Aggressive Behavior /

Bibliographic Details
Format: Serial
Published: [New York] : [A.R. Liss] : Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1974-
Table of Contents:
  • vol.1, no.1 (1974) : The need for a new journal / Kenneth E. Moyer
  • Interspecific aggressiveness and reactivity in mouse-killing and nonkilling rats: Compared effects of olfactory bulb removal and raphe lesions / M. Vergnes, and others
  • Some consequences of aggressive behavior: A selective review of the literature on other animals / Ronald Baenninger
  • The role of endocrines in isolation-induced intermale fighting in albino laboratory mice. I: PITUITARY-ADRENOCORTICAL INFLUENCES / Paul F. Brain and Angela E. Poole
  • The effects of urine on aggressive responses by male golden hamsters / A. P. Payne
  • Pharmacological manipulations of brain catecholamines and the aggressive behavior induced by marihuana in REM-sleep-deprived rats / E. A. Carlini and Charles J. Lindsey.
  • vol.1, no.2 (1975) : Effects of clean and soiled sawdust substrates and of different urine types upon aggressive behavior in male mice / R. B. Jones and N. W. Nowell
  • Socially induced renal pathology of captive wild rats (Rattus villosissimus) / S. A. Barnett, and others
  • Midbrain-hypothalamic interrelationships in the control of aggressive behavior / Eric Proshansky and Richard J. Bandler Jr.
  • Instrumental conditioning of aggressive behavior in rats / A. J. Motshagen and J. L. Slangen
  • Effects of neonatal cyproterone acetate administration on isolation-induced fighting behavior and mounting behavior in male and female TO strain albino mice / Angela E. Poole and Paul F. Brain.
  • vol.1, no.3 (1975) : The Social Structure of Violence in Childhood and Approval of Violence as an Adult / David J. Owens, and Murray A. Straus
  • Effects of pH on the Rate of Aggressive Display for Mirror Image Reinforcement in Siamese Fighting Fish (Bella Splendens) / Alex Rnic
  • Studies on Antiviolent and "Normal" Communities / John Paddock
  • Violence and the Disaggregated Society / J. P. Scot
  • Predatory Aggression: Midbrain-Pontine Junction Rather than Hypothalamus as the Critical Structure? / Richard Bandler. Jr.
  • vol.1, no.4 (1975) : Factors in the Waning of Muricide in the Rat: 1. Analysis of Intra- and Intersession Decrement / M. Polegal, and others
  • The Expression of the Genes of Aggressiveness in Mice: The Effect of Androgen on Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Females / Kirsti M. J. Lagerspctz and Kari Y. H. Lagerspetz
  • The Behavioral Bases of Prolonged Suppression of Predatory Attack in Cats
  • Robert Adamec
  • The Neural Basis of Prolonged Suppression of Predatory Attack. 1. Naturally Occurring Physiological Differences in the Limbic Systems of Killer and Non-Killer Cats / Robert E. Adamec
  • Dominance-Subordinance in Cohabiting Pairs of Adult Rats: Effects on Aggressive Behavior / Kevin Flannelly and Richard Lore.
  • vol.6, no.1 (1980) : The Effects of Gonadal Hormone Manipulations on Aggressive Target-Biting in Mice / George C. Wagner, and others
  • The Electroencephalogram and Childhood Aggression / Walter W. Surwillo
  • Maternal Aggression in Mice: Protection of Young Is a By-Product of Attacks at the Home Site / Luci Paul, and others
  • Mouse Killing by Rats: Suppression by Electrical Stimulation Ventral to the Anterior Septum / D.J. Albert and K.N. Brayley
  • Androgens and Aggressive Behavior in Primates: A Review / A.F. Dixson
  • The Evolution of Aggression and the Level of Selection Controversy / Douglas P. Fry.
  • vol.6, no.2 (1980) : Factors Influencing Maternal Attack on Conspecific Intruders by Lactating Female "TO" Strain Mice / Sami Al-Maliki, and others
  • Moral Approval of Aggressive Acts: A Preliminary Investigation / Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz and others
  • A Possible Confound and the Role of Olfaction in Mouse Aggressive Interactions / C. T. Lee and M. Crump
  • Intermale Fighting and Predatory Behavior in House Mice: An Analysis of Behavioral Content / P. G. Lynds
  • Partial Purification of Male Mus musculus Urinary Aggression-Promoting Chemosignal / Ching-tse lee, and others
  • Dominance Assertion in Male Chimpanzees <Pan troglodytes) / Christopher L. Coe and Rachel N. Levin.
  • vol.6, no.3 (1980) : A Review of the Methods Used to Describe and Measure Aggressive Behaviour in Physiological Studies / Felicity A. Huntingford
  • Aggressive Behavior During the Breeding Season of Adult Female Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) / Gary K. Mallow
  • Occupational Status and Suicide: A Relationship Reexamined (Research Note) / Steven Stack
  • The Biological Origin of Human Values, by G.E. Pugh / Steven P. R. Rose.
