Table of Contents:
  • vol. 21 (1970) : Personality / W. G. Dahlstrom
  • Theory and Techniques of Personality Measurement / D. W. Fiske , and H.P . Pearson
  • Psychophysiological Contributions to Social Psychology / D. Shapiro and G. E. Schwartz
  • Psychological Deficit in Schizophrenia and Brain Damage / C. N. Zimet and D. B. Fishman
  • Psychotherapeutic Processes / E. T. Gendlin, and J. F. Rychlak
  • Developmental Psychology / D. Elkind and A. Sameroff – Geropsychology / J. Botwinick
  • The Vestibular System / B. Clark
  • Visual Sensitivity / H. D. Baker, and B. N. Baker – Attention / J. A. Swets and A. B. Kristofferson
  • Instrumental Learning in Animals: Parameters of Reinforcement / M. E. Bitterman and W. M. Schoel
  • Memory and Verbal Learning / E. Tulving and S. A. Madigan
  • Derived Motives / M. H. Appley
  • Psychology of Men at Work / J. R. Hinrichs
  • Brain Functions / B. S. Rosner – Psychopharmacology / R. Kumar , I. P. Stolerman, and H. Steinberg.
  • vol. 22 (1971) : Basic Drives / F. W. Finger and D. G. Mook
  • Behavioral Genetics / G. Lindzey and others – Audition / D. H. Raab
  • Spatial Vision / P. O. Bishop and others – Perception / H. L. Pick Jr. and others
  • Test Theory / R. D. Bock, and R. Wood
  • Statistical Theory / M. Aitkin – Psycholinguistics / S. Fillenbaum
  • Mass Communication / W. Weiss
  • Developmental Psychology / W. W. Hartup and A. Yonas – Personality / I. G. Sarason and others
  • Classification of the Behavior Disorders / L. Phillips and others
  • Behavior Therapy / L. Krasner
  • Student Development and Counseling / Wilbur L. Layton, and others
  • Personnel Training and Development / J. P. Campbell.
  • vol. 23 (1972) : Developmental Psychology / L. P. Lipsitt and P. D. Eimas
  • Derived Motives / R. C. Bolles and S. A. Moot
  • The Neurophysiology of Learning / R. F. Thompson and others – Thinking / L. E. Bourne and other
  • Individual Decision Behavior / A. Rapoport and other
  • Human Abilities / L. E. Tyler
  • Instructional Psychology / R. Glaser and other
  • Social Ethology / J. H. Crook and other – Audition / J. D. Harris
  • Color Vision / P. L. Walraven – Personality / J. L. Singer and other
  • Brain Functions / C. Blakemore and others
  • Effects of Chemical and Physical Treatments on Learning and Memory / M. E. Jarvik
  • Attitudes and Opinions / M. Fishbein and other
  • Personnel Selection / D. W. Bray and J. L. Moses
  • Projective Methodologies / H. B. Molish
  • Psychotherapeutic Processes / K. I. Howard and D. E. Orlinsky – Esthetics / I. L. Child
  • Psychology in Japan / Y. Tanaka and G. W. England.
  • vol. 24 (1973) : Developmental Psychology / E. S. Gollin and M. Moody
  • Basic Drives / M. J. Wayner, and other
  • Mathematical Learning Theory and the New Mental Forestry / J. G. Greeno and other
  • Student Development and Counseling / H. B. Pepinsky and other
  • Visual Sensitivity / J. L. Brown
  • The Sense of Smell / T. Engen – Perception / H. W. Leibowitz and other
  • Measurement of Personality Traits: Theory and Technique / A. L. Edwards and other
  • Physiological Psychology: Sleep / H. L. Williams and others
  • Interpersonal Attraction / D. Byrne and other
  • The Study of Small Groups / R. Helmreich and others
  • Psychology and Culture / H. C. Triandis and other s
  • Personnel Attitudes and Motivation / J. B. Minerand others
  • Environmental Psychology / K. H. Craik
  • Social and Community Interventions / E. L. Cowen – Scaling / N. Cliff.
