Unisa Latin American report /

Bibliographic Details
Format: Serial
Published: Pretoria, Sudafrica : UNISA Centre for Latin American Studies, 1996-
Table of Contents:
  • v.12, no.2 (1996) : Mercosur and the uncertainty of democracy / Héctor Alimonda
  • Integration scenarios: projects, issues and problems in the southern cone / Elsa Laurelli
  • Emergency food aid programmes : the case of Chiapas, Mexico 1994 / martha López
  • Liberation leaders in foreign perceptions : thecase of Argentina's Juan perón sfter 1955 / roger Gravil
  • Women metalworkers and collective bargaining in Brazil, an interview with Luci de Aguiar / Zélia Roelofse Campbell
  • The former brazilian communist party and the development of Brazil's north east in an age of globalization, an interview with Roberto Freire / Zélia Roelofse Campbell
  • A brazilian development model: SUDENE of Brazil's north east, an interview with Carlos José Caldas Lins / Zélia Roelofse Campbell
  • Cuba: a special situation / Lucía Guerra
  • Brazil'North-east
  • Guatemala. Building on peace / Santiago Real de Azúa
  • Social development. A tale of two education projects / Claudio de Moura castro
  • Ecuador. Decentralization: grounds-eye view / David Mangurian.
  • v.15, no.1 (1999) : Writing the Deep South / Ariel Dorfman
  • Africa and Spanish America: civilizations of the twenty-first century / Nadine Gordimer
  • Mercosul: monetary union, uniform investment rules and legislative integration / Durval De Noronha Goyos
  • South Africa's need for doctors: why turn to Cuba?/ Jaime Davis
  • President Mandela strengthens relations: state visit to Brazil and Argentina, and addree to the Mercosur summit at Ushuaia / Zélia Roelofse-Campbell
  • The Andean community and South Africa: prospects and challenges / Sebastián Alegrett
  • Brazilian experiences with favela upgrading / Christopher Browne
  • "We can only manage the world once it has been storified"- an interview with André Brink / Cathy Maree
  • Slave route: international seminar in Brasilia / Zélia Roelofse-Campbell
  • A South African academic visits Cuba / Deon Geldenhuys
  • Writing the Deep South: an international conference of writers / Cathy Maree
  • Will she make it? - Guatemala finds new ways to keep girls in school / Christina Maccullogh
  • A future in two languages / David Mangurian
  • Donors back Peru's fight against drugs / Rod Chapman.
  • v.16, no.1 (2000) : People participation - a challenge to protected area management - the Peru experience / Elna Beer
  • The European Union, Latin America and the Free Trade Area of the Americas: strategic regionalism in the western hemisphere / José Briceño-Ruiz
  • Buenos Aires - its port and metropolitan area / Moira Liljesthröm
  • Transforming territories - the effects of economic restructuring and regional integration in Argentina / Elsa Laurelli, Moira Liljesthröm
  • The closing statement of the fifty-third UN General Assembly President / Didier Opertti
  • Brazilian foreign minister visits South Africa / Keith Campbell
  • What price water? / Paul Constance
  • From the ballot box to the ledger sheet / Daniel Drosdoff
  • A future for shamans / Roger Hamilton.
  • v.16, no.2 (2000) : A state failure-violence-resource capture triangle: comparing the Angolan and Colombian experiences / David Broekman
  • The cultural formation of Brazil and the present structure of its judiciary / Durval De Noronha Goyos
  • Contemporary Shamanism - vegetalismo in the Peruvian Amazon / Wynand Koch
  • Academic freedom in Brazil / Pedro Paulo Abreu Funari
  • The South American Summit: a new era for Brazilian foreign policy / Zélia Roelofse-Campbell
  • The current Yanomamö scandal: Neel, Chagnon et al / Chris Van Vuuren
  • Cultural studies highlighted at Comparative Literature Conference in Brazil / Zélia Roelofse-Campbell
  • South African Navy participates in fleet review commemorating 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil / Keith Campbell
  • On the right path / Peter Bate
  • Soccer meets economics / Peter Bate.