  • vol.6, no.4 (1980) : Motivational Systems of Agonistic Behavior in Muroid Rodents: A Comparative Review and Neural Model / David B. Adams
  • Escalation of Irritable Aggression: Control by Consequences and Antecedents / John F. Knutson, and others
  • A Cross-Culture Study of Wife Abuse / David Lester.
  • Motivational Systems of Social Behavior in Male Rats and Monkeys: Are They Homologous? / David B. Adams
  • Visual Aspects of Centrally Elicited Attack Behavior in the Cat: "Patterned Reflexes" Associated With Selection of and Approach to a Rat / Richard Bandler and Siridev Abeyewardene
  • Shock-Induced Fighting (SIF): Psychopharmacological Studies / Michael H.Sheard
  • The Neural Pathways Mediating Quiet-Biting Attack Behavior From the Hypothalamus in the Cat: A Functional Autoradiographic Study / Susan A.G. Fuchs, and others.
  • vol.7, no.2 (1981) : On the Difference Between Internal and External Reactions to Legitimate and Illegitimate Frustrations: A Demonstration / Leonard Berkowitz
  • Concurrent and Predictive Validity of Self-Reported Aggressiveness / Lea Pitkanen-Pulkkinen
  • Effects of Cohabitation With Another Female on Aggressive Behaviour in Pregnant Mice / Marie-Christine Buhot-Averseng and Jacqueline Goyens
  • Food Deprivation: Effeets on the Predatory Behavior of Southern Grasshopper Mice (Onychomys torridus) / Richard McCarty and Charles H. Southwick
  • Directional Interaction of Midbrain and Hypothalamus In the Control of Carbachol-lnduced Aggression / Cornelis L.J. Stokman and Murray Glusman
  • Aggressive Behavior In a Confined Troop of Japanese Macaques: Effects of Density, Season, and Gender / G. Gray Eaton, Kurt B. Modahl, and DeanneF. Johnson.
  • vol.7, no.3 (1981) : Infer-Male Aggression in Mice: Influence of Gonadectomy and Prior Fighting Experience / Dianne Schechter and Ronald Gandelman
  • Some Characteristics of the Aggressive Behavior of Mice After Prolonged Isolation: Intraspecific and Interspecific Aspects / Vladimir P. Poshivalov
  • Effects of Racial Prejudice and Race of Target on Aggression / Kenneth E. Leonard and Stuart P. Taylor
  • Serum Cortisol, Testosterone, and Testosterone-Binding Globulin Responses to Competitive Fighting in Human Males / Michael Elias
  • Fighting Patterns in Young Coyotes: Initiation, Escalation, and Assessment / Marc Bekoff, and others
  • Aggression in Domesticated Rats Reared in a Burrow-Digging Environment / Michael Nikoletseas and Richard Lore
  • Comparative Studies of Wild and Domestic Rats: Some Difficulties in Isolating the Effects of Genotype and Environment / Richard K. Lore and Kevin J. Flannelly
  • Further Experiments on the Social Interactions of Domestic "Norway" Rats / S.A. Barnett and W. E. Hocking.
  • vol.7, no.4 (1981) : Assaultive Behavior Personality' and Personal Space / Barry J. McGurk, and others
  • Naturalistic Versus Experimental Approaches to Aggression; Theoretical and Methodological Issues / Jacquelyn Gaebelein
  • Laboratory and Field Observations of Attack by the Red Wood Ant Formica lugubris Zett. on Formica cunicularia Latr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) / F. Le Moli and S. Parmigiani
  • Hostility Management and the Control of Aggression in a Zapotec Community / Carl W. O'Nell.
  • vol.10, no.1 (1984) : Consequences of aggressive threats by Betta splendens / Dr. Ronald Baenninger
  • Intermale aggression in rats selected for emotional reactivity and their reciprocal F1 and F2 hybrids / Yasumasa Annen and Osamu Fujita
  • Predatory aggression in lines of wild mice selected for interfemale aggression / Patricia D. Ebert and Yvonne V. Green
  • The violence in the Basque Provinces' relations with the rest of Spain / Santiago Genovés
  • Inadequacy of pain–aggression hypothesis revealed in naturalistic settings / D. Caroline Blanchard and Dr. Robert J. Blanchard
  • Aggression in wood ants (Formica polyctena Foerst., Hymenoptera, Formicidae) / A. Mabelis
  • Effects of preweaning predatory or consummatory experience and litter size on cricket predation in northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster) / Dr. Ernest D. Kemble
  • Colony aggression in laboratory rats: A review and some recommendations / Richard Lore, Michael Nikoletseas and Lorey Takahashi.
  • vol.10, no.2 (1984) : The long-term effects of naloxone, dibutyryl cyclic CMP, and chlorpromazine on aggression in mice monitored by an automated device / Dr. David Benton
  • The catharsis hypothesis, aggressive drive, and the reduction of aggression / Dr. Seymour Feshbach
  • Habituation of aggressive behavior in mice: A parametric study / James T. Winslow and Klaus A. Miczek
  • Olfactory stimuli and intermale aggression in androgen-treated castrated sheep / Dr. R. F. Parrott and B. A. Baldwin
  • Relative contributions of aggression and reproduction to behavioral endocrinology / Dr. Ronald Gandelman.
