonia I. The influence of the magnification percentage of afocal meridional lenses on the magnitude of the stereoscopic depth effect / H.C. van der Meer
  • Aniseikonia II. The influence of vertical and horizontal aniseikonia on the orientation of longitudinal horopters / H.C. van der Meer
  • Sequential effects in visual search / Timothy H. Monk
  • Some components of colour-word interference and their relationship with field dependence / Colette Ray
  • Adding and averaging angles: Comparison of haptic-visual and visual-visual information integration / Gordon Stanley.
  • 1974 v.38 (5) : A note comparing three measures of subjective probability, their validity and reliability / Alan Branthwaite
  • Scanning for reserved and rotated targets / Uta Frith
  • Laterality effects in risk preference: A test of portfolio theory /Ralph Hall, Robyn Weir
  • Intertrial dependence in detection and recognition tasks / Ranald R. MacDonald
  • The motor system in simple reaction time experiments / L.M.M. Meijers, E.G.J. Eijkman
  • Speed-accuracy tradeoff models for auditory detection with deadlines / Ray Pike, Ken; McFarland, Len Dalgleish
  • ffect of size of angle on the ambiguous Müller-Lyer illusion / Alexander W. Pressey
  • The influence of response compatibility on a semantic classification task / A.J. Sanford, P.H.K. Seymour
  • The influence of figure size and orientation on the magnitude of the horizontal-vertical illusion / Jack G. Thompson, H.R. Schiffman.
  • 1974 v.38 (6) : No retinal component in prism adaptation / Martin Crawshaw, Brian Craske
  • The possible influence of imagery upon retrieval and representation in LTM / Jesús G. Figueroa, Victor M. Solis, Esther G. Gonzalez
  • Sequences of similarity judgments as time series / R.A.M. Gregson
  • Judgments of temporal duration while processing verbal and physiognomic stimuli / Robert E. Hicks, Robert M. Brundige
  • Effects of inter-signal interval regularity on increase in reaction time in a one hour auditory monitoring task / Hans-Olof Lisper, Jan Törnros
  • Timing of expectancy peak in simple reaction time situation / R. Näätänen, V. Muranen, A. Merisalo
  • Brief auditory storage: Some further observations / A.B. Rostron
  • Effects of stimulus discriminability on the latency distribution of identification responses / J.M. Wilding.
  • 1975 v.39 (1) : Temporal precision of coding as a basic factor of laterality effects in the retention of verbal auditory stimuli / H.G. Bosshardt, H. Hörmann
  • A comparison of binary and rating techniques in the signal detection analysis of recognition memory / Rick M. Gardner, Michael Macfee, Richard Krinsky
  • Some evidence for a limited capacity parallel selfterminating process in simple visual search tasks / A.H.C. van der Heijden
  • Simple reaction time with very small imperative- stimulus probabilities / Risto Näätänen, Pirjo Koskinen
  • The processing of affectively-toned words in incidental learning: A test of differential acquisition and response bias hypotheses / David A. Routh, Sian Ellis
  • Prediction outcome and choice reaction time: Inhibition versus facilitation effects / E.Scott Geller
  • Averaging versus multiplying combination rules of inference judgment / James Shanteau.
  • 1975 v.39 (2) : Individual differences in speed of phonemic analysis, visual analysis, and reading / Jonathan Baron, Brian J. McKillop
  • Interhemispheric transfer of figural information in right- and non-right-handed subjects / Graham Beaumont, Stuart Dimond
  • Latencies and confidence in n-value concept learning / K.J. Gilhooly
  • Generalized and lateralized effects of concurrent verbal rehearsal upon performance of sequential movements of the fingers by the left and right hands / Robert E. Hicks, Frank J. Provenzano, Etta D. Rybstein
  • Concept identification with natural material / Tarow Indow, Michiko Kobayashi, Sayoko Dewa
  • Interaction of concurrent generative and expressive activity in production of typewritten lists / P.H.K. Seymour, A.J. Sanford
  • EEG alpha rhythm, ocular activity and basal skin resistance / M.N. Verbaten, J.N.R. Beaujon, W. Sjouw.
  • 1975 v.39 (3) : A model for free recall of two lists: Individual recall sequences and the effect of list-2-dominance / D. Albert, U. Schulz
  • Lateral stimulus-response compatibility effects in the oculomotor system / J.H. Bertera, J.R. Callan, O.A. Parsons, V. Pishkin
  • A comparison of attentional and control shift models of the performance of concurrent tasks / Gary G. Briggs
  • Selective preparation and time uncertainty / Daniel Holender, Paul Bertelson
  • Sequential effects in an eight choice serial reaction time task / N.H. Kirby
  • Decay and interference effects in motor short-term memory / R.G. Marteniuk, G.L. Diewert
  • Stevens vs Fechner: A plea for dismissal of the case / Willem A. Wagenaar
  • The acoustic similarity effect / Donald Marcer.
  • 1975 v.39 (4) : Cumulative learning and long-term retention of sentences / M.F. Ehrlich
  • Detection of one-, two-, and three-dimensional Markov constraints in visual displays II: Multistate displays / Irwin Pollack
  • High order sequential effects and the negative gradient of the relationship between simple reaction-time and foreperiod duration / C.A. Possamaï, M. Granjon, G. Reynard, J. Requin
  • Parafoveal identification during a fixation in reading / Keith Rayner
  • Retinal painting and visual information storage / G. Stanley, M. Molloy
  • Analysis of time required by children for simple additions / Ola Svenson
  • Arousal and memory: Phasic measures of arousal in a free recall task / Linda R. Warren, Leigh J. Harris
  • Warm-up effects in the learning of discrete motor skills / Craig A. Wrisberg, Alan W. Salmoni, Richard A. Schmidt.
  • 1975 v.39 (5) : Sequential effects of foreperiod duration and conditional probability of the signal in a choice reaction time task / Jesus Alegria, Martine Delhaye-Rembaux
  • Bisensory order judgement and the prior entry hypothesis / Peter T. Cairney
  • The use of contact lenses for the lateralisation of visual input in man / S.J. Dimond, J. Bureš, L.J. Farrington, E.Y.M. Brouwers
  • Information processing and human sequential predictive behavior / Walter Hussy
  • Lateral differences in tachistoscopic recognition of bilaterally presented verbal material / Irène Kaufer, José Morais, Paul Bertelson
  • Some temporal factors in the successive comparison of auditory amplitudes / Glenis R. Long
  • Processing capacity requirements of stimulus encoding / K. Millar.
  • 1975 v.39 (6) : Learning of lists of properties related to familiar objects / Genevie`ve Bramaud Du Boucheron
  • Towards a new reconciliation of Stevens' and Helson's approaches to psychophysics: A tentative solution of the Stevens-Greenbaum puzzle / H.-G. Geissler
  • The effect of irrelevant spatial correspondences on two-choice response-time /A. Hedge, N.W.A. Marsh
  • A new visual illusion: Neonlike color spreading and complementary color induction between subjective contours / H.F.J.M. van Tuijl
  • A developmental study of the influence of cognitive activity on an ongoing manual task / K. McFarland, R. Ashton
  • Organisational processes in free recall / W.A. Matthews, A.J. Waring
  • Effects of a coactor's prediction on latencies to predict and indentify stimuli / E. Scott Geller
  • Risky decision: Attention effects or masking effects? / Michael A. Zagorski
  • A note on the interference between verbal output and a cognitive task / A.I. Henderson.
  • 1976 v.40 (1) : Auditory similarity and the independence of short- and long-term memory / Richard S. Cimbalo, Jacqueline M. Baldwin, Linda L. Neider
  • Word-list learning and short-term memory / Daniel Gaonac'h
  • Transition structure versus commitment in sequential subjective probability revision / Duncan Godden
  • Complexity as a determinant of visual field effects for random forms / H.Julia Hannay, Judith P. Rogers, Roy F. Durant
  • Selective interference in paired-associate and free recall learning: Messing up the image / Wiel H. Janssen
  • Evidence for an outflow theory of skill / Bill Jones, Martyn R. Hulme
  • An inquiry into the process of temporal orientation / Asher Koriat, Baruch Fischhoff, Ofra Razel
  • Effects of time stress and stimulus-response set size on the efficiency of detection of involvement with suppressed information through the use of the forced number-guessing technique / Israel Lieblich, Esther Shaham, Anat Ninio.
  • 1976 v.40 (2) : Necessity and contingency in reasoning / P.C. van Duyne
  • The influence of shape on apparent area: A new demonstration / Jeremy J. Foster
  • The detection of structure in visual displays / Christopher D. Frith
  • Polynomial psychophysics of risk for selected business faculty / F.Hutton Barron
  • Filling short-term memory / Robert M. Levy, John W. Pittner
  • Short-term retention of visually presented stimuli: Some evidence of visual encoding / R.S. Nickerson
  • The role of the response in psychological refractoriness / Derek R. Wakelin.