  • v.17, no.1 (2001) : Global Berter Network: new social and economic relationships within a post development area? / Ana Agostino
  • Vegetalismo, consciousness and the new sciences / Wynand Koch
  • Pre-applications considerations for total quality management in a rural school in Peru / Luis Andrés Lancho
  • Measuring innovation in emerging economies: South Africa and Brazil / Keith Campbell
  • A land renewed / Roger Hamilton
  • Police we deserve / Paul Constance
  • Development with identity
  • SA Defense College visits Argentina / Johan Merts
  • Transitions and transgressions in an Age of multiculturalism / Cathy Marre.
  • v.17, no.2 (2001) : Industrialization in global commodity chians emanating from Latin America / Wim Pelupessy
  • The free trade area of the Americas and Mercosur-European Union free trade processes: can they learn something from each other? / Robert Devlin
  • Culture and modernization in the Andean countries / Constantin Von Barloewen
  • Brazil and South Africa: cultural affinity in Africanness / Thabo Mbeki
  • Invisible citizens? / Charo Quesada
  • First, close the democratic déficit / Charo Quesada
  • The university in my bedroom / Paul Constance
  • To honour life: an upliftment project for street children in Pretoria / Carmen Pérez, Carmen Salazar .
  • v.18, no.1 (2002) : The role of the small and medium enterprise sector in Latin America: implications for South Africa / Albert Berry
  • Culture, science and technology in poverty underdevelopment / Marcia Lockett
  • Land tenure regularization in Latin America: a critical assesssment of Soto's "The mistery of capital" / Edésio Fernandes
  • Black youth and education _ abrief sketch and description of experiments towards strengthening selfesteem- / Rachel De Oliveira
  • Adress at the opening of the general debate of the 56th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations / Fernando Henrique Cardoso
  • The Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) for a fraternal community / José Flávio Sombra Saraiva
  • Leadership, consensus, and technolgy: with broad support from society, Brazil is improving the quality of life of HIV carriers / Charo Quesada
  • The fruits of foresight: an architect of Brazil's AIDS program describes the "critical and innovative vision" that led to success / Charo Quesada
  • Dangerous prescription: a new study indicates that corruption has infected Latin America's public hospitals / Paul Constance
  • Unisa receives accreditation from America Distance and training council / Doreen Gough
  • Visit to Brazil, SA Defence College / Trevor Reynolds.
  • v.18, no.2 (2002) : Chile and South Africa: lessons and opportunies from political and economic transition / Greg Mills
  • Municipal international relations: promoting good governance and socio-ecnomic development / John Singh
  • It's a long way to Mercosur / Lyal White
  • Prompt justice: Venezuela undertakes a sweeping reform of its courts / Daniel Drosdoff
  • Inside the beast: a leading Latin American cleric dissects the "cancer of corruption", and suggest some possible cures / Paul Constance
  • Can a community run a tourism businnes? / Roger Hamilton
  • High-level Mercosur joint mission in South Africa for trade talks / Zélia Roelofse-Campbell
  • Atlasur V naval exercise further consolidates South Africa links / Keith Campbell.
  • v.19, no.1 (2003) : Brazil-South African relations: Four decades toward the affirmation of a democratic partnership / Mario Vilalva, Irene Vida Gala
  • Political actors in the new Caribbean regionalism and the limits of liberal intergovernmentalism / José Briceño-Ruiz
  • South African relations with Latin America and the Caribbean / Tom Wheeler
  • Growing relations between South Africa and Mexico / Pieter Swanepoel
  • Sustainable development projects in Brazil: the pilot programme case / Carlos E. Aragon
  • The decade of Agenda 21 / Everton Viera Vargas
  • Housing for everyone? / Charo Quesada
  • May the best project win / Christina Macculloch
  • Tax cheats beware / Daniel Drosdoff
  • A fresh approach to social assistance / Daniel Drosdoff
  • A plague returns / Charo Quesada
  • In Memoriam: José Craveirinha / Tereza Cunha.