Table of Contents:
  • v.21, no.1 (1989) : Ceramic Technology : The Prunay Workshop: Technical Examination of La Tene Bichrome Painted Pottery from Champagne / V. Rigby, A.P. Middleton and I.C. Freestone
  • Were Pots First Made for Foods? Doubts from Franchthi / Karen D. Vitelli
  • A Technological Study of North-Mesopotamian Stone Ware / Gerwulf Schneider
  • Palaeomagnetism and High-Resolution Dating of Ceramic Kilns in Thailand: A Progress Report / Mike Barbetti and Don Hein
  • Ceramic Technology in Upper Egypt: A Study of Pottery Firing / Paul T. Nicholson and Helen L. Patterson
  • Glazed Steatite: An Investigation of the Methods of Glazing Used in Ancient Egypt / M. S. Tite and M. Bimson
  • The Technology of Ceramic Reuse: Formation Processes and Archaeological Evidence / Alan P. Sullivan, III
  • The Technology of Fifteenth Century Turkish Tiles: An Interim Statement on the Origins of the Iznik Industry / J. Henderson and J. Raby
  • Integrating Functional Analyses of Vessels and Sherds through Models of Ceramic Assemblage Formation / Barbara J. Mills
  • Tich Matek: The Technology of Luo Pottery Production and the Definition of Ceramic Style / Michael Dietler and Ingrid Herbich
  • Optical Petrology in the Field / P. N. Hunt and D. R. Griffiths.
  • v.21, no.2 (1989) : The Archaeology of Public Health : Water Supply and Sewage Disposal at Mohenjo-Daro / M. Jansen
  • A Note on Some Scavengers of Ancient Egypt / D. M. Dixon
  • Prehistoric Health Status of the Roonka Population / Graeme L. Pretty and Morrie E. Kricun
  • Infant and Childhood Morbidity and Mortality Risks in Archaeological Populations / Alan H. Goodman and George J. Armelagos
  • The Archaeology of Public Health at York, England / P. V. Addyman
  • The Palaeopathology of Leprosy in Britain: A Review / Keith Manchester and Charlotte Roberts
  • The Cemetery of the Hospital of St James and St Mary Magdalene, Chichester - A Case Study / Frances Lee and John Magilton
  • Public Health and Private Sentiment: The Development of Cemetery Architecture and Funerary Monuments from the Eighteenth Century Onwards/ Harold Mytum
  • Living on the Boott: Health and Well being in a Boardinghouse Population / S. A. Mrozowski, E. L. Bell, M. C. Beaudry, D. B. Landon and G. K. Kelso.
  • v.21, no.3 (1990) : Architectural Innovation : Architectural Innovation and Experimentation at Ganj Dareh, Iran / Philip E. L. Smith
  • The Origins of House and Home? / Trevor Watkins
  • Architecture of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Settlement in Nemrik, Iraq / Stefan K. Kozlowski and Andrzej Kempisty
  • Some Aspects of Building at the 'Aceramic-Neolithic' Settlement of Cayonu Tepesi / Wulf Schirmer
  • Innovations in Mud-Brick: Decorative and Structural Techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia / David Oates
  • Structural Experimentation: The Lintel Arch, Corbel and Tie in Western Roman Architecture / Janet DeLaine
  • Bronze Age Building Techniques at Flag Fen, Peterborough, England / Maisie Taylor and Francis Pryor
  • Broch Building in Northern Scotland: The Context of Innovation / Ian Armit
  • The Rows of Chester: Some Thoughts on the Results of Recent Research / Jane Grenville
  • Early Maya Architectural Innovation at Cuello, Belize / Norman Hammond and Juliette Cartwright Gerhardt.