  • 1976 v.40 (3) : Some limiting conditions of Crowder's context effect / A.A. Bunt
  • The relationship between structural stimulus complexity and clarity of iconic storage under a backward masking paradigm / Ken Den Heyer, Brenda Ryan, Jerome MacDonald
  • On a bias induced by the provision of feedback in psychophysical experiments / Donald G. Jamieson, William M. Petrusic
  • Sequential effects in an eight choice serial reaction time task using compatible and incompatible stimulus-response arrangements / N.H. Kirby
  • Long-term recognition memory for sentences / Carla J. Posnansky, Keith Rayner
  • Amphetamine and barbiturate effects on two tasks performed singly and in combination / C.L. Truijens, D.A. Trumbo, W.A. Wagenaar
  • Speech control and single channelness / G.P. Van Galen, G. Ten Hoopen.
  • 1976 v.40 (4) : Motion information in iconic memory / Pamelia Demkiw, Claire F. Michaels
  • Effect of information feedback upon intertrial consistency of time judgment / Robert E. Hicks
  • Encoding and retrieval processes in retroactive inhibition / H.H.J. Kolk
  • Dominance of accuracy information and neglect of base rates in probability estimation / Don Lyon, Paul Slovic
  • Elimination by aspects as a decision rule for risky choice / R.H. Ranyard
  • The effects of adaptation to stereoscopic depth and to uniocular image magnification on the duration of short-term visual storage / H.C. Van der Meer
  • A note on Shanteau's ‘averaging versus multiplying combination rules of inference judgment’ / Thomas S. Wallsten
  • Response generation: Type of analysis and the limited capacity hypothesis / S. Weigersma.
  • 1976 v.40 (5) : Testing tapping timesharing, II: Auditory secondary task / Barry H. Kantowitz, James L. Knight Jr.
  • Stimulus encoding and clustering of responses in a RI-paradigm / H.H.J. Kolk
  • Studying preferential choice without stable probability estimates: temporal transitivity analyses / William M. Petrusic, Donald G. Jamieson
  • A model of temporal tracking / P. Reece
  • Word-frequency and phonemic similarity in a word avoidance task / Philip T. Smith, Helena Smith, Keith F. Jones.
  • 1976 v.40 (6) : Context effects in short-term memory: confirmatory evidence from recall of visually presented lists / A.A. Bunt
  • Psychophysical discontinuity and pseudosequence effects / Robert A.M. Gregson
  • Stimulus imagery and the effect of response categorization on recall in retroactive inhibition / H.H.J. Kolk
  • The recovery of incidentally acquired information / Asher Koriat, Nili Feuerstein
  • Sequential estimations of time / Pieter A. Vroon
  • The discrimination of brief temporal intervals / Jack G. Thompson, H.Richard Schiffman, Douglas J. Bobko.
  • 1977 v.41 (1) : Multidimensional similarity: an experimental and theoretical comparison of vector, distance, and set theoretical models: I. Models and internal consistency of data / Hannes Eisler, Edward E. Roskam
  • Foreperiod effect on time estimation and simple reaction time / Suchoon S. Mo, Edward J. George
  • Subject differences in input and output transformations from magnitude estimation of differences / Stanley J. Rule, Dwight W. Curtis
  • Speed-accuracy tradeoff and information processing dynamics / Wayne A. Wickelgren.
  • 1977 v.41 (2-3) : A polynomial theory of risk / Teri A. Berger
  • The influence of order of presentation and characteristics of the datagenerator on opinion revision / J.H. De Swart, R.I.G. Tonkens
  • Intramodal and intermodal transfer of movement information / Gordon L. Diewert, George E. Stelmach
  • Proportionality and sample size as factors in intuitive statistical judgement / J.St.B.T. Evans, A.E. Dusoir
  • Transmarginal inhibition in a reaction time task as a function of extraversion and neuroticism / P.J.G. Keuss, J.F. Orlebeke
  • A study of memory pointers / Asher Koriat, Israel Lieblich
  • Stars and chains: A model for continued associations / Iris Levin, Shlomo Breznitz
  • Temporal uncertainty of auditory signals in a monitoring task: Effects of inter-signal interval length and regularity on increase in reaction time / Hans-Olof Lisper, et al.
  • Holes in the fabric of subjective time: Figure-ground relations in event sequences / John A. Michon
  • Adjustments to redundancy in reaction time: A comparison of three learning methods / Jeffery J. Summers
  • Strong ordinal properties of an additive model for the sequential processing of probabilistic information / Thomas S. Wallsten, Mary Manley Sapp.
  • 1977 v.41 (4) : Emotional response to films shown to the right or left hemisphere of the brain measured by heart rate / Stuart J. Dimond, Linda Farrington
  • A stochastic model for the analysis of discrimination tasks / J. Leplat, M. Chesnais
  • Bilateral electrodermal activity in waking man / Michael S. Myslobodsky, Jack Rattok
  • Information underload: Recognition of slowly-presented alphabetic characters / Irwin Pollack
  • Temporal structure of performed music: Some preliminary observations / Dirk-Jan Povel
  • Empirical approaches to information processing: Speed-accuracy tradeoff functions or reaction time / John C. Schmitt, C.James Scheirer
  • Neural quantum theory: How strongly does the occurrence of rational intercept ratios support it? / Michel Treisman.
  • 1977 v.41 (5) : Multidimensional similarity: An experimental and theoretical comparison of vector, distance, and set theoretical models II. Multidimensional analyses: The subjective space / Hannes Eisler, Edward E. Roskam
  • Some methodological problems with feeling of knowing studies / Michael M. Gruneberg, Joe Monks, Robert N. Sykes
  • Human information processing and intelligence / Walter Hussy, Reinhold Scheller
  • Parallel processing and the psychological refractory period / Peter McLeod
  • Toward a structural analysis of event experience / Seymour Wapner, Paulette Lebensfeld Schwartz
  • Statistical dependence in response timing: A critique of Reece 1976 / Alan M. Wing, A.B. Kristofferson
  • Habituation of the electrodermal response as a function of stimulus similarity / J.G. O'Gorman, B. Crassini.
  • 1977 v.41 (6) : Isolation effect: Overall list facilitation in short-term memory / Richard S. Cimbalo, et al.
  • Pattern similarity and cognitive transformations / Shiro Imai
  • Risky decisions which violate transitivity and double cancellation / R.H. Ranyard
  • The role of converging lines on the perception of vertical lines: A Ponzo illusion variant / H.R. Schiffman, Jack G. Thompson
  • The relation between cue salience and learning rate in concept identification. A test of the Trabasso-Bower model / André Vandierendonck
  • What is learned in concept identification: Evidence for Two-Stage theories from an analysis of response subsequences / Dirk Vorberg
  • Attention allocation and the relationship between primary and secondary task difficulty. A reply to Kantowitz and Knight / David M. Lane.
  • 1978 v.42 (1) : Sequential effects of catch-trials on choice reaction time / Jesus Alegria
  • Defining the boundary in a positioning task / Leslie Buck
  • Experimental evidence for the similarity of personality and attitude item responding / T.B. Rogers
  • Proactive interference in immediate serial recall / A.F. Sanders, E.M. Willemsen
  • Frequency estimation in verbal learning / Rainer Schmidt
  • Abstractness and prose comprehension / Jay L. Sherman, Raymond W. Kulhavy
  • Problems in the study of response timing: Comments on Reece's (1976) ‘A model of temporal tracking’ / Dirk Vorberg
  • On the accuracy of speed-accuracy tradeoff / Barry H. Kantowitz.
  • 1978 v.42 (2) : Muscle tension, skin conductance, and finger pulse volume: Asymmetries as a function of cognitive demands / George M. Diekhoff, et al.
  • Knowledge of speaker's voice and release from proactive inhibition / John M. Gardiner, Hilary Klee
  • The role of a guessing strategy in the Bransford-Franks paradigm / Stuart Katz, Michael F. Holland
  • Transfer effects in isomorphic problem situations / George F. Luger, Michael A. Bauer
  • The course of proactive interference in immediate probed recall / A.F. Sanders, E.M. Willemsen
  • Coding processes in preselected and constrained movements: Effect of vision / J.A. Scott Kelso, George A. Frekany
  • When is an easy task difficult and vice versa? A reply to lane / Barry H. Kantowitz, James L. Knight Jr.
  • 1978 v.42 (3) : Effects of concurrent verbal rehearsal and temporal set upon judgements of temporal duration / George W. Miller, et al.
