Table of Contents:
  • Vol.14, no.1 (1997) : Mobilizing the Consumer: Assembling the Subject of Consumption / Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose
  • An Introduction to Luhmann / John Paterson
  • Limits of Steering / Niklas Luhmann
  • Communicative Unreason: Bataille and Habermas / Benjamin Noys
  • Panic Ecology: Nature in the Age of Superconductivity / Nigel Clark
  • Landscape and Agency: Yellow Earth and the Demon Lover / Stephanie Donald
  • An Interview with Michael Walzer / Mikael Carleheden and René Gabriëls
  • Moral Deliberation and Political Judgement: Reflections on Benhabib's Interactive Universalism / Kimberly Hutchings
  • Life in the Knowledge Society: A Case of Some Really Artificial Intelligence / Steve Fuller.
  • Vol.14, no.2 (1997) : Introduction / Philip Goodchild
  • Immanence: A Life... / Gilles Deleuze
  • The `Epochality' of Deleuzean Thought / Kenneth Surin
  • Feminism, Foucault and Deleuze / Mariam Fraser
  • Deleuzean Ethics / Philip Goodchild
  • The Trick of Singularity / Nick Millett
  • Meta(l)morphoses / Rosi Braidotti
  • Questionnaire on Deleuze / Éric Alliez
  • Chronotopes: Of/in the Televisualization of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots / Joost van Loon
  • Widening Circles of Disidentification: On the Psycho- and Sociogenesis of the Hatred of Distant Strangers - Reflections on Rwanda / Abram de Swaan
  • Placing Globalization / Ash Amin
  • Organizations as Sense-Making Contexts / Peter K. Manning.
  • Vol.14, no.3 (1997) : Beyond Enlightenment?: After the Subject of Foucault, Who Comes? / Couze Venn
  • Freud and Dora: Repressing an Oppressed Identity / Michael Billig
  • Skirting and Suiting Stereotypes: Representations of Marginalized Sexualities in Japan / James Valentine
  • The Kray Fascination / Chris Jenks and Justin J. Lorentzen
  • Text and Music Revisited / Johan Fornäs
  • Rock Aesthetics and Musics of the World / Motti Regev
  • The Post-Positivist Dispute in Social Studies of Science and its Bearing on Social Theory / Nigel Pleasants
  • Racism, Culture and Modernity / Joost van Loon.
  • Vol.15, no.1 (1998) : The End of the Millennium or The Countdown / Jean Baudrillard
  • What Prospects of Morality in Times of Uncertainty? / Zygmunt Bauman
  • Three Appreciations of Zygmunt Bauman / Richard Kilminster and Ian Varcoe
  • Bauman's Ways of Seeing the World / Stefan Morawski
  • Zygmunt Bauman: How to be a Successful Outsider / Dennis Smith
  • Bauman in Germany: Modern Violence and the Problems of German Self-Understanding / Hans Joas
  • Identity and the Limits of Comparison: Bauman's Reception in Germany / Ian Varcoe
  • Zygmunt Bauman's Postmodern Turn / Douglas Kellner
  • The Right to Inconsistency / Pieter Nijhoff
  • The Discontented Epoch: Freedom and Security in Bauman's Postmodernity / Tim May
  • How Strange to Ourselves are Our Feelings of Superiority and Inferiority?: Notes on Fremde und Zivilisierung by Hans-Peter Waldhoff / Cas Wouters.
  • Vol.15, no.2 (1998) : Inside the Zone: The Social Art of the Hustler in the Black American Ghetto / Loïc Wacquant
  • Just Another Night in a Shooting Gallery / Philippe Bourgois
  • Surveilling the City: Whiteness, the Black Man and Democratic Totalitarianism / John Fiske
  • By Accident: The Tarantinian Ethics / Fred Botting and Scott Wilson
  • Social Spheres and Public Life: A Structural Origin / Ding-Tzann Lii
  • Korea and East Asian Exceptionalism / William H. Thornton
  • Mc-Identities: Food and the Familial Citizen / Elspeth Probyn
  • Machinic Philosophy / Bruce McClure.
  • Vol.15, no.3-4 (1998) : Love and Eroticism : Love and Eroticism: An Introduction / Mike Featherstone
  • On Postmodern Uses of Sex / Zygmunt Bauman
  • The Sexual Citizen / Jeffrey Weeks – On the Way to a Post-Familial Family: From a Community of Need to Elective Affinities / Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim
  • On the Elementary Forms of the Socioerotic Life / Sasha Weitman
  • Bohemian Love / Elizabeth Wilson
  • Otto Gross and Else Jaffé and Max Weber / Sam Whimster and Gottfried Heuer
  • The Lost Innocence of Love: Romance as a Postmodern Condition / Eva Illouz
  • Balancing Sex and Love since the 1960s Sexual Revolution / Cas Wouters
  • Citysex: Representing Lust in Public / Henning Bech
  • Love and Structure / Charles Lindholm
  • Falling in Love with Love is Falling for Make Believe': Ideologies of Romance in Post-Enlightenment Culture / Mary Evans
  • Introduction to Georg Simmel's `On the Sociology of the Family' / David Frisby
  • On the Sociology of the Family / Georg Simmel
  • Sex and Sociality: Comparative Ethnographies of Sexual Objectification / Laura Rival, Don Slater, and Daniel Miller
  • The Nazi Eye Code of Falling in Love: Bright Eyes, Black Heart, Crazed Gaze / Andrew Travers
  • On Me, Not in Me': Locating Affect in Nationalism after AIDS / Cindy Patton
  • Seductions of the Impossible: Love, the Erotic and Sacrifice in Surrealist Discourse / Michael Richardson
  • The Lesson of Fire: Notes on Love and Eroticism in Octavio Paz's the Double Flame / Maria Esther Maciel
  • Love, Gender and Morality:: Stephen Kern's Eyes of Love / Mike Hepworth
  • Bodies, Sex and Death / Arthur W. Frank.