  • v.22, no.1 (1990) : Soils and Early Agriculture : Aspects of Soils and Early Agriculture / Kenneth Thomas
  • Paddy Soils Now and Then / Gina L. Barnes
  • The Prehistoric Agricultural Landscape of the Central Maya Lowlands: An Examination of Local Variability in a Regional Context / Scott L. Fedick and Anabel Ford
  • Environment, Soils and Early Agriculture in Apennine Central Italy / C. Hunt, C. Malone, J. Sevink and S. Stoddart
  • Edaphic Opportunism? A Discussion of Soil Factors in Relation to the Beginnings of Plant Husbandry in South-West Asia / Susan Limbrey
  • Soil Micromorphological Evidence of Early Agriculture in North-West Europe / R. I. Macphail, M. A. Courty and A. Gebhardt
  • Prehistoric Agricultural Terraces and Soils in the Mimbres Area, New Mexico / J. A. Sandor, P. L. Gersper and J. W. Hawley
  • Soil Development and Early Land Use in the Jazira Region, Upper Mesopotamia / T. J. Wilkinson
  • An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective on Soils / Richard H. Wilshusen and Glenn D. Stone.
  • v.22, no.2 (1990) : Monuments and the Monumental : Monumental Architecture: A Thermodynamic Explanation of Symbolic Behaviour / Bruce G. Trigger
  • Large-Scale Integrative Facilities in Tribal Societies: Cross-Cultural and Southwestern US Examples / Michael A. Adler and Richard H. Wilshusen
  • The Genesis of Megaliths: Monumentality, Ethnicity and Social Complexity in Neolithic North-West Europe / Andrew Sherratt
  • Monuments from the Inside: The Case of the Irish Megalithic Tombs / Julian Thomas
  • The Monumentality of Death: The Character of Early Bronze Age Mortuary Mounds in Southern Britain / John C. Barrett
  • Monuments in an Island Society: The Maltese Context / A. Bonanno, T. Gouder, C. Malone and S. Stoddart
  • Monumental Architecture and Power in Polynesian Chiefdoms: A Comparison of Tonga and Hawaii / P. V. Kirch
  • Mapuche Ceremonial Landscape, Social Recruitment and Resource Rights / Tom D. Dillehay.
  • v.22, no.3 (1991) : Archaeology and Arid Environments : Cultural Impacts of Severe Droughts in the Prehistoric Andes: Application of a 1,500-Year Ice Core Precipitation Record / Izumi Shimada, Crystal Barker Schaaf, Lonnie G. Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson
  • Aridity, Activity, and Volcanic Ash Agriculture: A Study of Short-Term Prehistoric Cultural-Ecological Dynamics/ Alan P. Sullivan and Christian E. Downum
  • Temperatures in Predynastic Egypt Inferred from the Remains of the Nile Perch / Douglas J. Brewer
  • Llamas, Herders and the Exploitation of Raw Materials in the Atacama Desert / Penny Dransart
  • Evidence of Prehistoric Diet from Northern Chile: Coprolites, Gut Contents and Flotation Samples from the Tulan Quebrada / Timothy G. Holden
  • Change in the Australian Desert Culture: A Reanalysis of Tulas from Puntutjarpa Rockshelter / Peter Hiscock and Peter Veth
  • Arid Landscapes and Environmental Transformations in Ancient Southwestern Ecuador / Peter W. Stahl.
  • v.23, no.1 (1991) : Craft Production and Specialization : Some Political Aspects of Craft Specialization / Peter Peregrine
  • Pottery Production in Chiefdoms: The Longshan Period in Northern China / Anne P. Underhill
  • Beadmaking at Arikamedu and beyond / Peter Francis, Jr.
  • Contemporary Stone Beadmaking in Khambhat, India: Patterns of Craft Specialization and Organization of Production as Reflected in the Archaeological Record / Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, Massimo Vidale and Kuldeep Kumar Bhan
  • Ceramic Production and Community Specialization: A Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Study / Miriam T. Stark
  • Lithic Craft Specialization and Product Distribution at the Maya Site of Colha, Belize / Harry J. Shafer and Thomas R. Hester
  • Aztec Craft Production and Specialization: Archaeological Evidence from the City-State of Otumba, Mexico / Thomas H. Charlton, Deborah L. Nichols and Cynthia Otis Charlton
  • Anglo-Saxon Non-Ferrous Metalworking: A Survey / Justine Bayley.