  • A suppressing effect of response selection on immediate arousal in a choice reaction task / A.F. Sanders, J.E.B. Andriessen
  • The retention of nouns, adjectives, and verbs of sentences / Ralph Y. Sasson, Conrad La Riviere
  • Global attributes in visual word recognition: Contour perception of three-letter strings / C.W.J. Schiepers
  • Effects of UCS intensity and postpeak acquisition trials on classical conditioning of the SCR / Avrum I. Silver, et al.
  • An investigation of possible response effects on the latency distribution of identification responses / J.M. Wilding.
  • 1978 v.42 (4) : Imagery ability and the identification of hands: A chronometric analysis / Rod Ashton, Ken McFarland, Frank Walsh, Ken White
  • Effects of amphetamine and barbiturate in a serial reaction task under paced and self-paced conditions / H.W. Frowein, A.F. Sanders
  • A cognitive multivariate time series and its analysis / R.A.M. Gregson
  • Beyond subitizing: Is estimation of numerousness a continuous process? / Ruth Guttman
  • A developmental study of children's preferences for paintings / George W. Hardiman, Theodore Zernich
  • Early selective-attention effect on evoked potential reinterpreted / R. Näätänen, A.W.K. Gaillard, S. Mäntysalo
  • Looking where you listen: visual cues and auditory attention / Daniel Reisberg.
  • 1978 v.42 (5) : Expected risk and single-peaked preferences / K.Michael Aschenbrenner
  • Development of lateral asymmetry in the perception of sequentially touched fingers / Dirk J. Bakker, Pien C.M. van der Kleij
  • Effects of implementing (APA) ethical principles in collecting classroom data / John P. Dolly, Vana H. Meredith
  • Hemispheric asymmetry for dichotically-presented chords in musicians and non-musicians, males and females / Harold W. Gordon
  • Response conflict theory, error rates and hybrid processing: A reply to McLeod / Barry H. Kantowitz
  • The effects of S-R uncertainty in the PRP paradigm: A reply to Kantowitz / Peter McLeod
  • ‘Warm’ and ‘cold’ personality factors in human sexuality / Peter O. Peretti, Jennifer Gravitt
  • Polynomial psychophysics of group risk perception / Henry B. Person, F.Hutton Barron
  • The relation between subjective distance and emotional involvement: Further experiment / Andrzej Strzalecki.
  • 1978 v.42 (6) : Organizational factors in picture recognition memory / R.E. Franken, G.L. Rowland
  • The role of gaze in dialogue / B.J. Hedge, B.S. Everitt, C.D. Frith
  • Vision, proprioception and corollary discharge in a movement recall test / Judith I. Laszlo, Gary R. Ward
  • A right-ear advantage in monotic shadowing / M.R. Murray, S.J. Richards.
  • 1979 v.43 (1) : Application of signal detection theory to perception of differences in line length / Anne-Marie Bonnel, Georges Noizet
  • The compatibility of spatial and non-spatial relationships / John Brebner
  • Prism adaptation while tracking and saccading / Brian Craske, Martin Crawshaw
  • Some exploratory experiments on memory for photographs of faces / Richard J. Phillips
  • Physiological activity in an attribute learning task / J.H. De Swart, E.A. Das-Smaal
  • Dual-task interference as a function of cognitive processing load / Leslie A. Whitaker.
  • 1979 v.43 (2) : Lateral asymmetries of orientation to track control in extrapersonal space / J.G. Beaumont
  • Hemispheric emotional asymmetry in a dichotic listening task / Alan A. Beaton
  • Peudodiagnosticity / Michael E. Doherty, et al.
  • Repetition of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ responses with a different number of response alternatives in study and test trial / Géry d'Ydewalle
  • Comparisons of learning procedures: Effects of constant and random presentations / Chizuko Izawa
  • Effects of perception versus imagery on later recognition of visual patterns / Edward H. Lichtenstein, Gideon Keren
  • Effects of white noise and irrelevant information on speeded classification: A developmental study / Johan von Wright, Lasse Nurmi.
  • 1979 v.43 (3) : The repetition effect in time judgements is not a function of the intensity of the stimulus defining the interval: Implications for an arousal theory / Deborah A. Allen, Robert E. Hicks
  • Autonomic responsivity of subjects with body boundary differences during white noise stimulation / Nico Cloete
  • Slow cortical and heart rate correlates of discrimination performance / A.W.K. Gaillard, J. Perdok
  • Choice reaction performance following an error / Donald Laming
  • Word recognition in loud noise / Keith Millar
  • The pond-and-duckweed problem; Three experiments on the misperception of exponential growth / Willem A. Wagenaar, Han Timmers.
  • 1979 v.43 (4) : Visual imagery ability and the recognition of verbal and nonverbal stimuli / Carole H. Ernest
  • Estimation tests as a means of quantifying linguistic expectancy / Deborah Gil-Günzburger
  • Attention-switching and grouping in counting interaurally presented clicks / Gert ten Hoopen, Joos Vos
  • Stimulus intensity effects on auditory and visual reaction processes / Pekka Niemi
  • Have you been to Paris? / Benny Shanon.
  • 1979 v.43 (5) : Empirical approaches to information processing: Speed-accuracy tradeoff functions or reaction time — a reply / Barbara Anne Dosher
  • Counting eliminates the repetition effect in judgments of temporal duration / Robert E. Hicks, Deborah A. Allen
  • Anatomic and environmental dimensions of stimulus-response compatibility: implication for theories of memory coding / Stuart T. Klapp, et al.
  • Autocorrelation of choice-reaction times / Donald Laming
  • The role of lateral masking and orthographic structure in letter and word recognition / Dominic W. Massaro, David Klitzke
  • Cardiac and electromyographic indices of attention: Suggested situational adaptation effects / M.T. O'Neill, J.W. Hinton.
  • 1979 v.43 (6) : A critical comparison of two random-walk models for two-choice reaction time / Donald Laming
  • Kinetic and static imagery in sentence memory / Stephen E. Newstead, Stuart Blackley
  • Yesterday, today and tomorrow / Benny Shanon
  • Strategies used by children when solving simple subtractions / Ola Svenson, Maj-Lene Hedenborg
  • The effect of repetition on search through active memory / David C. Young.
  • 1980 v.44 (1) : Visual bias in guided and pre-selected movements / Mary M. Smyth
  • Influencesicture context on object recognition / James R. Antes, Richard L. Metzger
  • Location vs. frequency of pure tones as a basis of fast discrimination / Risto Näätänen, Rauli Porkka, Antti Merisalo, Seppo Ahtola
  • Processing and storage explanations of the modality effect / Lars-Göran Nilsson, Kjell Ohlsson, Jerker Rönnberg
  • Imagery ability and the identification of fragmented pictures and words / Carole H. Ernest
  • Attention demands of movements as a function of their duration and velocity / K.M. Newell, L.E.F. Hoshizaki
  • The case against a speech mode of perception / M.E.H. Schouten
  • 1980 v.44 (2) : Attention to words in different modalities: Four-channel presentation with physical and semantic selection / Maryanne Martin
  • Memory for movement: Interaction of location and distance cues and imagery ability /Warren D. Walsh, David G. Russell, Kuniyasu Imanaka
  • Sensory modality and method of item information presentation in memory / Chizuko Izawa, Robert G. Hayden, Kathryn L. Isham
  • Slow brain potentials in the CNV-paradigm / A.W.K. Gaillard, J. Perdok
  • Sequential motor ability of left-handed inverted and non-inverted writers / John I. Todor
  • Sequential effects in two-choice reaction time: Subjective expectancy and automatic after- effect at short response-stimulus intervals / Karel R. Vervaeck, Louis C. Boer
  • The influence of catch trial frequency on simple reaction time / Eric Buckolz, Rebecca Rodgers
  • Effect of cue validity on learning of complex rules in probabilistic inference tasks / Berndt Brehmer.
  • 1980 v.44 (3) : The base-rate fallacy in probability judgments / Maya Bar-Hillel
  • Decision making and hemispheric specialization / Bill Jones
  • Effect of list length on recall after dichotomous visual presentation / Maryanne Martin
  • Channel capacity and processing of modality specific information / Jerker Rönnberg, Kjell Ohlsson
  • Attribute models and the effect of frequency and imagery values on word recognition / G. Wolters
  • Reaction time to letter name or letter case / Ronald A. Cole, Ralph Norman Haber.
