Man /

Bibliographic Details
Format: Serial
Published: [London : Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland], 1955-
Table of Contents:
  • Abril (1955) : Pre-Buddhist Elements in Sherpa Belief and Ritual / Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf
  • The Jaga and Their Name for Iron / G. A. Wainwright.
  • 1962 : Stone Carvings in an Ife Style from Eshure, Ekiti, Western Nigeria / Frank Willett and Alan Dempster
  • African Models in the New Guinea Highlands / J. A. Barnes
  • Carved Stone Figures in the Ekoi Country of the Middle Cross River, Eastern Nigeria / Philip A. Allison
  • The Incidence of Red-Green Colourblindness in Hausa / D. F. Roberts
  • The Corbelled Stone Huts of Southern Europe / James Walton
  • The Determinants of Differential Cross-Cousin Marriage / Allan D. Coult
  • Rock Paintings and Rock Gongs Among the Marghi of Nigeria / James H. Vaughan, Jr.
  • The Disparity Between Known Age and Age as Estimated by Cranial Suture Closure / Rosemary Powers
  • Volcanoes, Lakes, Soils and Early Man in and Near the Mexico Basin / I. W. Cornwall
  • Megaliths in the Poona District / D. D. Kosambi
  • The Withdrawal of the High God in West African Religion: An Essay in Interpretation / James O'Connell
  • The Beater-and-Anvil Technique in Pottery-Making / R. Raven-Hart
  • The Incidence of Sickle-Cell Trait in Two Bastar Tribes, I / R. S. Negi
  • Aboriginal Rock Engravings of Extinct Creatures in South Australia / Charles P. Mountford and Robert Edwards
  • Banyang Settlements: Part I: Pre-European Settlement / M. J. Ruel
  • The 'Corni Freschi': A New Prehistoric Rock Engraving from Val Camonica / Emmanuel Anati
  • Banyang Settlements: Part II: Change of Settlement and Later Developments / M. J. Ruel
  • 'Grinding Benches' and Mortars on Fernando Po / Robert A. Kennedy
  • On Certain Unconsidered Aspects of Double Descent Systems / Edmund Leach
  • Kin Groups in a Haitian Market / Caroline J. Legerman
  • The Himba Trumpet / Gordon D. Gibson
  • A Note on Adoption Among the Southampton Island Eskimo / R. W. Dunning
  • Two Early Cases of Leprosy in Great Britain / V. Møller-Christensen and D. R. Hughes
  • On Nannas and Nannies / Jack Goody.
  • Enero (1963) : A Middle Palaeolithic Industry in Greece: Preliminary Report / E. S. Higgs
  • Meaning in Zande Proverbs / E. E. Evans-Pritchard
  • The Boundaries of Explanation in Social Anthropology / W. R. G. Horton.
  • Febrero (1963) : On Zen Marxism: Filiation and Alliance / Robert F. Murphy
  • The Incidence of Sickle-Cell Trait in Bastar, II / R. S. Negi
  • Field Work, Films and Photographs / G. B. Milner
  • Note on the 'Neolithic' Stone Hammers of the Uele Basin / Francis L. van Noten
  • On Bias of Exotic Data / Raoul Naroll and Frada Naroll.
  • Marzo (1963) : Application de la Thermodynamique a L'Explication de la Metallurgie Ancienne: A Report of the Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee / Jean R. Marechal
  • Further Human Remains from the Central African Later Stone Age / Creighton Gabel.
  • Mayo (1963) : Ceramic Style in Prehistoric Cyprus / Paul Hockings
  • Some Aspects of Folk Art in Northern Rhodesia / J. H. Chaplin.
  • Junio (1963) : A Rare Nuba Trumpet Collected by the Seligmans / K. P. Wachsmann
  • Multiple Human Figures in Western Papuan Gulf Art / Douglas Newton
  • Tooth-Mutilation in West Africans / D. H. Goose.