  • v.23, no.2 (1991) : Chronologies : A Chronological Framework for Human Origins / A. T. Chamberlain
  • Palaeolithic Chronology and Possible Coexistence of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens in China / Chen Tiemei and Zhang Yinyun
  • Revolution or Resolution? The Archaeology of Modern Human Origins / T. E. G. Reynolds
  • The Chronology of the New World: Two Faces of One Reality / N. Guidon and B. Arnaud
  • Problems in Constructing a Prehistoric Regional Sequence: Holocene Southeast Australia / C. F. M. Bird and David Frankel
  • Radiocarbon Dating and the Prehistoric Archaeology of China / An Zhimin
  • The Chronology of Ancient Egypt / K. A. Kitchen
  • Ritual, Time and History / Richard Bradley
  • A Local Ship Picture Tradition of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in South-East Norway: New Evidence from Rock Carvings at Dalbo / Einar Ostmo
  • Marking in Marker Dates: Towards an Archaeology with Historical Precision / M. G. L. Baillie.
  • v.23, no.3 (1992) : Archaeology of Empires : The Land of Assur and the Yoke of Assur / J. N. Postgate
  • Regional Analysis of the Zapotec Empire, Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico / Michael J. O'Brien and Dennis E. Lewarch
  • Imperialism, Empire and the Integration of the Roman Economy / Greg Woolf
  • Territorial Expansion and the Roman Empire / Michael Fulford
  • Culture Contact and Culture Change: The Korean Peninsula and Its Relations with the Han Dynasty Commandery of Lelang / Hyung II Pai
  • Integration and Social Reproduction in the Carolingian Empire / John Moreland and Robert Van de Noort
  • Economic Diversity and Integration in a Pre-Colonial Indian Empire / Kathleen D. Morrison and Carla M. Sinopoli
  • Archaeology and the Aztec Empire / Michael E. Smith and Frances F. Berdan
  • Ritual Geography, Settlement Patterns and the Characterization of the Provinces of the Inka Heartland / I. S. Farrington.
  • v.24, no.1 (1992) : The Humid Tropics : The Central African Rain Forest: Historical Speculation and Archaeological Facts / Manfred K. H. Eggert
  • Late Holocene Climatic Change in Southeast Asia: The Palynological Evidence and Its Implications for Archaeology / B. K. Maloney
  • Human Biology, Environment and Ritual at Khok Phanom Di / Charles Higham, Rachanie Bannanurag, Graeme Mason and Nancy Tayles
  • Production Systems and the Colonization of the Western Pacific / Chris Gosden
  • The Archaeobotany of Subsistence in the Pacific / Jon G. Hather
  • Agricultural Limitations of the Amazon in Theory and Practice / Thomas P. Myers
  • The Technical Transformation of an Agricultural System in the Colombian Amazon / Luisa Fernanda Herrera, Ines Cavelier, Camilo Rodriguez and Santiago Mora
  • Prehistoric Human Adaptations to the Seasonally Dry Forests of Panama / Richard Cooke and Anthony J. Ranere
  • Prehispanic Chiefdoms of the Western Venezuelan Llanos / Charles S. Spencer and Elsa M. Redmond
  • Calakmul, Campeche: A Centralized Urban Administrative Center in the Northern Peten / William J. Folan.
  • v.24, no.2 (1992) : Analytical Field Survey : Woodland Demographic and Social Dynamics in the American Midwest: Analysis of a Burial Mound Survey / Douglas K. Charles
  • Significant Sites and Non-Site Archaeology: A Case-Study from South-East Australia / James W. Rhoads
  • Archaeological Survey in Northern Highland Ecuador: Inca Imperialism and the Pais Caranqui / Tamara L. Bray
  • A Survey of Late Stone Age and Iron Age Sites at Luano, Zambia / Michael S. Bisson
  • Satellite Imagery, Aerial Photography and Wetland Archaeology: An Interim Report on an Application of Remote Sensing to Wetland Archaeology: The Pilot Study in Cumbria, England / Chris Cox
  • An Experiment in Archaeological Site Location: Modeling in the Netherlands using GIS Techniques / Roel Brandt, Bert J. Groenewoudt and Kenneth L. Kvamme
  • Upgrading Site-Catchment Analyses with the Use of GIS: Investigating the Settlement Patterns of Horticulturalists / Eleazer D. Hunt.