  • 1980 v.45 (1-3) : Speculations about decision-theoretic aids for personal decision making / Helmut Jungermann
  • Hierarchical goal structuring and pupils' job choices: Testing a decision aid in the field / K.Michael Aschenbrenner, and others
  • Experiences with MAUD: Aiding decision structuring versus bootstrapping the decision maker / Patrick Humphreys, Wendy McFadden
  • Structuring decision problems for decision analysis / Detlof von Winterfeldt
  • Decision behavior in urban development: A methodological approach and substantive considerations / Robin M. Hogarth, Claude Michaud, Jean-Louis Mery
  • Volitional problems in carrying through a difficult decision / Lennart Sjöberg
  • Emotion and decision making /Masanao Toda
  • Test of an ordering hypothesis in risky decision making / Lola L. Lopes, Per-Håkan S. Ekberg
  • Information seeking in open decision situations / Tibor Engländer, Tadeusz Tyszka
  • Attractiveness of decision rules / Thomas Adelbratt, Henry Montgomery
  • The influence of some task variables on cognitive operations in an information-processing decision model / Oswald Huber
  • On the validation of descriptive models of decision-making / Francis D. Tuggle, F.Hutton Barron
  • Studies of a model for evaluating judicial evidence / Robert W. Goldsmith
  • In one word: Not from experience / Berndt Brehmer
  • Organisational structure and decision technology / Lawrence D. Phillips
  • Decision-making and strategic social planning / Lars Ingelstam
  • Rational and personal aspects of risk / Charles Vlek, Pieter-Jan Stallen
  • The risks of risk analysis / Lennart Sjöberg
  • Philosophy of decision making / Klemens Szaniawski
  • Decision emergence: A Lewinian perspective / Lee Roy Beach, James A. Wise.
  • 1980 v.46 (1) : Predicting spatial ability from hemispheric ‘non-verbal’ lateralisation: Sex, handedness and task differences implicate encoding strategy effects / Paul Birkett
  • The identification and transfer of timesharing skills / Diane L. Damos, Christopher D. Wickens
  • Cerebral hemispheres and selective attention / Yves Guiard
  • Memory for numbers in monolinguals and bilinguals / Edith Mägiste
  • A new technique for investigating the feeling of knowing / Thomas O. Nelson, Louis Narens.
  • 1980 v.46 (2) : A watched pot sometimes boils: a study of duration experience / Richard A. Block, and others
  • Perceptual centres for Dutch digits / Paul A. Eling, and others
  • Visual memory for colour / Portia E. File
  • The pre/post cueing technique in the study of selective attention / Andrew J. Hede
  • Evoked potential correlates of visual selective attention / D.G. Wastell, D. Kleinman
  • The height of handwriting / Alan M. Wing
  • Interest as a predeterminer of the GSR index of the orienting reflex / Joseph A. Wingard, Irving Maltzman.
  • 1980 v.46 (3) : How is performance limited: Testing the notion of central capacity / Daniel Gopher, David Navon
  • Evidence for direct visual access to letter identities / Ralph Norman Haber, Ronald A. Cole
  • Phenomenal dominance relationship of substructures in binary pattern learning / Edgar Heineken
  • Comparison of two models of similarity judgment / Lola L. Lopes, Gregg C. Oden
  • Wilhelm Wundt and the cognitive shift / H.V. Rappard, and others
  • The integration of motivational information: A conjoint measurement analysis / Geert De Soete.
  • 1981 v.47 (1) : Typicality, physiological activity and concept identification / E.A. Das-Smaal, J.H. De Swart
  • A reconstructive-processing interpretation of the recognition failure phenomenon / Lars-Göran Nilsson, Leslie P. Shaps
  • Converging evidence for information-processing stages: A comparative-influence stage-analysis method / Timothy A. Salthouse
  • Effect of compatibility of S-R mapping on reactions toward the stimulus source / J.Richard Simon, and others
  • Incentive contrast effects in humans with monetary reinforcement and reaction time / Lawrence Weinstein.
  • 1981 v.47 (2) : The effect of time pressure on risky choice behavior / Hasida Ben Zur, Shlomo J. Breznitz
  • Selective effects of barbiturate and amphetamine on information processing and response execution / H.W. Frowein
  • Mode of execution of movement and characteristics of motor short-term memory / J. Patrick
  • Noise and levels of processing / Andrew P. Smith, Donald E. Broadbent
  • Are we all less risky and more skillful than our fellow drivers? / Ola Svenson
  • Some characteristics of visual whole report behavior / James T. Townsend
  • Retroactive inhibition without intentional new learning: Some comment on the elicitation hypothesis / John Yang.
  • 1981 v.47 (3) : Synonym and antonym pairs in the detection of dichotically and monaurally presented targets: Competing monaural stimulation can generate a substantial right ear advantage / John L. Bradshaw, and others
  • Recognition memory of retrieved sequences of words / Tarow Indow, Hiroko Takada
  • Learning conditional frequencies in a probability learning task / Gordon F. Pitz, and others
  • Components of syllogistic reasoning / Robert J. Sternberg, Margaret E. Turner
  • Lexical recognition of embedded unattended words: Some implications for reading processes / Geoffrey Underwood.
  • 1981 v.48 (1-3) : Detection and discrimination of moving gratings / Peter Thompson
  • Direction selectivity in human visual perception, investigated with low contrast gratings / H.W. van der Glas, and others
  • Evidence for parallel processing in motion perception / Olga Eizner Favreau
  • The spatial and temporal organisation of motion perception units in human vision / J.L. Barbur, and others
  • Psychophysical properties of displacement thresholds for moving targets / Robert P. Scobey, Chris A. Johnson
  • Vernier acuity and stereopsis with discontinuously moving stimuli / M.J. Morgan
  • The information basis in the perception of velocity / M. Mashour
  • Monoptic and dichoptic signals do not cooperate in the perception of a bistable motion display / Walter Gerbino
  • Velocity judgments of continuously moving and stroboscopically presented stimuli using magnitude and category scaling / F.P. Van Eyl
  • On the relativity of perceived motion / A.H. Wertheim
  • Cognitive factors in subjective stabilization of the visual world / Bruce Bridgeman
  • Saccadic programming and perceived location / Eva Wong, Arien Mack
  • Localization of brief visual stimuli during pursuit eye movements / S. Mateeff, and others
  • Detection of displacement during saccades: Spatial and functional differences allied to preprogramming / Simon Heywood
  • The apparent path of a stationary and a circularly moving spot during the smooth pursuit of another circularly moving spot / C. Kano, K. Hayashi
  • The perceptual coherence of moving visual patterns / Joseph S. Lappin, Brian L. Kottas
  • On the spatio-temporal determinants of some motion effects / Terry Caelli
  • A neglected problem: Kinetic size constancy / Kaoru Noguchi, Katsuo Taya
  • Perceived relative depth from velocity gradients: A model / Myron L. Braunstein, George J. Andersen
  • Optical information for detecting loss in one's own forward speed / Dean H. Owen, and others
  • Visual control during straight road driving / J.B.J. Riemersma
  • Perception of motion using blur pattern information in the moderate and high-velocity domains of vision / Thomas L. Harrington, Marcia K. Harrington
  • A visually-driven postural after-effect / James Reason, and others
  • Visual motion cues in prismatic adaptation: Evidence of two separate and additive processes / Jacques Paillard, and others
  • Effects of vestibular and visual motion perception on task performance / R.J.A.W. Hosman, J.C. van der Vaart
  • Discrimination between trunk and head rotation: A study comparing neuronal data from the cat with human psychophysics / T. Mergner,and others
  • Velocity sensitivity of areas 17 and 18 of the cat / G.A. Orban, and others
  • Wiener Kernels determination in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus as a function of velocity of a sinuoidal grating: Preliminary results / C. Veraart, V. Pluvinage
  • Motion mechanisms in strobe-reared cats: Psychophysical and electrophysical measures / Tatiana Pasternak, and others.
  • 1981 v.49 (1) : An olfactory investigation of the compatibility of oddity instructions with the design of a 3-AFC signal detection task / J.E.R. Frijters
  • Evoked potentials to consonant-vowel syllables / Everdina A. Lawson, Anthony W.K. Gaillard
  • Ambiguity, cubist works of art, and preference / Richard M. Nicki, and others
  • Effects of question type and experimenter position on bilateral differences in electrodermal activity and conjugate lateral eye movements / J.G. O'Gorman, David A.T. Siddle
  • Boredom: Practical consequences and a theory / James F. O'Hanlon
  • The limits of perceived magnitude: Comparison among individuals and among perceptual continua / Robert Teghtsoonian, and others.
  • 1981 v.49 (2) : A further evaluation of the limitation of wholistic visualization / John R. Beech
  • Pupillometric assessment of retrieval operations in factual long-term memory / Donald B. Headley
  • The availability explanation of excessive plausibility assessments / Thomas Mehle, and others
  • Concurrence costs in double stimulation tasks / Merrill E. Noble, and others
  • Memory comparison time for complex digit stimuli: The effect of number length / James M. Swanson, and others
  • Risky decision: Attention and path dependency as a function of response mode / Michael A. Zagorski.