  • Julio (1963) : Evidence of Early Population Change in Central and Southern Africa: Doubts and Problems / D. R. Brothwell
  • Recent Excavations at Magosi, Uganda: A Preliminary Report / Merrick Posnansky and Glen H. Cole
  • The 'E-Unoto' Ceremony of the Masai / Lord Claud Hamilton
  • Sixty-One Zande Proverbs / E. E. Evans-Pritchard
  • Cortical Grooves on the Tibia / Calvin Wells.
  • Septiembre (1963) : Polygenic or Multifactorial Variables in Man: Redressing the Balance / David R. Hughe
  • Notes on Some Animals in Zandeland / E. E. Evans-Pritchard
  • A Bronze Snake Head and Other Recent Finds in the Old Palace at Benin / A. J. H. Goodwin.
  • Octubre (1963) : Structure of Personal Names on Tory Island / J. R. Fox
  • A Terra-Cotta Head in the Ife Style from Ikirun, Western Nigeria / P. A. Allison.
  • Noviembre (1963) : Ploughs (Ards) of West Nepal / Robert Aitken
  • A Bead Factory in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century / W. G. N. van der Sleen
  • A Note on Some Spears from Bornu, Northern Nigeria / A. H. M. Kirk-Greene.
  • Diciembre (1963) : A Surface Collection of Flints from Habarut in Southern Arabia / Stewart Hawkins and Joan Crowfoot Payne
  • On the Masai E-Unoto / Edward L. Margetts
  • A Possible Case of Amputation, Dated to c. 2000 B. C. / D. R. Brothwell and V. Møller-Christensen.
  • Ene-Feb (1964) : Zande Proverbs: Final Selection and Comments / E. E. Evans-Pritchard
  • A Note on the Dermatoglyphics of the Ona and Yahgan of Tierra del Fuego / Jamshed Mavalwala
  • Cubical and Tri-Dimensional Block Models of Crow Kinship Structures / I. R. Buchler
  • A Burial Among the Birom / Hamo Sassoon.
  • Mar-Abr (1964) : Chinese Clan Associations in Vancouver / W. E. Willmott
  • Monochrome Glass Beads from Malaysia and Elsewhere / Tom Harrison
  • A Note on Chinese Celadon and Egyptian s'Graffiato Wares from Dar es Salaam / J. R. Harding
  • Ceremonial Iron Gongs Among the Ibo and the Igala / J. S. Boston
  • 'Kola Hospitality' and Igbo Lineage Structure / Victor C. Uchendu
  • Notes on Occupational Castes Among the Gurage of South-West Ethiopia / William A. Shack
  • May-Jun (1964) : Stone Vessels from Northern Rhodesia / J. Desmond Clark
  • A Note on the Pongal Festival in a Tanjore Village / Andre Beteille
  • Modern koli beads in Ghana / Augustus Sordinas
  • Domestic fuel in primitive society / Barrie Reynolds
  • A biochemical analysis of of human remains from GUa Cha, Kelantan, Malaya / Kenneth A.R. Kennedy
  • Some Kaguru plants: terms, names and uses / T.O. Beidelman
  • kensiu negritos: dermatoglyphic data with comparative noes / David R. Hughes
  • Archaeological maize in west Africa: a discussion of Stanton and Willet / George F. Carter.
  • Jul-Agu (1964) : Kinship and social anthropology / J.H.m. Beattie
  • A carved stone figure of eshu from igbajo, western Nigeria / Philip Allison
  • Two Zande Tales / E.e. Evans-Pritchard
  • a note on Enggano / M. A. Jaspan
  • Abnormal haemoglobins in a small group of tribesmen from north-west Pakistan / J. P. Bolton.
  • Sep-Oct (1964) : A sculptured figure with a modelled skull from New Ireland / Phillip H. Lewis
  • The concepts of "field" and "network" in Anthropological Research / E.J. Jay
  • A Sirikwa pit dwelling of western Kenya / D.S. Noble
  • Rainmaking in Bunyoro / J.H.M. Beattie
  • Ritual hangigs: an aboriginal "survival" in a Northern North American Trapping Community / R.J. Preston
  • On de use of scale analysis in the study of culture / Donald J. Tugby
  • Stone mortars in the New Guinea Highlands: a note on their manufacture and use / J.M.A. Chappell
  • Edible seeds and prehistoric stone mortars in the Highlands of East New Guinea / R.N.H. Bulmer.
