Table of Contents:
  • No. 1 (1994) : Introduction to the special series: Innovations in cognitive-behavioral approaches to schizophrenia / Richard J. McNally
  • Learning medication self-management skills in schizophrenia: Relationships with cognitive deficits and psychiatric symptoms / Patrick W. Corrigan, and others
  • Cognitive therapy of schizophrenia: Theory and empirical status / Brad A. Alford, and other
  • Modifying delusions: the role of empirical testing / P.D.J. Chadwick, and others
  • Cognitive behavior therapy for persistent auditory hallucinations: From theory to therapy / Richard P. Bentall, and others
  • Attributions, expressed emotion, and patient relapse: An attributional model of relatives' response to schizophrenic illness / Christine Barrowclough,and others
  • Biobehavioral treatment and rehabilitation of schizophrenia / Robert Paul Liberman, and others
  • Characteristics of methadone patients responding to take-home incentives / Michael Kidorf, and others
  • Reduced therapist contact in the cognitive behavioral treatment of panic disorder / Guylaine Côté, and others
  • Assessing the clinical significance of outcome in agoraphobia research: A comparison of two approaches / Edwin De Beurs, and others.
  • No. 2 (1994) : Maternal depressive symptomatology and child maladjustment: A comparison of three process models / Jean E. Dumas, and other
  • Combined cognitive-behavioral and time-limited alprazolam treatment of panic disorder / Mark T. Hegel, and others
  • Role of fear of fear and safety information in moderating the effects of voluntary hyperventilation / Norman B. Schmidt, and other
  • Mode-specific impact of relaxation training for hypertensive men with type a behavior pattern / David A.F. Haaga, and others
  • Weight loss, cognitive-behavioral, and desipramine treatments in binge eating disorder. An additive design / W. Stewart Agras, and others
  • Body image and weight changes in a multisite comprehensive very-low-calorie diet program / Thomas F. Cash
  • Self-scenarios as a repeated measures outcome measurement of self-schemas in short-term cognitive therapy / J. Christopher Muran, and others
  • Children's homework problems: A comparison of goal setting and parent training / Alice L. Kahle, and other
  • Psychological management of insomnia: A clinical replication series with 100 patients / Charles M. Morin, and others
  • An investigation of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMD/R) as a treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms of Vietnam combat veterans / James A. Jensen
  • Denial of deviant sexual arousal and psychopathology in child molesters / Thomas W. Haywood, Linda S. Grossman.
  • No. 3 (1994) : Introduction to the special series: The person and marriage: Attending to individual and dyadic concerns / Donald H. Baucom
  • Marital therapy for depression: Theoretical foundation, current status, and future directions / Steven R.H. Beach, and others
  • Enhancing the treatment and prevention of depression in women: The role of integrative behavioral couple therapy / Kelly Koerner, and others
  • Marital therapy and spouse-involved treatment with alcoholic patients / Timothy J. O'Farrell
  • Marital functioning and the anxiety disorders / Paul M.G. Emmelkamp, and other
  • Self-regulation in Behavioral Couples' Therapy / W. Kim Halford, and others
  • The psychophysiology of motor vehicle accident related posttraumatic stress disorder / Edward B. Blanchard, and others
  • Errorless compliance to parental requests II: Increasing clinical practicality through abbreviation of treatment parameters / Joseph M. Ducharme, and others
  • Errorless embedding in the reduction of severe maladaptive behavior during interactive and learning tasks / Joseph M. Ducharme,and others
  • Does behavioral treatment of social phobia lead to cognitive changes? / Michelle G. Newman, and others.
  • No. 4 (1994) : Behavioral assessment and treatment planning for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems: Current status with an emphasis on clinical applications / Linda C. Sobell, and others
  • Behavioral assessment and treatment of panic disorder: Current status, future directions / J. Gayle Beck
  • Behavioral assessment and treatment planning with obsessive compulsive disorder: A review emphasizing clinical application / Gail Steketee
  • Binge eating syndromes: A review of assessment and treatment with an emphasis on clinical application / Delia E. Smith, and others
  • Behavioral assessment and treatment of insomnia: A review with an emphasis on clinical application / Kenneth L. Lichstein, and other
  • Prognostic factors in the behavioral treatment of panic disorder with and without agoraphobia / Ger P.J. Keijsers, aand others
  • Restricting environmental stimulation (REST) to enhance cognitive behavioral treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder with schizotypal personality disorder / W. Rand Walker, and others
  • Functional analysis and unsuccessful treatment of Tourette's syndrome in a man with profound mental retardation / Joseph R. Scotti, and others.