  • 1981 v.49 (3) : Perceptual selection in dichotic listening / Andrew J. Hede
  • Eye movements and performance during bilateral tracing tasks / Hitoshi Honda
  • Visual processing of multielement arrays and selective backward masking / J.Kevin Keating, Michael F. Sherrick
  • A general framework for the analysis of concept identification tasks / Jeroen G.W. Raaijmakers
  • Searching for a pre-specified target letter in briefly displayed words and unpronounceable non-words / Robert T. Solman.
  • 1982 v.50 (1) : Timing in the performance of Erik Satie's ‘Vexations’ / E.F Clarke
  • Word age-of-acquisition and lexical decision making / K.J. Gilhooly, R.H. Logie
  • Binary choice reaction time as a criterion of motor equivalence / Herbert Heuer
  • Binary choice reaction time as a criterion of motor equivalence: Further evidence / Herbert Heuer
  • Tests of the dual-mechanism theory of recall / Gregory V. Jones
  • Foreperiod and visual stimulus intensity: A reappraisal / Pekka Niemi, Erkki Lehtonen
  • Control theories in motor behavior / George E. Stelmach, Virginia A. Diggles.
  • 1984 v.55 (1) : Effects of grouping on recall latency / A.J.P. Hendrikx
  • Levels of processing, context, and the facilitation of pronunciation / Alan J. Parkin
  • Effects of wealth on portfolios under various investment conditions / Amnon Rapoport
  • An asymmetry in the control of eye movements and shifts of attention / Gordon L. Shulman
  • Concept learning, memory and transfer of dot pattern categories / André Vandierendonck.
  • 1984 v.55 (2) : Representativeness and fallacies of probability judgment / Maya Bar-Hillel
  • Preliminary processes in O-R elicitation / Robert J. Barry
  • Perception of signals presented in the periphery of the visual field / M.J.M. Houtmans, A.F. Sanders
  • A processing division on the recency axis: The selective effects of visual field, match type, and direction of reading on terminal and pre-terminal items in a letter matching task / Kim Kirsner, and others
  • Secobarbital and perceptual processing / Rebecca Logsdon, and others.
  • 1984 v.55 (3) : Concerning Gibson's ‘on the face of it’: Immediate perception and single-glance face recognition / Gé Calis
  • Initial microgenetic steps in single-glance face recognition / Gé Calis, and others
  • Visual and auditory choice reaction times / David M. Green, Susanne M. Von Gierke
  • The perception of foreground and background as derived from structural information theory / Emmanuel Leeuwenberg, Hans Buffart
  • Critical levels and magnitude of effects / David Navon
  • A laboratory test of the constant risk hypothesis / Ipe H. Veling
  • There is no induced motion at near-threshold velocities / W.A. Wagenaar, and others.
  • 1984 v.56 (1-3) : What constitutes ‘a good decision’?: A panel discussion among Ward Edwards, István Kiss, Giandomenico Majone and Masanao Toda / Charles Vlek
  • A theory of requisite decision models / Lawrence D. Phillips
  • The evaluation of managerial decisions' quality by managers / Dan Zakay
  • The content and structure of value tree representations / Gordon F. Pitz, Sharon Riedel
  • Cognitive maps of past and future economic events / Guje Sevón
  • Learning from feedback in probabilistic environments / Joshua Klayman
  • Methodological decision rules as research policies: A betting reconstruction of empirical research / Willem K.B. Hofstee
  • Information search and evaluative processes in decision making: A computer based process tracing study / Ulf Dahlstrand, Henry Montgomery
  • The intertwining of information search and decision aiding / Alfred Bronner, Robert De Hoog
  • Designing decision support methods in organizations / Anna Vári, János Vecsenyi
  • Stochastic choice heuristics / K.Michael Aschenbrenner, and others
  • The multiple objectives of gamblers / Willem A. Wagenaar, and others
  • Behavioral decision theory perspectives on risk and safety / Paul Slovic, and others
  • Contrasting risk judgments among interest groups / Hans Kuyper, Charles Vlek
  • The political processing of uncertainty / Joanne Linnerooth
  • Empirical and theoretical relationships between value and utility functions / F.Hutton Barron and others
  • Formulation of real life decisions: A study of foreign policy decisions / Willem E. Saris, Irmtraud N. Gallhofer
  • Probabilistic analysis in legal factfinding / Maya Bar-Hillel
  • Magistrate decision making / Cliff McKnight
  • A simulation model to control the oosterschelde storm-surge barrier / W. Heins, J. Vreugdenhil
  • Formal and knowledge-based methods in decision technology / John Fox.
  • 1984 v.57 (1) : Response probability and similarity of retrieved response tendencies as determinants of response suppression difficulty / Eric Buckolz, and others
  • Spatial compatibility effects in the writing page: A comparison of left-handed inverters and noninverters / Yves Guiard
  • Right hemisphere superiority in processing new symbols for arithmetic operators / Oren Lamm, Harold W. Gordon
  • Induced strategy shifts in spatial reasoning / Stellan Ohlsson
  • Immediate and remote time estimation — A comparison / Dan Zakay, Eli Fallach.
  • 1984 v.57 (2) : Effects of item concreteness on temporal coding / Janet L. Jackson, John A. Michon
  • Attentional strategies and the visual control of discrete movements / R.H. McFarquhar, K.M. Newell
  • Typing letter strings varying in orthographic structure / Dominic W. Massaro, Peter A. Lucas
  • Compatibility due to the coding of the relative position of the effectors / Roberto Nicoletti, and others
  • The locus of intersensory facilitation of reaction time / Richard A. Schmidt, and others.
  • 1984 v.57 (3) : Variation within categories / E.A. Das-Smaal, J.H. De Swart
  • Temporal aspects of retrieval in short-term serial retention / A.J.P. Hendrikx
  • Response latency and response accuracy as measures of memory / Colin M. MacLeod, Thomas O. Nelson.
  • 1985 v.58 (1) : A comparison of some processing time measures based on eye movements / Harry E. Blanchard
  • Subjects' assessment of the processing demands of a series of orienting tasks / Peter John Hampson, Valerie Cutting
  • Expectancy for airpuff and conditioned eyeblinks in humans / Pierre Perruchet
  • Intersensory facilitation and inhibition: Immediate arousal and location effects of auditory noise on visual choice reaction time / E.J. Stoffels, and others
  • Retroactive inhibition without intentional new learning: Support for a stimulus-encoding theory / John Yang
  • Post-decisional confidence and conflict experienced in a choice process / Dan Zakay
  • An attempt to distinguish between kinematic and motor memory components / Hubert D. Zimmer, Johannes Engelkamp.
  • 1986 v.61 (1) : The effects of degree of learning, meaning, and invidual differences on the feeling-of-knowing / Marie Carroll, Anne Simington
  • Primed-lexical decision: The effect of varying the stimulus-onset asynchrony of prime and target / Annette M.B. de Groot, et al.
  • Immediate memory span for two-dimensional spatial arrays: Effects of pattern symmetry and goodness / Edmund Howe, Kenneth Jung
  • Influence of stimulus-response translations on response programming: Examining the relationship of arm, direction, and extent of movement / Douglas D. Larish
  • How do we locate ourselves on a map: A method for analyzing self-location processes / Patrick Peruch, et al.
  • 1986 v.61 (2) : P300 and the anticipation of information within an orienting response paradigm / Geoffrey H. Blowers, et al.
  • An or analysis of the tendency to react toward the stimulus source / H.E.L. Faber, et al.
  • Person memory and person judgments based on categorically organized information / Klaus Fiedler
  • Hemispheric processing of multi-element displays / John Polich
  • A study of the attentional changes accompanying orienting to different types of change stimuli / Daniel T.L. Shek, John A. Spinks
  • Gradients of spatial attention / Gordon L. Shulman, et al.
  • 1986 v.61 (3) : Psychological patterns in predicting disjunction and conjunction of clinical symptoms / Adam Biela
  • The effects of visual backward masking on young children and adults / Joanna Blake, Jim Duffy
  • Preparing sequences of saccades under choice reaction conditions: effects of sequence length and context / Albrecht Werner Inhoff
  • Effects of amount of information on predictions of uncertain quantities / Dane K. Peterson, Gordon F. Pitz
  • Relationship between inhibition and facilitation following a visual cue / Camille-Aime Possamai
  • The effect of race, inversion and encoding activity upon face recognition / Tim Valentine, Vicki Bruce.
  • 1986 v.62 (1) : Target location effects in tapping tasks / Leslie Buck
  • Effects of contrasting category, conjoint frequency and typicality on categorization / E.A. Das-Smaal, J.H. De Swart
  • Comprehension and memory for nonliteral utterances: The problem of sarcastic indirect requests / Raymond W. Gibbs Jr.
  • Compatibility of precuing and of S-R mapping in choice reactions / A.J.P. Hendrikx
  • What is crossed in crossed-hand effects? / Lucia Riggio, et al.