  • v.24, no.3 (1993) : Ancient Trade: New Perspectives : Ulysses without Sails: Trade, Distance, Knowledge and Power in the Early Cyclades / Cyprian Broodbank
  • Thalassocracies in Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Trade: Making and Breaking a Myth / A. Bernard Knapp
  • Direct Evidence for Organic Cargoes in the Late Bronze Age / Cheryl Haldane
  • The Growth of the Mediterranean Economy in the Early First Millennium BC / Susan and Andrew Sherratt
  • Patterns of Trade in Third-Millennium BC Mesopotamia and Iran / T. F. Potts
  • Trade and Power in the Fifth and Fourth Millennia BC: New Evidence from Northern Mesopotamia / Joan Oates
  • Rethinking Some Aspects of Trade in the Arabian Gulf / D. T. Potts
  • Trade or Diplomacy? Assyria and Dilmun in the Eighteenth Century BC /Jesper Eidem and Flemming Hojlund
  • Local versus Non-Local Obsidian Exchange at Tula and Its Implications for Post-Formative Mesoamerica / Dan M. Healan
  • Ethnoarchaeology, Museum Collections and Prehistoric Exchange: Obsidian-Tipped Artifacts from the Admiralty Islands / Robin Torrence
  • v.25, no.1-3 (1993-94) : (encuaderndos juntos) Nº 1) BIOMOLECULAR ARCHAEOLOGY : Molecular Biology and Archaeology: A Prospectus for Inter-Disciplinary Research / K. D. Thomas
  • Archaeology and Genetics: Analysing DNA from Skeletal Remains / Martin Richards, Kate Smalley, Bryan Sykes and Robert Hedges
  • Blood Residues on Stone Tools: Indoor and Outdoor Experiments / C. Cattaneo, K. Gelsthorpe, P. Phillips and R. J. Sokol
  • The Artifact as Site: An Example of the Biomolecular Analysis of Organic Residues on Prehistoric Tools / Thomas H. Loy
  • Biomolecular Archaeology of Wheat: Past, Present and Future / Terence A. Brown, Robin G. Allaby, Keri A. Brown and Martin K. Jones
  • Biomolecular Archaeology and Lipids / R. P. Evershed
  • Identifying Problematic Remains of Ancient Plant Foods: A Comparison of the Role of Chemical, Histological and Morphological Criteria / Gordon Hillman, Sue Wales, Frances McLaren, John Evans and Ann Butler
  • World Archaeology and Global Change: Did Our Ancestors Ignite the Ice Age? / Peter Westbroek, Matthew J. Collins, J. H. Fred Jansen and Lee M. Talbot. Nº2) The Role of Memory in the Transmission of Culture / Michael Rowlands
  • The Temporality of the Landscape / Tim Ingold
  • Archaeology and the Threat of the past: Sir Henry Rider Haggard and the Acquisition of Time / Tim Murray
  • Art, Time and Thought: A Formal Study Comparing Palaeolithic and Postglacial Art / Felipe Criado Boado and Rafael Penedo Romero
  • Chronotypic Tension in Bulgarian Prehistory: 6500-3500 BC / Douglass W. Bailey
  • Time in the Reproduction of Mortuary Practices / Koji Mizoguchi
  • Chronologies of Remembrance: The Interpretation of Some Roman Inscriptions / John C. Barrett
  • Living on Luo Time: Reckoning Sequence, Duration, History and Biography in a Rural African Society / Michael Dietler and Ingrid Herbich
  • Perceptions of Time in the Andaman Islands / Zarine Cooper
  • The Narrative and Rhetoric of Material Culture Sequences / Ian Hodder. Nº 3) Through a Window on the European Iron Age Darkly: Fifty Years of Reading Early Celtic Art / Ruth Megaw and Vincent Megaw
  • Relating Visual and Technological Styles in Tibetan Sculpture Analysis / Chandra L. Reedy and Terry J. Reedy
  • Reading Prehistoric Figurines as Individuals / Douglass W. Bailey
  • Reading Art, Writing History: Rock Art and Social Change in Southern Africa / Thomas A. Dowson
  • Archetypes and Attributes: Rock Paintings in Zimbabwe / P.S. Garlake
  • By the Hunter, for the Gatherer: Art, Social Relations and Subsistence Change in the Prehistoric Great Basin / David S. Whitley
  • Rock Art Research as Landscape Archaeology: A Pilot Study in Galicia, North-West Spain / Richard Bradley, Felipe Criado Boado and Ramon Fabregas Valcarce
  • Images out of Water: Interpreting the Karlby Stone / Elizabeth le Bon.