  • vol.10, no.3 (1984) : Cognitive competencies and aggressive behavior: A developmental study / Dr. Seymour Feshbach and June Price
  • The relation of prosocial behavior to the development of aggression and psychopathology / Leonard D. Eron and L. Rowell Huesmann
  • Aggressive content and related defenses in Rorschach responses of children ages 6–14 / Professor Gian Vittorio Caprara.
  • vol.10, no.4 (1984) : Short-term effects of residence on the testosterone responses to fighting in alpha male guinea pigs / Norbert Sachser and Ekkehard Pröve
  • The effects of food deprivation, aggression, and isolation on infanticide in the male Mongolian gerbil / Robert W. Elwood and Malcolm C. Ostermeyer
  • The persistence of attack satiation in female golden hamsters / Michael Potegal
  • Fear and aggression in the rat / Robert J. Blanchard, and others
  • Relationship between sexual activity and intraspecific fighting in male mice / R. Kyle Palmer, and others.
  • vol.12, no.1 (1986) : Infanticide and maternal aggression: Synchrony of male and female reproductive strategies in mice / Luci Paul
  • The assessment of individual “Aggressiveness” in pigeons by a variety of means / J. Martin Ramirez and Juan D. Delius
  • An empirical typology of violent incidents reported by prison inmates with convictions for violence / Monika Henderson
  • Power imbalance, its legitimacy, and aggression / Kennichi Ohbuchi and Megumi Saito
  • Fighting in female mice in lines selected for laterality / J. P. Scott, D. Bradt and R. L. Collins
  • Differential reactions of men and women to realism, physical damage, and emotionality in violent films / D. Caroline Blanchard, and others
  • Evolution and the nonlegal equivalent of aggressive criminal behavior / Lee Ellis.
  • vol.12, no.2 (1986) : Interpolating physical exercise between instigation to aggress and aggression: The role of irritability and emotional susceptibility / G. V. Caprara, and others The aggression test as a possible taxonomic tool in the Formica rufa group / Francesco Le Moli and Alessandra Mori
  • Differences between two strains of mice, selectively bred for high and low aggressiveness, in the capacity of male odors to affect aggressive behavior / N. Kenneth Sandnabba
  • Familial influences on television viewing and aggression: A sibling study / David C. Rowe and Sarah E. Herstand
  • The prosodic expression of anger: Differentiating threat and frustration / Robert W. Frick
  • Repeated exposure to violent and nonviolent pornography: Likelihood of raping ratings and laboratory aggression against women / Neil M. Malamuth and Joseph Ceniti
  • Behavioral and physiological correlates of aggressive dominance in male brown lemmings (Lemmus sibiricus) / U. William Huck, and others.
  • vol.12, no.3 (1986) : Attitudes concerning nuclear war in finland and in the united states / Roger N. Johnson, and others
  • Infant transfer behavior in humans: A note on the exploitation of young / Clara B. Jones
  • Dominance and aggression in various sized groups of red deer stags / Ludêk Bartoŝ
  • Protest symbology: Political content and demonstration outcomes / David Kowalewski
  • Interspecific aggression among female ungulates / James W. Popp and Linda Bunkfeldt-Popp
  • Effects of serotonin-mimetic drugs on mouse-killing behavior / Victor A. Molina, and others
  • Intrasexual aggression during pregnancy and the estrous cycle in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) / Anthony L. Giordano, and others.
  • vol.12, no.4 (1986) : Instigating and measuring interpersonal aggression and hostility: A methodological contribution / G. V. Caprara, and others
  • Blood and whole-body androgen levels of male swordtails correlated with aggression measures in a standard-opponent test / Ralph-P. Hannes
  • Hormonal regulation of aggression: Evidence for a relationship among genotype, receptor binding, and behavioral sensitivity to androgen and estrogen / Neal G. Simon and Richard E. Whalen
  • Prey-dependent effects of fluprazine hydrochloride on predatory aggression in northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster) and rats (Rattus norvegicus) / Lori A. Schultz and Ernest D. Kemble
  • Serotonin's influence on predatory behavior of highly aggressive cba and weakly aggressive DD strains of mice / Ella M. Nikulina and Nina K. Popova
  • Exposure to rf electromagnetic energy decreases aggressive behavior / Allan H. Frey and Jack Spector
  • Effects of fluprazine (DU 27716) upon aggressive and sexual behavior of testosterone-treated female rats / N. E. Van De Poll, and others
  • Insulin secretion during the glucose tolerance test among habitually violent and impulsive offenders / Matti Virkkunen.
  • vol.12, no.5 (1986) : Applicability of olweu' aggression inventory in a sample of chinese primary school children / Solvig Ekblad and Dan Olweus
  • Sorting out aggression: Dimensional and categorical perceptions of aggressive episodes / Steven J. Muncer, and others
  • Breeding cycle aggression in domesticated zebra finches (Poephila guttata) / Verna Miller Case
  • Body size as a determinant of aggression during heterosexual encounters in hormone-treated gonadectomized pigs / W. D. Booth and R. F. Parrott
  • Effects of selective breeding for high and low aggressiveness and of fighting experience on odor discrimination in mice / N. Kenneth Sandnabba
  • Alcohol and aggression: A test of the affect-arousal hypothesis / R. O. Pihl and Camillo Zacchia
  • Rank order in pairs of communally nursing female mice (Mus musculus domesticus) and Maternal Aggression Towards Conspecific Intruders of Differing Sex / Stefano Parmigiani.