  • 1986 v.62 (2) : Remembered duration: Imagery processes and contextual encoding / Richard A. Block
  • The relationship between similarity judgments and psychophysiological responsivity / Itamar Gati, et al.
  • Role of vision and kinesthesis in location and distance estimates / Raj K. Gupta, et al.
  • Target-noise separation in visual selective attention / Ruchama Hagenaar, et al.
  • Mathematical models of memory and the problem of stimulus variation: A comparison of Minerva 2 and Todam / Joan M. McDowd, et al.
  • Effects of practice on a typing-like keying task / Timothy A. Salthouse.
  • 1986 v.62 (3) : The effect of depth of processing on temporal judgment tasks / J. L. Jackson, et al.
  • Relative signal frequency imbalance does not affect perceptual encoding in choice reactions / F. de Jong, et al.
  • Sex differences in spatial abilities: Strategic and experiential correlates / Leon K. Miller, et al.
  • Steps to a formal analysis of the cognitive-energetic model of stress and human performance / P. C. M. Molenaar, et al.
  • Cognitive strategies for visual search / Leonard F. M. Scinto, et al.
  • Contingency judgment: Primacy effects and attention decrement / J.Frank Yates, et al.
  • 1986 v.63 (1-3) : Interaction of efferent and afferent signals in visual perception A history of ideas and experimental paradigms / O.-J. Grüsser
  • Efference, perceived movement, and illusory displacement / H.W. Leibowitz, et al.
  • Multiple sources of outflow in processing spatial information / Bruce Bridgeman
  • Some recent studies on the quantitative analysis of efference copy mechanisms in visual perception / O.-J. Grüsser
  • The subjective vertical as a function of visual and extraretinal cues / Horst Mittelstaedt
  • Relational invariance and visual space perception: On perceptual vector analysis of the optic flow / G. Johansson
  • Contrasting conceptions of perception and action / William Epstein
  • Baseball batters support an ecological efference mediation theory of natural event perception / Wayne L. Shebilske
  • The ecological approach to perceiving-acting: A pictorial essay / M.T. Turvey, et al.
  • The constitution of space perception: A phenomenological perspective / Eckart Scheerer
  • Holonomic brain theory in imaging and object perception / Karl H. Pribram, et al.
  • Oculomotor tonus and visual adaptation / D.Alfred Owens
  • Properties of adaptive oculomotor control systems and perception / Sheldon M. Ebenholtz
  • Perceptual aftereffects of sustained fixation and oculomotor changes / Herbert Heuer
  • Saccadic exploration and perceptual-motor learning / Peter Wolff
  • Sensory and sensori-motor adaptations in strabismus: Their role in space perception / Emilio C. Campos
  • Inflow as a long-term calibrator of eye position in humans / Martin J. Steinbach
  • Dark vergence in human infants: implications for the development of binocular vision / Richard N. Aslin
  • Early spatial perception taken in reference to manual action / Claes von Hofsten
  • A developmental perspective on behavioral determinants / Annie Vinter.
  • 1987 v.64 (1) : Judgment of numerosity: Effects of symmetry and goodness in dot pattern arrays / Edmund Howe, and others
  • Influence of handedness on spatial compatibility effects with perpendicular arrangement of stimuli and responses / Elisabetta Ladavas
  • Cognitive processes underlying similarity effects in risky choice / Rob Ranyard
  • Memory scanning: A comparison of the dynamic stack and exhaustive serial scan models, with an extension of the latter / Michel Treisman, and others
  • Interference with face naming / Andrew W. Young, and others.
  • 1987 v.64 (2) : Script-based cues in identification / Marie Carroll, Peter Freebody
  • The time course of precueing effects in probed immediate recall / A.J.P. Hendrikx
  • Gestalt grouping effects in locating past events on timelines / Simon Kemp
  • Memory for spatial location in two-dimensional arrays / Erik Lindberg, Tommy Gärling
  • Procedural debiasing / Lola L. Lopes
  • Effect of stimulus degradation on category search / Wolfgang Prinz, and others.
  • 1987 v.64 (3) : Voluntary control of attention near the fovea / James F. Juola, and others
  • Decision making under stress: Scanning of alternatives under physical threat / Giora Keinan, and others
  • Illusory contours, projective transformations and kinetic shape perception / Victor Klymenko, and others
  • Are people's estimates of what other people know influenced by what they themselves know? / Raymond S. Nickerson, and others
  • Rod influence on thresholds using different detection criteria during dark adaptation / Neal S. Peachey, and others
  • Activation states and semantic processing: A comparison of the effects of noise and time of day / Andrew P. Smith.
  • 1987 v.65 (1) : Feature perturbations are no guessing strategy artifact / Garvin Chastain
  • Missing words and the comprehension of spoken text / William E. Cooper, and others
  • The effect of amodal completion on visual matching / W. Gerbino, D. Salmaso
  • Functions of vision in the control of handwriting / Mary M. Smyth, Gil Silvers
  • Force modulation as a source of hand differences in rapid finger tapping / John I. Todor, and others
  • Early and late selection: Visual letter confusions in a bar-probe task / A.H.C. van der Heijden, and others.
  • 1987 v.65 (2) : Effects of gaze manipulation on aesthetic judgments: hemisphere priming of affect / Roger A. Drake
  • Variation in colour constancy with visual information in the underwater environment / P.G. Emmerson, H.E. Ross
  • Development of phasic heart rate patterns during recall and arithmetic tasks / Harold Flash, Raymond Ducharme
  • Spatial and/or temporal adjustments of scanning behavior to visibility changes / Arthur M. Jacobs, J.Kevin O'Regan
  • Effects of alcohol on speed and accuracy in choice reaction time and visual search / E.A. Maylor, and others
  • Information search and decision making: The effects of information displays / Gunilla A. Sundström
  • The effects of movement distance and movement time on visual feedback processing in aimed hand movements / Howard N. Zelaznik, and others.
  • 1987 v.65 (3) : On the generality of logical recoding in spatial interference tasks / Udo Arend, Jens Wandmacher
  • Consistency among alternative performance measures in an applied judgement setting / Robert H. Ashton, Lawrence Kessler
  • Representation of matrix patterns in long- and short-term visual memory / S.E. Avons, W.A. Phillips
  • Phonological coding in rhyming and homophony judgement / Gordon D.A. Brown
  • The modality effect, sensory handicap, and compensatory functions / Jerker Rönnberg, Lars-Göran Nilsson
  • Programming of direction and velocity of an aiming movement: The effect of probability and response-specificity / Will A.C. Spijkers.
  • 1987 v.66 (1) : Resource allocation decision making in an uncertain environment / Jerome R. Busemeyer, In Jae Myung
  • Fractioned reaction time as a function of response force / S.A.V.M. Haagh, and others
  • One, two, or three memories? A problem-solving approach to memory for performed acts / Tore Helstrup
  • Making judgements when information is missing: Inferences, biases, and framing effects / Richard D. Johnson
  • The preparation of actions and parameters of action: A fixed or variable process? / Timothy D. Lee, and others.
  • 1987 v.66 (2) : Evidence for stimulus-response compatibility effects in a divided visual field study of cerebral lateralization / Gabriele Heister, and others
  • Shift in visual laterality within blocks of trials / Marcel Kinsbourne, Richard Bruce
  • Effects of arousal on attention to central and peripheral visual stimuli / Kimron L. Shapiro, Thomas L. Johnson
  • The influence of sleep deprivation and knowledge of results on perceptual encoding / Frank J.J.M. Steyvers
  • Central resource involvement during the visual search for single features and conjunctions of features / Laura A. Thompson.
  • 1987 v.66 (3) : Contrasting aware and unaware memory for written discourse / Peter Freebody, Marie Carroll
  • Image theory: Principles, goals, and plans in decision making / Lee Roy Beach, Terence R. Mitchell
  • Image theory and dominance search theory: How is decision making actually done?: A comment on ‘Image theory: principles, goals, and plans in decision making’ by Beach and Mitchell / Henry Montgomery
  • Towards a dynamic structural theory of decision behavior?: A comment on ‘Image theory: principles, goals, and plans in decision making’ by Beach and Mitchell / Charles Vlek
  • More on image theory: A reply to Montgomery and Vlek / Lee Roy Beach, Terence R. Mitchell
  • The organization of rapid movement sequences as a function of sequence length / Adela Garcia-Colera, Andras Semjen
  • A psychophysiological investigation of cognitive-energetic relations in human information processing: A heart rate / additive factors approach / Maurits W. van der Molen, and others
  • Misleading postevent information: Testing parameterized models of integration in memory / Willem A. Wagenaar, and others.