  • Nov-Dec (1964) : Networks in indian social structure / M.N. Srinivas and André beteille
  • New Guinea Highlands models and descent theory / R.F. Slisbury
  • The incidence of sickle-cell trait in Bastar, III / R.S. Negi
  • Iron-smelting in the Hill Village of Sukur, North-Eastern Nigeria / Hamo Sassoon
  • Excavation of an Iron.smelting furnace in the Livingstone district of Northern Rhodesia / D.W. Phillipson
  • The nature of kinship / D. M Schneider.
  • Jan-Feb (1965) : Some speculations concerning a Drum Chime in Buganda / K. Wachsmann
  • A note on Nayar Marriage / K. Gough
  • A preliminary survey of the beads of ingombe Ilede, Northtern Rhodesia / A.P. Du Toit
  • the presence of the "Withrawn" High God in North Ibo religious belief and worship / A. J. Shelton
  • What is a Gong? / J. Montagu.
  • Mar-Apr (1965) : Zinacanteco "Souls" / E. Z. Vogt
  • Some glass beads from the Malay Peninsula / Alatair lamb
  • Rock gongs and Associated Rock Paintings on lolui Island, lake Victoria, Uganda: a preliminary note / George Jackson y otros
  • a professional tattooer in Beirut / J. Carswell
  • Traditional designs in some modern farm tools / J. Geraint jJnkins
  • Sacred and profane: some thoughts on the folk-urban continuum of this dichotomy / C. Renate Barber
  • A diviner's apprenticeship and work among the Bayaka / H. Huber.
  • May-Jun (1965) : Anthropology, Psychiatry and the doctrine of cultural relativism / J.D. freeman
  • The correlation of the "Romano-Celtic" temples / G.R.H. Wright
  • Some zande animal tales from the Gore Colletion / e.e. Evans-Pritchard
  • Excavations on a stone arrangement in Tasmania / R. Jones.
  • Jul-Agu (1965) : A human frontal bone from the late pleistocene of the Kom Ombo Plain, Upper Egypt / C.A. reed
  • The antiquity of the New Kom Ombo Skull / K.P. oakley
  • on the ideology and composition of descent groups / M.D. Sahlins
  • composite descent groups in Canada / E. leyton
  • The blood groups and haemoglobin of the Assyrians of Iraq / E.W. Ikin y otros
  • Problems of ethnological research in North American Museum / D. Collier y otros
  • Sirikwa Holes, stone houses and their makers in the Western Highlands of Kenya / J.E.G. Sutton
  • Traditional Yoruba healers in Nigeria / E.L. Margetts.
  • Sep-Oct (1965) : Proximity patterns of the urban jewih kindred / W. E. Mitchell
  • le baton de commandement / L. Underwood
  • note on boy's initiation among the Ngulu of East Africa / T.O. Beidelman
  • Archaeological reconnaissance in southern Tripolitania and Northern Fezzan, Libya / L. Dupree
  • Mathematical models of marriage systems / F. B. Livingstone.
  • Nov-Dec (1965) : Brenda Zara Seligman, 1882-1965: a memoir / meyer Fortes
  • Further excavations at Igbo-Ukwu, Eastern Nigeria: an interim report / c. Thurstan Shaw
  • Brugnowi origins: the founding of a village / P. Staalsen.
  • Mar (1975) new series: The promising primate / P. J. Wilson
  • Cash, credit and gambling in a modern Eskimo economy. speculations on origins of spheres of economic exchange /D. Riches
  • Fathers were not genitors / torben Monberg
  • Patters of early formative subsistence in southern Mesoamerica 1500-1100 B.C /d. D. Davis
  • misinformation in verbal accounts. some fundamental considerations / J. Bilmes
  • The secred mushroom in Scandinavia / R. W. Kaplan
  • Byansi kinship terminology: a study in symmetry / N.J. Allen
  • Examining stratification systems through peasant marketing arrangements: an application of some models from economic geography / C.A. smith
  • How wild are the Gombe chimpanzees / V. Reynolds.