  • vol. 25 (1974) : Developmental Psychology / D. M. Baer and J. C. Wright
  • Derived Motives / M. R. D'Amato
  • Animal Learning--Visceral and Autonomic Conditioning / A. H. Harris and J. V. Brady
  • Experimental Psycholinguistics / P. N. Johnson-Laird
  • Instructional Psychology / W. J. McKeachie
  • Spatial Vision / R. Sekuler
  • Somesthesis / J. F. Hahn
  • Personality / P. S. Holzman
  • Brain Function: Changing Ideas on the Role of Sensory, Motor, and Association Cortex in Behavior / R. B. Masterton and M. A. Berkley
  • Organization Development / F. Friedlander and L. D. Brown
  • Objective Diagnostic Tests and Measures / L. R. Goldberg
  • Intervention Techniques Small Groups / K. W. Back
  • Behavioral Genetics / P. L. Broadhurst and others
  • Social and Cultural Influences on Psychopathology / B. P. Dohrenwend and B. S. Dohrenwend
  • Statistics and Data Analysis / W. M. Meredith and others.
  • vol. 26 (1975) : The Psychology of Women. Selected Topics / Martha T. Shuch Mednick and Hilda J. Weissman – Hypnosis / E. R. Hilgard
  • Drug Use and Abuse / William H. McGlothlin
  • Adult Development and Aging / K. Warner Schaie and Kathy Gribbin
  • Developmental Psychology / E. M. Hetherington , and C. W. McIntyre
  • Biological Rhythms and Animal Behavior / B. Rusak , and I. Zucker
  • Thinking and Concept Attainment / E. D. Neimark , and J. L. Santa
  • Auditory Psychophysics / R. Plomp
  • Electrophysiology and Behavior / E. C. Beck – Perception / D. J. Weintraub
  • Verbal Learning and Memory / L. Postman
  • Counseling and Student Development / John M. Whiteley, and others
  • Neurophysiology of Learning / Irving Kupfermann – Personality / R. Carlson
  • Attitudes and Opinions / C. A. Kiesler and P. A. Munson
  • Personnel Attitudes and Motivation / E. A. Locke
  • Personnel Selection, Classification, and Placement / P. Ash , and L. P. Kroeker
  • Individual Psychotherapy and Behavior Therapy / A. E. Bergin and R. M. Suinn
  • Primary Prevention / M. Kessler and G. W. Albee
  • Assessment of Schizophrenia / Rue L. Cromwell
  • Biometric Approach to Psychopathology: Abnormal and Clinical Psychology—Statistical, Epidemiological, and Diagnostic Approaches / Joseph Zubin, and others.
  • vol. 27 (1976) : Personality / L . Sechrest
  • Cognitive Development / H. Ginsburg and B. Koslowski
  • Color Vision / G. H. Jacobs
  • Biochemistry and Behavior: Some Central Actions of Amphetamine and Antipsychotic Drugs /P. M. Groves and G. V. Rebec
  • Ethology and Comparative Psychology / W. A. Mason and D. F. Lott
  • Models of Learning / J. W. Cotton
  • Neurological and Physiological Bases of Psychopathology / R. M. Reitan
  • Change Induction in Small Groups/ M. A. Lieberman
  • Test Theory / J. Lumsden
  • Scientific Psychology in France / R. Frances
  • Engineering Psychology and Human Performance / E. A. Alluisi and B. B. Morgan Jr.
  • Consumer Psychology: An Octennium / J. Jacoby
  • Psychology and the Law: an Overture / J. L. Tapp
  • Personnel and Human Resources Development / F. A. Heller and A. W. Clark
  • Human Abilities: A Review of Research and Theory in the Early 1970s / J. L. Horn
  • Analysis of Qualitative Data / J. E. Keith Smith
  • The Social Psychology of Small Groups: Cooperative and Mixed-Motive Interaction / J. H. Davis and others
  • Projective Tests / W. G. Klopfer and E. S. Taulbee
  • Program Evaluation / R. Perloff and others.