  • 1988 v.67 (1) : Features of laterally displayed faces: Saliency or top-down processing? / R. Bruyer, M.C. Coget
  • Eye movements and stages of processing / L.C. Boer, E.C.M. v.d. Weijgert
  • Part-set cuing across languages: Evidence for both word- and concept-mediated inhibition depending on language dominance / Zehra F. Peynircioglu, and others
  • Effect of irrelevant information on retrieval time for relevant information / J.Richard Simon, Kevin Berbaum
  • Modules in vision: A case study of interdisciplinarity in cognitive science / Johan P. Wagemans
  • 1988 v.67 (2) : On the ability of monitoring non-veridical perceptions and uncertain knowledge: Some calibration studies / Gideon Keren
  • Prior expectations and manner of data presentation as factors influencing covariation estimates for incomplete contingency tables / Luciano Arcuri, Mario Forzi
  • Moses strikes again: Focalization effect on a semantic illusion / Serge Bredart, Karin Modolo
  • Concreteness encoding through a dual task procedure: Arguments in favour of an automatic process / Danièle Gisselbrecht-Simon
  • When are low-probability events judged to be ‘probable’? Effects of outcome-set characteristics on verbal probability estimates / Karl Halvor Teigen
  • Islanders and hostages: Deep and surface structures of decision problems / Willem A. Wagenaar, and others.
  • 1988 v.67 (3) : Discrete and continuous models of human information processing: Theoretical distinctions and empirical results / Jeff Miller
  • Response competition and condition competition invisual selective attention / A.H.C. van der Heijden, and others
  • SAM and the effects of precuing in probed recall: A comment on ‘The time course of precueing effects in probed immediate recall’, by A.J.P. Hendrikx / Joroen G.W. Raaijmakers
  • Precueing in probed recall: A reply to Raaijmakers / A.J.Paul Hendrikx.
  • 1988 v.68 (1-3) : A phenomenological psychological study of decision and choice / Gunnar Karlsson
  • The language of uncertainty / Karl Halvor Teigen
  • Understanding and using linguistic uncertainties / Thomas S. Wallsten, and others
  • Modelling uncertainty and inductive inference: A survey of recent non-additive probability systems / Didier Dubois, Henri Prade
  • Not me or thee but we: The importance of group identity in eliciting cooperation in dilemma situations: Experimental manipulations / Robyn M. Dawes, and others
  • Environmental and social uncertainty in single-trial resource dilemmas / Ramzi Suleiman, Amnon Rapoport
  • New approaches in research on cooperative conflict resolution by group decisions / Werner H. Tack
  • Limits and extensions of equal weights in additive multiattribute models / F.Hutton Barron
  • The effect of varying value trees on multiattribute evaluations / Katrin Borcherding, and others
  • Systematic research into human behavior in multiattribute object classification problems / O.I. Larichev, and others
  • Decision difficulty and imprecise preferences / David Butler, Graham Loomes
  • Psychological characteristics and strategies of expert decision makers / James Shanteau
  • Concepts and tools of artificial intelligence for human decision making / Anna Vari, Janos Vecsenyi
  • Some issues in designing an expert system for multiple criteria decision making / Vladimir M. Ozernoy
  • Robust interactive decision-analysis (RID): An overview / Po-Young Chu, and others
  • Knowledge engineering techniques for utility identification / V. Rajkovič, M. Bohanec, V. Batagelj
  • Applied decision research and environmental policy / Joop Van Der Pligt
  • People's recognition of political decision arguments / Irmtraud N. Gallhofer, and others
  • An experimental study of cognitive processes and information in political problem solving / Helen E. Purkitt, and others
  • Judgment and hazard adaptation: A longitudinal study of responses to the risks of water contamination / George Cvetkovich, and others
  • Risk assessment and accident analysis / Nick F. Pidgeon.
  • 1988 v.69 (1) : Visual letter-matching and the time course of visual and acoustic codes / Marisa Carrasco, and others
  • Foreperiod duration and the analysis of motor stages in a line-drawing task / Ruud G.J. Meulenbroek, Gerard P. Van Galen
  • Spatial S-R compatibility under head tilt / Peter Schroeder-Heister, and others
  • A ‘priming’ effect in a choice reaction time task / J.Richard Simon
  • Typically gradient in well-defined artificial categories / André Vandierendonck
  • On the robustness of the additive factors stage structure in blocked and mixed choice reaction designs / Lidewij L. Van Duren, Andries F. Sanders.
  • 1988 v.69 (2) : On the output of encoding during stimulus fixation / W. Hansen, A.F. Sanders
  • Random walk models of binary choice: The effect of deadlines in the presence of assymetric payoffs / Diana Eugenie Kornbrot
  • The effect of visual attention of peripheral discrimination thresholds in single and multiple element displays / Hermann J. Müller, John M. Findlay
  • Remembered duration and perceptual reversals / John Predebon
  • The inhibitory component of orienting, alertness and sustained attention / Martin B.H. Spencer, and others
  • A descriptive measure of risk / Elke U. Weber.
  • 1988 v.69 (3) : Metaphorical instruction and the early learning of an abbreviated-command computer system / Stephen J. Payne
  • Menu search as a function of menu organization, categorization and experience / André Vandierendonck, and others
  • Adapting the memory recall paradigm to evaluate interfaces / Kim J. Vicente
  • How is an experimental subject like a computer user?: A critical notice of ‘applying cognitive psychology to user-interface design’, edited by M.M. Gardiner and B. Christie / A. Jameson.
  • 1992 v.79 (1) : A model of selection by aspects / J.P. Barthélemy, E. Mullet
  • Generalizations and extensions of the precue-utilization effect in rapid reactions / Robert Gottsdanker
  • The effect of congenital deafness on cerebral asymmetry in the perception of emotional and non-emotional faces / Elzbieta Szelag, Ryszard Wasilewski
  • The visual control of aimed hand movements to stationary and moving targets / Raymond P. Young, Howard N. Zelaznik.
  • 1992 v.79 (2) : Is rapid performance improvement across short precue-target delays due to masking from peripheral precues? / Garvin Chastain
  • Effects of multiple reference points in spatial stimulus-response compatibility / Koen Lamberts, and others
  • Visual scanning with or without spatial uncertainty and divided and selective attention / Yili Liu, Christopher D. Wickens
  • Influence of processing speed on adult age differences in working memory / Timothy A. Salthouse
  • The role of frame size on vertical and horizontal observers in the rod-and-frame illusion / Pierluigi Zoccolotti, and others.
  • 1992 v.79 (3) : Line bisecting as a predictor of personal optimism and desirability of risky behaviors / Roger A. Drake, Gerald Ulrich
  • Counterfactuals in financial decision making / C.Gustav Lundberg, Dean Elliott Frost
  • Recall of actions, sentences, and nouns: Influences of adult age and passage of time / Lars Nyberg, and others
  • Plan decoding and response timing during execution of movement sequences / Andras Semjen.
  • 1992 v.80 (1-3) : The function of concrete emotions in rational decision making / Hans-Rüdiger Pfister, Gisela Böhm
  • Analyzing information search patterns to test the use of a two-phased decision strategy / Mia Stokmans
  • Component processes of phased decision strategies / Heiner Gertzen
  • Behavioral decision theory and environmental risk management: Assessment and resolution of four ‘survival’ dilemmas / Charles Vlek, Gideon Keren
  • How to improve our understanding of group decision making with the help of artificial intelligence / Wim B.G. Liebrand
  • Simultaneous vs. sequential requests in resource dilemmas with incomplete information / David V Budescu, and others
  • Evidence for an equality heuristic in social decision making / David M. Messick, Terry Schell
  • Risk and behavior: The mediating role of risk appraisal / W. Otten, J. van der Pligt.
  • 1992 v.81 (1) : Saccade programming during short duration fixations: An examination of copytyping, letter detection, and reading / Albrecht Werner Inhoff, and others
  • Diagnostic classification by experts and novices / Nicole P. Krol,and others
  • Spatial attention and expectancy for colour, category and location: Further evidence against the spotlight model / Anthony J. Lambert, Rodney Corban
  • Enhancement of the Simon effect by response precuing / Robert W. Proctor, and others
  • How much information does an expert use? Is it relevant? / James Shanteau.
  • 1992 v.81 (2) : Manipulating procedural variables in a spatial precuing task / Jos J. Adam, Loe M.A. van Veggel
  • The pre-choice screening of options / Lee Roy Beach, Richard E. Potter
  • Projective invariance and the kinetic depth effect / Keith K. Niall
  • The evaluation of risk communication effectiveness / Bernd Rohrmann.
  • 1992 v.81 (3) : On the role of global and local visual information in goal-directed walking / Benoît G. Bardy, and others
  • Dynamic decision making: Human control of complex systems / Berndt Brehmer
  • Benefits from attention depend on the target type in location-precued discrimination / MaryLou Cheal, Don R. Lyon
  • The role of vision in the temporal and spatial control of handwriting / Robert R.A. van Doorn, Paul J.G. Keuss.