  • vol.12, no.6 (1986) : Elevation and reduction of plasma tryptophan and their effects on aggression and perceptual sensitivity in normal males / Scott E. Smith, and others
  • Lean and mean rats: Some effects of acute changes in the food supply upon territorial aggression / Richard Lore, and others
  • The offensive nature of maternal aggression in mice: Effects of fluprazine hydrochloride / Mark A. Racine and Kevin J. Flannelly
  • Genetic analysis of “Spontaneous” intermale aggression in mice / Nina K. Popova Professor and Alexander V. Kulikov
  • Intertroop agonistic behavior of a feral Rhesus Macaque troop ranging in town and forest areas in India / Andrea Camperio Ciani.
  • vol.13, no.1 (1987) : Analysis of physical abuse in American schools / Irwin A. Hyman, and others
  • Testosterone and cortisol responses to competitive fighting in human males: A pilot study / Alicia Salvador, and others
  • Convergent and discriminant validity of the Taylor and Buss measures of physical aggression / Sandy Bernstein, and others
  • Infanticide by genetically deaf mice: Possible evidence for an inhibiting function of pups' ultrasonic calls / Francesca R. D'Amato
  • Maternal aggression in rats: Changes over pregnancy and lactation in a sprague-dawley strain / Anne D. Mayer, and others.
  • vol.13, no.2 (1987) : The origins of ISRA: Notes from the archives of the international society for research on aggression / Saul Rosenzweig
  • Low blood glucose nadir in the glucose tolerance test and homicidal spouse abuse / Matti Virkkunen and Eila Kallio
  • Stress factors, social support, and violence in Israeli society: A quantitative analysis / Simha F. Landau and Adi Raveh
  • Effects of serotonin receptor agonists and antagonists on offensive aggression in mice / Tone Lindgren and Kathleen M. Kantak.
  • vol.13, no.3 (1987) : Situational antecedents of children's anger experiences and subsequent responses to adult versus peer provokers / Rachel Karniol and Talia Heiman
  • Neuropsychology of the aggressive psychopath: An integrative review / Laurence Miller
  • Ethopharmacological studies of the effects of β-carbolines and benzodiazepines on murine aggression / V. P. Poshivalov, and others
  • Intra- and lnterspecific aggression in two species of field crickets, Gryllus integer and G. alogus / Floyd Sandford.
  • vol.13, no.4 (1987) : Genetic and environmental influences on aggression in 4- to 7-year-old twins / Jilla Ghodsian-Carpey and Laura A. Baker
  • Verbal interactions of aggressively and nonaggressively predisposed males in a drinking situation / Ralf Lindman, and others
  • Offensive and defensive aggression in humans: A longitudinal perspective / Pulkkinen
  • Behavioral consequences of agonistic experiences in the male S3 (Tryon Maze Dull) rat / Johan Scholtens and Nanne E. Van De Poll
  • Play-fighting differs from serious fighting in both target of attack and tactics of fighting in the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus / Sergio M. Pellis and Vivien C. Pellis.
  • vol.13, no.5 (1987) : Behavioral and endocrine aspects of dominance and submission in male rabbits / Farabollini
  • The effect of ethanol treatment on social behavior in male rats / Donna M. Maier and Larissa A. Pohorecky
  • Some fear-potentiating effects of fluprazine hydrochloride in mice / Ernest D. Kemble, and others.
  • vol.13, no.6 (1987) : Offence and defence in fights between young pigs (Sus scrofa) / Jeffrey Rushen and Edmond Pajor
  • Intersexual aggression and male sexual activity in captive rhesus macaques / Fred B. Bercovitch, and others
  • Jolly fat rats? The effects of diet-induced obesity on territorial fighting / Lori Schultz and Richard Lore
  • Female behavior in populations of mice in the presence and absence of male hierarchy / Amy Chovnick, and others.
  • vol.14, no.1 (1988) : Frustrations, appraisals, and aversively stimulated aggression / Leonard Berkowitz
  • An information processing model for the development of aggression / L. Rowell Huesmann
  • Predisposition to violence / Sarnoff A. Mednick, and others
  • Epigenetic rules in moral development: Distal-proximal approaches to altruism and aggression / J. Philippe Rushton
  • Cognition-excitation interdependences in aggressive behavior / Dolf Zillmann.
  • vol.14, no.2 (1988) : Predatory aggression in the mink (Mustela vison): Roles of serotonin and food satiation / Ella M. Nikulina and Nina K. Popova
  • Agonistic versus amicable targets of attack and defense: Consequences for the origin, function, and descriptive classification of play-fighting / Sergio M. Pellis
  • What is aggressive? some contextual factors in judging international behavior / Peter B. Crabb and Ralph L. Rosnow.