  • vol. 28 (1977) : Behavioral Decision Theory / P. Slovic and others
  • Psychological and Physiological Mechanisms of Pain / J. C. Liebeskind and L. A. Paul
  • Auditory Communication in Lower Animals: Role of Auditory Physiology / J. Schwartzkopff
  • Brain Functions: Neuronal Mechanisms of Learning and Memory / E. N. Sokolov
  • Personality / J. E. Phares and J. T. Lamiell
  • Effects of Mass Media / R. M. Liebert and N. S. Schwartzberg
  • Personnel Attitudes and Motivation / A. K. Korman and others – Organization Development / C. P. Alderfer
  • Psychological Perspectives on Death / R. Kastenbaum and P. T. Costa Jr.
  • Human Infancy / M. M. Haith and J. J. Campos
  • Personality and Social Development / M. L. Hoffman
  • Social and Community Interventions / J. G. Kelly and others
  • Twenty Years of Experimental Gaming: Critique,Synthesis, and Suggestions for the Future / D. G. Pruitt and M. J. Kimmel
  • Verbal Learning and Memory / L. R. Peterson
  • Instructional Psychology / M. C. Wittrock and A. A. Lumsdaine.
  • vol. 29 (1978) : The Neurophysiology of Information Processing and Cognition / E. R. John and other
  • Visual Perception / R. N. Haber
  • Thinking / J. R. Erickson and other
  • Motivation: Social Approaches / R. DeCharms and M. S. Muir
  • Interpersonal Attraction and Relationships / T. L. Huston and G. Levinger
  • Nutrition, Malnutrition, and Behavior / J. Brozek
  • Toward Assessment of Personal Competence and Incompetence in Life Situations / N. D. Sundberg and others
  • Sleep and Dreams / W. B. Webb and other
  • Environmental Psychology / D. Stokols
  • Cognitive Development / R. Gelman
  • Career Development: Exploration and Planning / D. E. Super and other
  • Biofeedback and Visceral Learning / N. E. Miller
  • Social and Cultural Influences on Psychopathology / L. M. King
  • Individual Psychotherapy and Behavior Therapy / B. Gomes-Schwartz and others
  • Behavioral Genetics / J.C. DeFries and other
  • Attitudes and Opinions / A. H. Eagly and others – Personality / R. Helson and V. Mitchell
  • Classical Conditioning in Animals / A. Dickinson and others
  • Visual Sensitivity / D. I. A. MacLeod
  • Statistics and Data Analysis: Trading Bias for Reduced Mean Squared Error / B. J. Winer.
  • vol. 30 (1979) : Relations Between Psychology and Other Sciences / Jean Piaget
  • Some Origins of Psychology as Science / C. G. Mueller
  • Auditory Psychophysics / C. Trahiotis and D. E. Robinson
  • Human Memory / F. I. M. Craik
  • Psychological Development: Early Experience / J. M. Hunt
  • What's Cultural About Cross-Cultural Cognitive Psychology? :Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition Prevention: The Clinical Psychologist / L. B. Murphy and C. Frank
  • The Biology of Motivation / S. P. Grossman
  • Organizational Behavior / T. R. Mitchell
  • Neural Mechanisms and Behavioral Aspects of Taste / C. Pfaffmann and others
  • Concepts of Motor Organization / F. A. Miles and E. V. Evarts
  • Information Processing Models of Cognition / Herbert A. Simon
  • Social and Cultural Influences on Psychopathology / J. S. Strauss
  • The Psychology of Group Processes / A. Zander
  • Small Group Methods of Personal Change / J. J. Hartman
  • Personnel Selection and Classification Systems / M. D. Dunnette and other
  • Facial Expressions of Emotion / P. Ekman.and H. Oster
  • Counseling Psychology /John D. Krumboltz and others
  • Individual Differences in Cognitive Abilities / John B. Carroll and Scott E. Maxwell.