  • v.26, no.1 (1994) : Archaeology of Pilgrimage : The Archaeological Identification of an Ancient Peruvian Pilgrimage Center / Helaine Silverman
  • Pilgrimage's Last Mile: Late Maya Monument Veneration at La Milpa, Belize / Norman Hammond and Matthew R. Bobo
  • Kanheri: The Archaeology of an Early Buddhist Pilgrimage Centre in Western India / Himanshu Prabha Ray
  • The Archaeology of the Syrian and Iraqi Hajj Routes / Andrew Petersen
  • Some Approaches to the Archaeology of Christian Pilgrimage / J. Stopford
  • The Pilgrim's Progress: Art, Architecture and Ritual Movement at Sinai / Simon Coleman and John Elsner
  • Early Irish Pilgrim Archaeology in the Dingle Peninsula / Peter Harbison
  • Predators of Culture: Jaguar Symbolism and Mesoamerican Elites / Nicholas J. Saunders.
  • v.26, no.2 (1994) : Communication and Language : Introduction: Communication and Language / J.A.J. Gowlett
  • Communication Networks and Dispersal Patterns in Human Evolution: A Simple Simulation Model / James Steele
  • Cognition and Communication in the Levantine Lower Palaeolithic / Anna Belfer-Cohen and Naama Goren-Inbar
  • Flakes and Ladders: What the Archaeological Record Cannot Tell Us about the Origins of Language / Paul Graves
  • Speaking through Stones: A Study from Northern Australia / Robert Paton
  • Art as Information: Explaining Upper Palaeolithic Art in Western Europe / C. Michael Barton, G. A. Clark and Allison E. Cohen
  • Accounting for the Prehistoric Long-Distance Movement of Goods with a Measure of Style / Robert N. Zeitlin
  • Titicaca Basin Archaeolinguistics: Uru, Pukina and Aymara AD 750-1450 / David L. Browman
  • Language as Symbol in Churchyard Monuments: The Use of Welsh in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Pembrokeshire / Harold Mytum
  • A Stochastic Model for the Presence/Absence of Readings in Niorstigningar Saga / Hakon K. Gjessing and Richard H. Pierce.
  • v.26, no.3 (1995) : Colonization of Islands : Of Nets and Trees: Untangling the Reticulate and Dendritic in Madagascar's Prehistory / Robert E. Dewar
  • Landnam: The Settlement of Iceland in Archaeological and Historical Perspective / Kevin P. Smith
  • The Colonization of the Hebridean Islands of Western Scotland: Evidence from the Palynological and Archaeological Records / Kevin J. Edwards and Steven Mithen
  • The Need for Lapita: Explaining Change in the Late Holocene Pacific Archaeological Record / Anita Smith
  • The Polynesian Settlement of the Hawaiian Archipelago: Integrating Models and Methods in Archaeological Interpretation / Michael W. Graves and David J. Addison
  • Modeling Dispersal in the Prehistoric West Indies /William F. Keegan
  • The Colonization of the Bahama Archipelago: A Reappraisal / Mary Jane Berman and Perry L. Gnivecki
  • The First Colonization of Ibiza and Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain): Some More Islands out of the Stream? / Carlos Gomez Bellard.