  • vol.14, no.3 (1988) : Assessment of fighting ability or simple habituation: What causes young pigs (Sus scrofa) to stop fighting? / Jeffrey Rushen
  • Defensive aggression in terns: Effect of species, density, and isolation / Joanna Burger and Michael Gochfeld
  • Cooperative social coordination and aggression: Sex and strain differences in the effects of housing on gonadectomized rats with hormone replacement / Richard Schuster, and others
  • Social dominance and individual aggressiveness / Robert J. Blanchard, and others
  • Relationship of social rank in mice to growth, endurance, and fertility / L. Schüler and U. Renne
  • Naloxone differentially alters parental aggression by female mice towards conspecific intruders of differing sex / S. Parmigiani, and others.
  • vol.14, no.4 (1988) : The effects of alcohol and persuasive social pressure on human physical aggression / Stuart P. Taylor and James D. Sears
  • Aggression, self-confidence, and cardiovascular reactions in competitive performance in adolescent boys / Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen and Mirja Keinonen
  • Problem-solving strategies in aggressive and nonaggressive children / Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen and Paula Kangas
  • Attack-target attributes and pigeon aggression: Accessibility, vocalization, and body movements / Jeffrey D. Cross and Irving J. Goodman
  • Cooperative social coordination and aggression: Sex and strain differences in the effects of housing on gonadectomized rats with hormone replacement / Richard Schuster, and others
  • Activation of intermale aggression by combined estrogen-androgen treatment / Neal G. Simon and David B. Masters.
  • vol.14, no.5 (1988) : Moral approval of aggression and sex role identity in officer trainees, conscientious objectors to military service, and in a female reference group / Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz, and others
  • Aggressive Behavior and Peer Social Status of Elementary School Children / Eric F. Dubow
  • The influence of beverage type on aggression in males in the natural setting / D. D. Murdoch and R. O. Pihl
  • Violent crime and its relation to subjective social stress indicators: The case of Israel / Simha F. Landau
  • Preference for the sites of fighting in two teleost species / Paul M. Bronstein, and others
  • Effects of losing and testosterone upon subsequent behavior in male and female S3 (Tryon Maze Dull) rats / Johan Scholtens, and others.
  • vol.14, no.6 (1988) : Is indirect aggression typical of females? gender differences in aggressiveness in 11- to 12-year-old children / Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz, and others
  • Socially mediated learning in male Betta splendens. III: Rapid acquisitions / Paul M. Bronstein
  • Formation of leap orders in pairs of male domestic chickens / W. Rajecki
  • Identification of the possible origin of the body target that differentiates play fighting from serious fighting in syrian golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) / Sergio M. Pellis and Vivien C. Pellis
  • Quantitative chromatographic profiling of odours associated with dominance in male laboratory mice / P. J. Apps, A. Rasa and H. W. Viljoen.
  • vol.20, no.1 (1994) : Evidence for a motor mechanism of pain-induced aggression instigation in humans / J. da Gloria, and others
  • Suicide and self-inflicted injuries / Anat Dycian, Gideon Fishman and Avi Bleich
  • Testosterone intake and aggressiveness: Real effect or anticipation? / Kaj Björkqvist, and others
  • Sex differences in covert aggression among adults / Kaj Björkqvist, and others
  • Food wrenching and dodging: Eating time estimates influence dodge probability and amplitude / Ian Q. Whishaw and Boguslaw P. Gorny
  • Fighting and playfighting in captive adolescent chimpanzees / Daniel Paquette
  • Fighting experiences and natural killer cell activity in male laboratory mice / Aranzazu Azpiroz, and others.
  • vol.20, no.2 (1994) : Anger proneness in women: Development and validation of the anger situation questionnaire / Stephanie H. M. van Goozen, and others
  • Social representations of aggression in children / John Archer and Sarah Parker
  • Influence of timing of post-weaning isolation on play fighting and serious aggression in the male golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) / Damian, Onyekwere and J. Martín Ramírez
  • Gender-specific social experiences and the development of aggressive and sexual behavior in male mice / Sirpa R. Korpela and N. Kenneth Sandnabba
  • Social overstimulation reduces subsequent aggression in Betta splendens / J. R. P. Halperin and D. W. Dunham
  • Effects of prior agonistic experience on risk assessment and approach behavior evoked by familiar or unfamiliar conspecific odors / Colleen M. Garbe and Ernest D. Kemble.
  • vol.20, no.3 (1994) : Introduction: Sex differencees in agression / J. P. Scott
  • Aggression among university employees / Kaj Björkqvist, and others
  • Hostile masculinity, sexual aggresion, and gender-biased domineeringness in conversations / Neil M. Malamuth and Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill
  • Women's aggression in heterosexual conflicts / Jacquelyn W. White and Hohn A. Humphrey
  • Sexual jealousy: Gender differences in response to partner and rival / Luci Paul and Jianna Galloway
  • Anger and aggression in women: Influence of sports choice and testosterone administration / Stephanie Van Goozen, and others
  • Is sexual-aggressive vocal communication related to asymmetric mechanisms in the brain? / S. D. Holman and J. B. Hutchison
  • Effects of neonatal treatment with 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-lodophenyl)-2 aminopropane HCI (DOI) and ritanserin on agonistic behavior in adult male and female rats / M. Emanuela Albonetti, and others
  • Relationship between maternal aggression and maternal care in the rat / Jay S. Rosenblatt, and others
  • Sex differences in maternal behaviors of immature rats: The role of emotionality / V. Pellegrini and F. Dessi-Fulgheri
  • Maternal aggression toward infanticidal males of different social status in wild house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) / Paola Palanza, and others.