  • vol. 60 (2009) : Emotion Theory and Research: Highlights, Unanswered Questions, and Emerging Issues / Carroll E. Izard
  • Concepts and Categories: A Cognitive Neuropsychological Perspective / Bradford Z. Mahon and other
  • Mindful Judgment and Decision Making / Elke U. Weber and other
  • Comparative Social Cognition / Nathan J. Emery and other
  • Learning from Others: Children's Construction of Concepts / Susan A. Gelman
  • Social Withdrawal in Childhood / Kenneth H. Rubin and others
  • The Adaptive Brain: Aging and Neurocognitive Scaffolding / Denise C. Park and other
  • A Tale of Two Systems: Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders Treatment for Adolescents / Elizabeth H. Hawkins
  • Therapy for Specific Problems: Youth Tobacco Cessation / Susan J. Curry, and others
  • Neuropsychological Assessment of Dementia / David P. Salmon and other
  • Relations Among Speech, Language, and Reading Disorders / Bruce F. Pennington and other
  • Political Ideology: Its Structure, Functions, and Elective Affinities / John T. Jost and others
  • Prejudice Reduction: What Works? A Review and Assessment of Research and Practice / Elizabeth Levy Paluck and others
  • Personality: The Universal and the Culturally Specific / Steven J. Heine and other
  • Community Psychology: Individuals and Interventions in Community Context / Edison J. Trickett
  • Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions / Bruce J. Avolio and others
  • Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams, Organizations, and Society / Herman Aguinis and other
  • Conceptual Consumption / Dan Ariely and Michael I. Norton
  • Health Psychology: Developing Biologically Plausible Models Linking the Social World and Physical Health / Gregory Miller and others
  • The Case for Cultural Competency in Psychotherapeutic Interventions / Stanley Sue and others
  • Missing Data Analysis: Making It Work in the Real World / John W. Graham
  • Latent Variable Modeling of Differences and Changes with Longitudinal Data / John J. McArdle
  • The Renaissance of Field Experimentation in Evaluating Interventions / William R. Shadish and other
  • Timely Topics / Adolescent Romantic Relationships / W. Andrew Collins and others
  • Imitation, Empathy, and Mirror Neurons / Marco Iacoboni
  • Predicting Workplace Aggression and Violence / Julian Barling, and others
  • The Social Brain: Neural Basis of Social Knowledge / Ralph Adolphs
  • Workplace Victimization: Aggression from the Target's Perspective / Karl Aquino and other.
  • vol. 61 (2010) : Love in the Fourth Dimension / Ellen Berscheid
  • The Role of the Hippocampus in Prediction and Imagination / Randy L. Buckner
  • Hippocampal-Neocortical Interactions in Memory Formation, Consolidation, and Reconsolidation / Szu-Han Wang and other
  • Stress Hormone Regulation: Biological Role and Translation into Therapy / Florian Holsboer and other
  • Structural Plasticity and Hippocampal Function / Benedetta Leuner and other
  • A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Reconsolidation as a Link Between Cognitive and Neuroscientific Memory Research Traditions / Oliver Hardt and others
  • Cognitive Neural Prosthetics / Richard A. Andersen, and others
  • Speech Perception and Language Acquisition in the First Year of Life / Judit Gervain and other
  • An Odor is Not Worth a Thousand Words: From Multidimensional Odors to Unidimensional Odor Objects / Yaara Yeshurun and other
  • Somesthetic Senses / Mark Hollins
  • Learning: From Association to Cognition / David R. Shanks
  • Evolving the Capacity to Understand Actions, Intentions, and Goals / Marc Hauser and other
  • Child Maltreatment and Memory / Gail S. Goodman and others
  • Patterns of Gender Development / Carol Lynn Martin and other
  • Social and Emotional Aging / Susan T. Charles and other
  • Human Development in Societal Context / Aletha C. Huston and other
  • Epigenetics and the Environmental Regulation of the Genome and Its Function / Tie-Yuan Zhang and other
  • Goals, Attention, and (Un)Consciousness / Ap Dijksterhuis and Henk Aarts
  • Negotiation / Leigh L. Thompson and others
  • Personality Development: Continuity and Change Over the Life Course / Dan P. McAdams and other
  • Self-Regulation at Work / Robert G. Lord and others – Creativity / Beth A. Hennessey and other
  • The Intersection of Work and Family Life: The Role of Affect / Lillian T. Eby and others
  • Cumulative Knowledge and Progress in Human Factors / Robert W. Proctor and other
  • The Psychology of Academic Achievement / Philip H. Winne and other
  • Personality and coping / Charles S. Carver and other.