  • Vol.16, no.1 (1999) : On Sacks on Weber on Ancient Judaism: Introductory Notes and Interpretive Resources / Emanuel A. Schegloff
  • Max Weber's Ancient Judaism / Harvey Sacks
  • On the Cunning of Imperialist Reason / Pierre Bourdieu and Loïc Wacquant
  • On the Cunning of Imperialist Reason: A Questioning Note or Preamble for a Debate / Couze Venn
  • Privileged Nomads: On the Strangeness of Intellectuals and the Intellectuality of Strangers / Dick Pels
  • Response to Dick Pels / Rosi Braidotti
  • Gender, Habitus and the Field: Pierre Bourdieu and the Limits of Reflexivity / Lois McNay
  • Community and Economy: A Retraditionalization of Gender? / Lisa Adkins
  • Dada between Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy and Bourdieu's Distinction: Existenz and Conflict in Cultural Analysis / T. J. Berard
  • Globalization as Conceived, Perceived and Lived Spaces / Mike Crang.
  • Vol.16, no.2 (1999) : Performativity and Belonging : Performativity and Belonging: An Introduction / Vikki Bell
  • Revisiting Bodies and Pleasures / Judith Butler
  • Historical Memory, Global Movements and Violence: Paul Gilroy and Arjun Appadurai in Conversation / Vikki Bell
  • Re-Membering Places and the Performance of Belonging(s) / Anne-Marie Fortier
  • Ethnic Absolutism and the Authoritarian Spirit / Chetan Bhatt
  • She'll Wake Up One of These Days and Find She's Turned into a Nigger': Passing through Hybridity / Sara Ahmed
  • Classing Queer: Politics in Competition / Mariam Fraser
  • Mimesis as Cultural Survival: Judith Butler and Anti-Semitism / Vikki Bell
  • On Speech, Race and Melancholia: An Interview with Judith Butler / Vikki Bell
  • Subject, Psyche and Agency: The Work of Judith Butler / Lois McNay
  • Performativity, Parody, Politics / Moya Lloyd
  • Beyond Food/Sex: Eating and an Ethics of Existence / Elspeth Probyn
  • Playing it Again: Citation, Reiteration or Circularity? / Jan Campbell and Janet Harbord
  • Vol.16, no.3 (1999) : Differentiations of Modernity / Klaus Lichtblau
  • The Place of Complexity / Nigel Thrift
  • Charisma and Tragedy: An Introduction / Raphael Falco
  • The Self as Image: A Critical Appraisal of Postmodern Theories of Fashion / Llewellyn Negrin
  • Television is Killing the Art of Symbolic Exchange: Baudrillard's Theory of Communication / William Merrin
  • Benjamin's Speculative Cultural History / J. M. Bernstein.
  • Vol.16, no.4 (1999) : Living Dangerously with Bruno Latour in a Hybrid World / Mark Elam
  • Etiquette Books, Discourse and the Deployment of an Order of Things / Jorge Arditi
  • Negotiating as Emotion Management / Willem Mastenbroek
  • Politics and the impossible: Beyond Psychoanalysis and Deconstruction / Glyn Daly
  • Reflexive Modernization and Beyond: Knowledge and Value in the Politics of Environment and Technology / Luigi Pellizzoni
  • New Music' between Search for Identity and Autopoiesis: Or, the `Tragedy of Listening' / Mário Vieira de Carvalho
  • The Generic City / Maarten Hajer
  • Jean Baudrillard: `Then We Too Shall See The Stars Fade Away' / Juliet Steyn.
  • Vol.16, no.5-6 (1999) : Paul Virilio : Paul Virilio: An Introduction / John Armitage
  • From Modernism to Hypermodernism and beyond: An Interview with Paul Virilio / John Armitacge
  • Indirect Light: Extracted from Polar Inertia / Paul Virilio
  • Virilio and Architecture / Neil Leach
  • Paul Virilio's Bunker Theorizing / Mike Gane
  • Virilio, War and Technology: Some Critical Reflections / Douglas Kellner
  • Virilio and New Media / Sean Cubitt
  • Binded by the (Speed of) Light / Scott McQuire
  • The Tendency the Accident and the Untimely: Paul Virilio's Engagement with the Future / Patrick Crogan
  • Virilio, Stelarc and Terminal Technoculture / Nicholas Zurbrugg
  • The Passenger: Paul Virilio and Feminism / Verena Andermatt Conley
  • The Conceptual Cosmology of Paul Virilio / James Der Derian
  • Paul Virilio: A Select Bibliography / John Armitage.