  • vol.20, no.4 (1994) : Empathy as a cognitive inhibitor of interpersonal aggression / Deborah R. Richardson, and others
  • Individual differences in the study of human aggression / Gian Vittorio Caprara, and others
  • Opposite strain-dependent differences for intermale aggressive behavior elicited by individual housing and housing with a female in the mouse / Alessandro Zocchi, and others
  • Severity of agonism of free-ranging patas monkeys differs according to the composition of dyads / Evan L. Zucker
  • Border conflicts among territorial rock wallabies (Petrogale assimilis) / Sandra Bleistein, and others.
  • vol.20, no.5 (1994) : Aggressive Children and Effective Communication / Jean E. Dumas, and others
  • Types of bullying behaviour and their correlates / Ian Rivers and Peter K. Smith
  • Biochemical costs of a three day long cohabitation in dominant and submissive male Betta splendens / József Haller
  • Studies on wild house mice VI: Differential effects of the Y chromosome on intermale aggression / Frans Sluyter, and others
  • Defensive reactions of “wild-type” and “Domesticated” wild rats to approach and contact by a threat stimulus / D. Caroline Blanchard, and others.
  • vol.20, no.6 (1994) : Peer and Self-Estimated Aggression and Victimization in 8-Year-Old Children From Five Ethnic Groups / Karin Österman, and others
  • Effects of early exposure to mating on adult sexual behavior in male mice varying in their genetic disposition for aggressive behavior / N. Kenneth Sandnabba and Sirpa R. Korpela
  • Behavioral changes over several successful agonistic encounters between male mice: Effects of type of “standard opponent” / Manuela Martinez, and others
  • Tyrosine hydroxylase activities in the brains of wild Norway rats and silver foxes selected for reduced aggressiveness towards humans / Nikolai N. Dygalo and Tatijana S. Kalinina.
  • vol.21, no.1 (1995) : Psychobiology of aggression and defense / Stefano Parmigiani
  • Jungian approach to human aggression with special emphasis on war / Anthony Stevens
  • Aggression, defense, and coping in humans / Holger Ursin and Miranda Olff
  • Behaviors of Swiss-Webster and C57/BL/6N sin mice in a fear/defense test battery / Robert J. Blanchard, and others
  • Neuropharmacological aspects of adaptive pain inhibition in murine “victims” of aggression / R. J. Rodgers
  • Effects of ritanserin on offense and defense in male mice / P. Donát and M. Kršiak
  • Neurochemical mechanisms underlying amygdaloid modulation of aggressive behavior in the cat / Allan Siegel, and others
  • Ventral and dorsolateral regions of the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) control different stages of defensive behavior: Dorsolateral PAG lesions enhance the defensive freezing produced by massed and immediate shock / Michael S. Fanselow, and others
  • Maternal aggression as a model for acute social stress in the rat: A behavioral-electrocardiographic study / Andrea Sgoifo, and others.
  • vol.21, no.2 (1995) : Personalities in the crowd: Those who would escalate a sports riot / Gordon W. Russell
  • Sex differences in the perceived causal structure of date rape: A preliminary report / K. Gillen and S. J. Muncer
  • Long-tailed macaques avoid conflicts during short-term crowding / Filippo Aureli, and others
  • Antipredator behavior of Swiss-Webster mice in a visible burrow system / Robert J. Blanchard, and others
  • Grooming expresses harderian gland materials in the blind mole rat / Uri Shanas and Joseph Terkel.
  • vol.21, no.3 (1995) : XI world meeting: International society for research on aggression
  • Construct validity of a competitive reaction-time aggression paradigm / Peter R. Giancola and Amos Zeichner
  • Evaluation of aggressive interactions in interpersonal and intergroup contexts / Sabine Otten, and others
  • Intruding male red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, immediately dominate members of established communities of smaller, mixed-sex conspecifics / Michael H. Figler, and others.
  • vol.21, no.4 (1995) : What can ethology offer the psychological study of human aggression? / John Archer
  • Anger and aggression during role-playing: Gender differences between hormonally treated male and female transsexuals and controls / Stephanie H. M. Van Goozen, and others
  • Familicide: The killing of spouse and children / Margo Wilson,and others
  • Effects of novel odors on intermale attack behavior in mice / Ernest D. Kemble, and others
  • Anogenital distance and dominance status in male house mice (Mus domesticus) / Lee C. Drickamer, and others.