  • v.27, no.1 (1995) : Symbolic aspects of early technologies : The Stone-Tool Technology of Capuchin Monkeys: Possible Implications for the Evolution of Symbolic Communication in Hominids / Gregory Charles Westergaard
  • Handaxe Enigmas / Thomas Wynn
  • Gender and Prehistoric Technology: On the Social Agency of Technical Strategies / Marcia-Anne Dobres
  • The Technique as a Symbol in Late Glacial Europe / Anthony Sinclair
  • Skills and Learning Difficulties Involved in Stone Knapping: The Case of Stone-Bead Knapping in Khambhat, India / V. Roux, B. Bril and G. Dietrich
  • Fearful Symmetry / P. M. Graves-Brown
  • Sound, Color and Meaning in the Metallurgy of Ancient West Mexico / Dorothy Hosler
  • Indian Metal and Metal-Related Artefacts as Cultural Signifiers: An Ethnographic Perspective / Nayanjot Lahiri
  • The Faerie Smith Meets the Bronze Industry: Magic Versus Science in the Interpretation of Prehistoric Metal-Making / Paul Budd and Timothy Taylor
  • Symbolism and the Social Contexts of Iron Production in Karagwe / Andrew Reid and Rachel MacLean.
  • v.27, no.2 (1995) : Buddhist archaeology : An Introduction to Buddhist Archaeology / Gina L. Barnes
  • Glossary of Selected Terms
  • Buddhist Sites across South Asia as Influenced by Political and Economic Forces / Dilip K. Chakrabarti
  • Trade, Urbanism, and Agricultural Expansion: Buddhist Monastic Institutions and the State in the Early Historic Western Deccan / Kathleen D. Morrison
  • Monks, Caves and Kings: A Reassessment of the Nature of Early Buddhism in Sri Lanka / Robin A. E. Coningham
  • Beyond the Mandala: Buddhist Landscapes and Upland-Lowland Interaction in North-West Thailand AD 1200-1650 / Peter Grave
  • Buddhist Stupa and Thai Social Practice / Denis Byrne
  • Bamiyan: Buddhist Cave Temples in Afghanistan / Takayasu Higuchi and Gina Barnes
  • Buddhist Cave-Temples and the Cao Family at Mogao Ku, Dunhuang / Ma Shichang
  • Sokkuram: Buddhist Monument and Political Statement in Korea / Mark Harrell
  • Early Buddhist Temples in Japan: Roof-Tile Manufacture and the Social Basis of Temple Construction / Yamamoto Tadanao and Walter Edwards.
  • v.27, no.3 (1996) : Hunter - Gatherer Land Use : The Transient Village in Southern New Zealand / Atholl Anderson and Ian Smith
  • The Use of Ethnographic Analyses for Researching Late Palaeolithic Settlement Systems, Settlement Patterns and Land Use in the Northwest European Plain / R. R. Newell and T. S. Constandse-Westermann
  • Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Lowland Trade in the Prehispanic Philippines / Laura Lee Junker
  • Regional Patterns of Folsom Mobility and Land Use in the American Southwest / Daniel S. Amick
  • Coast/Inland Relations in the Mesolithic of Southern Norway / Sveinung Bang-Andersen
  • Archaeological Investigations of Anadromous Salmonid Fishing in Japan / Akira Matsui
  • Settlement Pattern and the Spatial Organization of Subsistence and Mortuary Practices in the Mesolithic Ganges Valley, North-Central India / Umesh C. Chattopadhyaya
  • From Laugerie Basse to Jolivet: The Organization of Final Magdalenian Settlement in the Vezere Valley / Katie V. Boyle
  • Moving to Produce: Nukak Mobility and Settlement Patterns in Amazonia / Gustavo G. Politis
  • Testing the Models: Hunter-Gatherer Use of Space in the Gulf of Maine, USA / David Sanger.