  • 1994 v.85 (1) : The influence of intermittent vision on manual aiming / Digby Elliott, and others
  • Spatial S-R compatibility: Positional instruction vs. compatibility instruction / Gabriele Heister, Peter Schroeder-Heister
  • Motivation: Cause or confound in information processing/intelligence correlations? / Gerald E. Larson, and others
  • Tactical and strategic responsiveness in a competitive risk-taking game / Lola L. Lopes, Jeff T. Casey
  • The effects of the amount and variability of practice on the learning of a multi-segmented motor task / Luc Proteau, and others.
  • 1994 v.85 (2) : Effects of a right hemifield advantage on crossed-uncrossed differentials in simple reaction time: Toward a new model of interhemispheric relay / Claude M.J. Braun, Sylvie Daigneault
  • The role of cognitive changes in immediate and remote prospective time estimations / Belén Bueno Martínez
  • Stroop-like interference in sorting for intrinsic color: A test of the Glaser and Glaser (1989) model / Jan De Houwer, Géry d'Ydewalle
  • Decision behavior in a multistage investment task / Oswald Huber
  • Does the attentional state determine processing dominance in to-be-ignored compound stimuli? / Lise Paquet.
  • 1994 v.85 (3) : Manipulating the spatial arrangement of stimuli in a precuing task / Jos J. Adam
  • Location coding with symbols resembling letter strokes is better than with whole letters / Garvin Chastain
  • Stimulus factors affecting the categorisation of faces and scrambled faces / N. Donnelly, and others
  • What can a precue enhance? An analysis of the experiments of proctor, Lu and Van Zandt (1992) / Thierry Hasbroucq, and others
  • Evidence for the development of concurrent processing in a sequential keypressing task / Willem B. Verwey.
  • 1994 v.86 (1) : Activation-interference association for finger responses in choice reaction time tasks / Eric Buckolz, and others
  • Human monitoring behavior in a multiple-instrument setting: Independent sampling, sequential sampling or arrangement-dependent sampling / Mieke Donk
  • The effects of sex, target duration, and illumination on the production of time intervals / P.A. Hancock, and others
  • Bias in dating news and historical events / Simon Kemp
  • The effect of time pressure on decision-making behaviour in a dynamic task environment / José H. Kerstholt
  • 1994 v.86 (2-3) : The rise and fall in information-processing rates over the life span / John Cerella, Sandra Hale
  • Processing speed as a mental capacity / Robert Kail, Timothy A. Salthouse
  • The development of selective attention: A life-span overview / Dana J. Plude, and others
  • On the discrimination between global and local trend hypotheses of life-span changes in processing speed / P.C.M. Molenaar, M.W. van der Molen
  • Some thoughts on neurocognitive slowing / Theodore R. Bashore.
  • 1994 v.87 (1) : A test of an interruption/temporal-uncertainty theory of auditory backward recognition masking of target duration / Edward J Crawley, Howard J Kallman, James H Neely
  • Women's deficiency in water-level representation: present in visual conditions yet absent in haptic contexts / Michèle Robert, and others
  • Why do ambiguous figures reverse? / Irvin Rock, Susannah Hall, Janet Davis.
  • 1994 v.87 (2-3) : A latent criteria model for choice data / Iven Van Mechelen, and others
  • Process models of decision making / Joke M. Harte, and others
  • Simulation as a tool to improve process models / Oswald Huber
  • The psychology of linear judgement models / Berndt Brehmer
  • Towards a perspective theory of decision making and judgment / Henry Montgomery
  • Post-decision consolidation, as a function of the instructions to the decision maker and of the decision problem / Ola Svenson, and others
  • A componential investigation of the relation between structural modelling and cognitive accounts of human judgement / A.John Maule
  • Applied research in judgment: What should happen / C.R.B. Joyce, Thomas R. Stewart.
  • 1995 v.88 (1) : Visual attention: Individual differences in training and predicting complex task performance / Winfred Arthur Jr., and others
  • Retinal vs. environmental orientation in the perception of the right angle / Donatella Ferrante, and others
  • Evaluating the Fragmentation Hypothesis: The analysis of errors in cued recall / Mark Lansdale, Donald Laming.
  • 1995 v.88 (2) : On the relation between type of arrays and type of errors in partial-report bar-probe studies / Ruchama Hagenaar, and other
  • Hindsight wisdom outcome knowledge and the evaluation of decisions / Raanan Lipshitz, Dalya Barak
  • Perceptual-motor exploration as a function of biomechanical and task constraints / P.V. McDonald, and others
  • A probability vector and transition matrix analysis of eye movements during visual search / V. Ponsoda, and others.
  • 1995 v.88 (3) : Strategical determinants of compatibility effects with task uncertainty / Ritske de Jong
  • Planning for hand shape and arm transport when reaching for objects / Roberta L. Klatzky, and others
  • Yes, but it is uncertain: Direction and communicative intention of verbal probabilistic terms / Karl Halvor Teigen, Wibecke Brun.
  • 1995 v.89 (1) : Effects of reading efficiency and display size on rapid-sequential reading / Hsuan-Chih Chen, Alice F. Healy
  • he influence of quantity of information and goal framing on decision / Yoav Ganzach, Yaacov Schul
  • Conflict versus misguided search as explanation of S-R correspondence effects / Bernhard Hommel
  • Constancy and normalization in the perception of Voice Offset Time as a cue for preaspiration / Jörgen Pind
  • The availability heuristic revisited: Experienced ease of retrieval in mundane frequency estimates / Michaela Wänke, and others.
  • 1995 v.89 (2) : Stimulus preprocessing and response selection in depression: A reaction time study / J.-M. Azorin, and others
  • Complete dependence of color identification upon color localization in a single-item task / W. Bloem, A.H.C. van der Heijden
  • Signal processing during and across saccades / Lidewij L. van Duren, Andries F. Sanders
  • Happy face advantage in recognizing facial expressions / Takahiro Kirita, Mitsuo Endo
  • Storing and accessing ordinal size relations in episodic memory: Effects of stimulus modality / Gilbert Mohr, Johannes Engelkamp.
  • 1995 v.89 (3) : Revealing the basic properties of the visuospatial sketchpad: The use of complete spatial arrays / Alison Barton, and others
  • Repeated prime-target presentations do not eliminate repetition and phonological priming in naming digits / Ludovic Ferrand
  • Can attention be directed voluntarily to an eye? / Ruth Kimchi, and others
  • Time course of visual extrapolation accuracy / Don R Lyon, Wayne L Waag
  • Post-categorical processing and attenuation of the auditory suffix: Evidence from both immediate and delayed suffixes / Christopher Miles, and others.
  • 1995 v.90 (1-3) : How continuous are discrete notions of human information processing? / G. Mulder, G.P. van Galen
  • Overlapping stage models and reaction time additivity: Effects of the activation equation / Jeff Miller, and others
  • Limits on the application of additive factors logic: Violations of stage robustness suggest a dual-process architecture to explain flanker effects on target processing / K.Richard Ridderinkhof, and others
  • Cross-task cross talk in memory and perception / Addie Dutta, and others
  • The role of neuroimaging in the discovery of processing stages a review / G. Mulder, and others
  • Neural correlates of partial transmission of sensorimotor information in the cerebral cortex /Jean Requin, and others
  • The temporal selectivity of additive factor effects on the reaction process revealed in ERP component latencies / Fren T.Y. Smulders, and others
  • Bisecting RT with lateralized readiness potentials: Precue effects after LRP onset / Allen Osman, and others
  • Where did you go wrong? Errors, partial errors, and the nature of human information processing / Michael G.H. Coles, and others
  • The availability versus the use of partial information: Multiple levels of selective processing between perception and action / Henderikus G.O.M. Smid, and others
  • Adaptive executive control: Flexible multiple-task performance without pervasive immutable response-selection bottlenecks / David E. Meyer, and others
  • Continuous versus discrete information processing in pattern recognition / Dominic W. Massaro, and others
  • Discrete vs. continuous processing: The fate of an incompletely processed perceptual dimension / Andries F. Sanders
  • Speed-accuracy decomposition yields a sudden insight into all-or-none information processing / John Kounios, and others
  • Does perceptual analysis continue during selection and production of a speeded response? / Jonathan Levy, Harold Pashler
  • Information processing during saccadic eye movements / David E. Irwin, and others
  • Activation of response codes by relevant and irrelevant stimulus information / Robert W. Proctor, and others
  • Perception-action coupling and S-R compatibility / Ritske de Jong
  • S-R compatibility and response selection/Martin Eimer, and others
  • Models for response-response compatibility: The effects of the relation between responses in a choice task / Herbert Heuer
  • On-line Visual Control of Aiming Movements? / Will Spijkers, and others.