  • vol.21, no.5 (1995) : Elderly offenders in a maximum security mental hospital / Michael T. H. Wong, and others
  • Self-reported physical aggression among young men / John Archer, and others
  • Ethnicity, gender, and evaluations of aggression / Mary B. Harris
  • Effects of frustration justification on hostile aggression / Jody C. Dill and Craig A. Anderson
  • Comparison of two aggression inventories / John Archer, and others
  • False consensus effect, physical aggression, anger, and a willingness to escalate a disturbance / Gordon W. Russell and Robert L. Arms
  • Exposure to ozone inhibits isolation-induced aggressive behavior of adult CD-1 male mice / S. Petruzzi, and others.
  • vol.21, no.6 (1995) : Social inference and individual differences in aggression: Evidence for spontaneous judgments of hostility / Arnaldo Zelli, and others
  • Agreement between social problem-solving scripts of aggressive and sociable adolescents and their parents / Liisa Keitikangas-Järvinen and Ritva-Liisa Asplund-Peitola
  • EVidence for dorsolateral and orbital prefrontal cortical involvement in the expression of aggressive behavior / Peter R. Giancola
  • Force and dominance in the agonistic behavior of the freshwater crab Potamon fluviatile / F. Gabbanini, and others.
  • vol.22, no.1 (1996) : Bullying as a group process: Participant roles and their relations to social status within the group / Christina Salmivalli, and others
  • Effects of norms and norm-violations on inhibition and instigation of aggression / Suk-Jae Lee and James T. Tedeschi
  • Laboratory measures of aggressive responding in male parolees with violent and nonviolent histories / Don R. Cherek, and others
  • On the (in)stability of dominance hierarchies in the cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus / Rui F. Oliveira and Vitor C. Almada
  • Conspecific aggression influences food carrying: Studies on a wild population of Rattus norvegicus / Ian Q. Whishaw and Gavian E. Whishaw.
  • vol.22, no.2 (1996) : How do friendship, indirect, and direct aggression relate? / Laura R. Green, and others
  • Factors in childhood that predict later criminal behavior / Vappu Viemerö
  • How do the victims respond to bullying? / Christina Salmivalli, and others
  • Association between intermale aggression and genetically-defined tryptophan hydroxylase activity in the mouse brain / Alexander Kulikov and Nina Popova
  • Lateral display as a combat tactic in richardson's ground squirrel Spermophilus richardsonii / Sergio M. Pellis, and others
  • Genetic basis for male aggression and survivorship in wild house mice (Mus domesticus) / Sarah Lenington, and others.
  • vol.22, no.3 (1996) : Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence on their relative frequency and potential causes / Robert A. Baron and Joel H. Neuman
  • Murder most foul: Predictors of an affirmative response to an outrageous question / Gordon W. Russell and Ronald Baenninger
  • Influence of contextual information on observers' perceptions of actors' intentions to harm others / Kim D. Dorsch and W. Neil Widmeyer
  • Societal rule evaluations: Adolescent offenders' reasoning about moral, conventional, and personal rules / Marie S. Tisak and Amanda M. Jankowski
  • Factors influencing hierarchy in a captive herd of eland Taurotragus oryx / Nathalie Cransac and Stéphanie Aulagnier
  • Dominance and age-related changes in the play fighting of intact and post-weaning castrated male rats (Rattus norvegicus) / Lori K. Smith, and others.
  • vol.22, no.4 (1996) : Proactive and reactive aggression in early adolescence as precursors to anti- and prosocial behavior in young adults / Lea Pulkkinen
  • Children's reasoning about responses to peer aggression: Victim's and witness's expected and prescribed behaviors / Mary Jo Rogers and Marie S. Tisak
  • A comparison of 8- and 11-year-old girls' and boys' participation in specific types of rough-and-tumble play and aggressive fighting: Implications for functional hypotheses / Michael J. Boulton
  • Aggressive behaviour in free-ranging guanacos and vicuñas in Argentina / Mauro Lucherini
  • Effects of fluoxetine on play dominance in juvenile rats / Brian Knutson, and others.
  • vol.22, no.5 (1996) : Salivary testosterone and self-report aggressive and pro-social personality characteristics in men and women / Julie Aitken Harris, and others
  • Measuring cognitive distortion in antisocial youth: Development and preliminary validation of the “how I think” questionnaire / Alvaro Q. Barriga and John C. Gibbs
  • Parents' social problem-solving strategies in families with aggressive and non-aggressive boys / Laura Pakaslahti, and others
  • Rapid stimulatory effects of testosterone upon myotubule metabolism and sugar transport, as assessed by silicon microphysiometry / Larry W. Tsai and Robert M. Sapolsky
  • On the dual nature of maternal aggression in rats / Aldo B. Lucion and Rosa M.M. de Almeida
  • Fallow deer tactic to compete over food with red deer / Luděk Bartoš, and others.