  • vol. 62 (2011) : The Development of Problem Solving in Young Children: A Critical Cognitive Skill / Rachel Keen
  • The Neuroscience of Social Decision-Making / James K. Rilling and Alan G. Sanfey
  • Speech Perception / Arthur G. Samuel
  • A Taxonomy of External and Internal Attention / Marvin M. Chun and others
  • The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension / Raymond A. Mar
  • Causal Learning and Inference as a Rational Process: The New Synthesis / Keith J. Holyoak and other
  • Development in the Early Years: Socialization, Motor Development, and Consciousness / Claire B. Kopp
  • Peer Contagion in Child and Adolescent Social and Emotional Development / Thomas J. Dishion and other
  • Psychological Wisdom Research: Commonalities and Differences in a Growing Field / Ursula M. Staudinger and Judith Glück
  • Socialization Processes in the Family: Social and Emotional Development / Joan E. Grusec
  • Delusional Belief / Max Coltheart, and others
  • Long-Term Impact of Prevention Programs to Promote Effective Parenting: Lasting Effects but Uncertain Processes / Irwin N. Sandler and others
  • Do Conscious Thoughts Cause Behavior? / Roy F. Baumeister and others
  • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation / Todd F. Heatherton
  • Attitudes and Attitude Change / Gerd Bohner and Nina Dickel
  • Culture, Mind, and the Brain: Current Evidence and Future Directions / Shinobu Kitayama and Ayse K. Uskul
  • Heuristic Decision Making / Gerd Gigerenzer and other
  • Early Care, Education, and Child Development / Deborah A. Phillips and other
  • Psychological Perspectives on Pathways Linking Socioeconomic Status and Physical Health / Karen A. Matthews and other
  • Psychological Science on Pregnancy: Stress Processes, Biopsychosocial Models, and Emerging Research Issues / Christine Dunkel Schetter
  • The Development of Autobiographical Memory / Robyn Fivush
  • The Disaggregation of Within-Person and Between-Person Effects in Longitudinal Models of Change / Patrick J. Curran and other
  • Thirty Years and Counting: Finding Meaning in the N400 Component of the Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP) / Marta Kutas and Kara D. Federmeier.
  • vol. 63 (2012) : Working Memory: Theories, Models, and Controversies / Alan Baddeley
  • Learning to See Words / Brian A. Wandell, and others
  • Remembering in Conversations: The Social Sharing and Reshaping of Memories / William Hirst and Gerald Echterhoff
  • Experimental Philosophy / Joshua K. Buckwalter and others
  • Distributed Representations in Memory: Insights from Functional Brain Imaging / Jesse Rissman and other
  • Fear Extinction as a Model for Translational Neuroscience: Ten Years of Progress / Mohammed R. Milad and other
  • The Evolutionary Origins of Friendship / Robert M. Seyfarth and other
  • Religion, Morality, Evolution / Paul Bloom
  • Consequences of Age-Related Cognitive Declines / Timothy Salthouse
  • Child Development in the Context of Disaster, War, and Terrorism: Pathways of Risk and Resilience / Ann S. Masten and other
  • Social Functionality of Human Emotion / Paula M. Niedenthal and other
  • Mechanisms of Social Cognition / Chris D. Frith and Uta Frith
  • Personality Processes: Mechanisms by Which Personality Traits Get Outside the Skin / Sarah E. Hampson
  • Job Attitudes / Timothy A. Judge and other
  • The Individual Experience of Unemployment / Connie R. Wanberg
  • The Rise and Fall of Job Analysis and the Future of Work Analysis / Juan I. Sanchez and Edward L. Levine
  • Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) and Reading Fluency: Implications for Understanding and Treatment of Reading Disabilities / Elizabeth S. Norton and other
  • Intelligence / Ian J. Deary
  • Decoding Patterns of Human Brain Activity / Frank Tong and Michael S. Pratte
  • Human Intracranial Recordings and Cognitive Neuroscience / Roy Mukamel and Itzhak Fried
  • Sources of Method Bias in Social Science Research and Recommendations on How to Control It / Philip M. Podsakoff, and others
  • Neuroethics: The Ethical, Legal, and Societal Impact of Neuroscience / Martha J. Farah.