  • vol.22, no.6 (1996) : Aggression in British heterosexual relationships: A descriptive analysis / Michelle Carrado, and others
  • Cognitive performance, monetary incentive, and aggression / Mark A. Lau and Robert O. Pihl
  • Sensitization of escape in female Betta splendens / Paul M. Bronstein and Rebecca A. Jones-Buxton
  • Behavioral tactics control the energy costs of aggression: The example of Macropodus opercularis / József Haller, and others
  • Diversity in agonistic behavior of croaking gouramis (Trichopsis vittata, T. schalleri, and T. pumila; Anabantoidei) and the paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis; Anabantoidei) / Claudia Bischof
  • Life spans in mice from strains selected for high or low aggression / S. Béatrice M. Ewalds-Kvist and Ritva-Kajsa Selander.
  • vol.23, no.1 (1997) : Effects of provocation on emotions and aggression in males / Stephen T. Chermack, and others
  • Aggressive disposition, alcohol, and aggression / Robert O. Pihl, and others
  • Genetic differences in the mouse defense test battery / Guy Griebel, David J. Sanger and Ghislaine Perrault
  • Agonistic behavior, plasma testosterone, and hypothalamic estradiol binding in male rabbits / L. Girolami, and others
  • Targets, tactics, and the open mouth face during play fighting in three species of primates / Sergio M. Pellis and Vivien C. Pellis.
  • vol.23, no.2 (1997) : Contradictory asymmetries in body and weapon size, and assessment in fighting male prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii / Assaf Barki, and others
  • Effects of peripheral immune activation on social behavior and adrenocortical activity in aggressive mice: Genotype-environment interactions / Douglas A. Grange, and others
  • Targets and tactics: The analysis of moment-to-moment decision making in animal combat / Sergio M. Pellis.
  • vol.23, no.3 (1997) : You have full text access to this content Expectations and prescriptions for responding to peer aggression: The adolescent offenders' perspective (pages 149–160) Marie S. Tisak, Terri Lewis and Amanda M. Jankowski Version of Record online: 6 DEC 1998 | DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2337(1997)23:3<149::AID-AB1>3.0.CO;2-H AbstractArticlePDF(38K)ReferencesRequest Permissions You have full text access to this content Effects of violent movies and trait hostility on hostile feelings and aggressive thoughts (pages 161–178) Craig A. Anderson Version of Record online: 6 DEC 1998 | DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2337(1997)23:3<161::AID-AB2>3.0.CO;2-P AbstractArticlePDF(70K)ReferencesRequest Permissions You have full text access to this content Effect of anosmia on the behavior of standard non-aggressive male mice opponents during agonistic encounters (pages 179–181) Angels Calvo-Torrent, Jose Luis Paya-Cano and Manuela Martinez Version of Record online: 6 DEC 1998 | DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2337(1997)23:3<179::AID-AB3>3.0.CO;2-H AbstractArticlePDF(12K)ReferencesRequest Permissions You have full text access to this content Effects of prenatal cocaine and genotype on intermale agonistic behavior in Mus musculus (pages 183–196) Martin E. Hahn, Robert H. Benno, Heather M. Caldwell and Norman Schanz Version of Record online: 6 DEC 1998 | DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2337(1997)23:3<183::AID-AB4>3.0.CO;2-N AbstractArticlePDF(61K)ReferencesRequest Permissions You have full text access to this content Organization of sex-typical patterns of defense during food protection in the rat: The role of the opponent's sex (pages 197–214) Evelyn F. Field, and others.
  • vol.23, no.4 (1997) : Aggression and testosterone: Testing a bio-social model / Anne Campbell, and others
  • Early antecedents of spouse abuse / Bettina von der Pahlen, and others
  • Cross-national comparison of children's attitudes towards bully/victim problems in school / E. Menesini, and others
  • A discipline-mediated model of excessively punitive parenting / Randi L. Greenwald, and others
  • Nature of screen violence and its relation to program popularity / Anu Mustonen
  • Role of female aggression in prevention of infanticidal behavior in male common voles, Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1779) / Sigrid Heise and Jessica Lippke.
  • vol.23, no.5 (1997) : Appeasement and reconciliation: Introduction to an Aggressive Behavior special issue / Dacher Keltner and Michael Potegal
  • Post-conflict anxiety in nonhuman primates: The mediating role of emotion in conflict resolution / Filippo Aureli
  • Young children's post tantrum affiliation with their parents / M. Potegal and R. J. Davidson
  • Conflict resolution with friends, siblings, and mothers: A developmental perspective / Judy Dunn and Carla Herrera
  • Appeasement in human emotion, social practice, and personality / Dacher Keltner, and others
  • Battering and the male rejection of influence from women / James Coan, and others
  • Appeasing the mentor / Pamela J. Kalbfleisch.
  • vol.23, no.6 (1997) : Beliefs about aggression among male and female prisoners / John Archer and Anadelle Haigh
  • Children's evaluations of provocation between peers / Glen E. Ray and Robert Cohen
  • Relations among personality scales of aggression, violence, and empathy: Validational evidence bearing on the risk of eruptive violence scale / Albert Mehrabian
  • A meta-analysis of aggression in the presence of violent cues: Effects of gender differences and aversive provocation / B. Ann Bettencourt and Cyndi Kernahan
  • Social problem-solving skills in boys with conduct and oppositional defiant disorders / Susanne E. Dunn, and others.