  • No. 1 (1995) : Special series: Body dissatisfaction, binge eating, and dieting as interlocking issues in eating disorders research / Lizette Peterson
  • Moderate versus restrictive diets: Implications for relapse / Rena R. Wing, and others
  • Cognitive behavior therapy for negative body image in obese women / James C. Rosen, and others
  • Controversy about the treatment of obesity: Criticisms or challenges? / Daniel S. Kirschenbaum, and other
  • Cognitive-behavioral body image therapy: Comparative efficacy of group and modest-contact treatments / Jill R. Grant, and other
  • Desire to be thinner and weight control among children and their parents / Mark H. Thelen,and others
  • A naturalistic functional analysis of binge eating / William G. Johnson, and others
  • Comparison of a standard behavioral weight loss treatment and a binge eating weight loss treatment / Linda Krug Porzelius, and others
  • Exercise participation with videotaped modeling: Effects on balance and gait in elderly residents of care facilities / Nancy A. Neef, and others
  • Social phobia: The role of in-situation safety behaviors in maintaining anxiety and negative beliefs / Adrian Wells, and others
  • Current status of pharmacological and behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder / Melinda A. Stanley, and other.
  • No. 2 (1995) : Experimental induction of pain: Utility in the study of clinical pain / Jennifer L. Edens, and other
  • The influence of different standards on the evaluation of pain: Implications for assessment and treatment / Jennifer J. Wilson, and others
  • Perceptual differences between patients with chronic low back pain and healthy volunteers using magnitude matching and clinically relevant stimuli / Adam K. Fuller, and other
  • A psychophysiological analysis of spouse solicitousness towards pain behaviors, spouse interaction, and pain perception / Herta Flor, and others
  • Experimental pain sensitivity and reports of negative thoughts in adults with sickle cell disease / Karen M. Gil, and others
  • Neural networks for behavior therapists: What they are and why they are important / Warren W. Tryon
  • PTSD and major depression: Methodological and treatment considerations in a single case design / Pallavi Nishith, and others
  • Does distraction interfere with fear reduction during exposure? A test among animal-fearful subjects / Beverly I. Rodriguez, and other
  • Influence of loud behavioral consequences on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Martha J. Meyer, and other
  • Individual differences in social aggression: A test of a reinforcement model of socialization in the natural environment / James J. Snyder, and other.
  • No. 3 (1995) : Assessing a smoking cessation intervention involving groups, incentives, and self-help manuals / Leonard A. Jason, and others
  • Conceptual and methodological issues in social problem-solving assessment / Thomas J. D'Zurilla, and other
  • Social skills training with chronic schizophrenic patients: Effects on negative symptoms and community functioning / Robyn L. Hayes, and others
  • Special series: Mechanisms, populations, and treatment innovations in anxiety disorders / Lizette Peterson
  • Vagal tone in generalized anxiety disorder and the effects of aversive imagery and worrisome thinking / James D. Lyonfields, and others
  • Social phobia subtype and avoidant personality disorder: Effect on severity of social phobia, impairment, and outcome of cognitive behavioral treatment / Elissa J. Brown, and others
  • The impact of fear activation and anger on the efficacy of exposure treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder / Edna B. Foa, and others
  • A preliminary study of african americans with agoraphobia: Symptom severity and outcome of treatment with in vivo exposure / Dianne L. Chambless, and other
  • Cognitive behavioral treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia in adolescents: A multiple baseline design analysis / Thomas H. Ollendick
  • Self-help plus minimal therapist contact in the treatment of panic disorder: A replication and extension / Robert A. Gould, and other
  • Virtual reality graded exposure in the treatment of acrophobia: A case report / Barbara Olasov Rothbaum, and others.
  • No. 4 (1995) : Child Abuse Special Series Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: Origins and influences / Richard M. Suinn
  • Current directions in assessment of abused children: Introduction to the special series / Lizette Peterson
  • A procedure for evaluating young children suspected of being sexually abused / Nancy D. Vogeltanz, and other
  • Child maltreatment and termination of parental rights: Can behavioral research help solomon? / Sandra T. Azar, and others
  • Parenting style as a mediating link between parental emotional health and adjustment of maltreated children / Mary E. Haskett, and others
  • Portraying alcohol treatment outcomes: Different yardsticks of success / Mark B. Sobell, and others
  • Correspondence between telephone and written assessments of physical violence in marriage / Erika Lawrence, and others
  • Sexual arousal and arousability to pedophilic stimuli in a community sample of normal men / Gordon C. Nagayama Hall, and others
  • Cognitive behavioral versus exposure only treatment for social phobia: A meta-analysis / Ulrike Feske, and other
  • Effects of dietary instruction and sodium excretion feedback in hypertension clinic patients / Patricia M. Dubbert, and others
  • Cognitive behavior therapy to facilitate benzodiazepine discontinuation among hypnotic-dependent patients with insomnia / Charles M. Morin, and others
  • Body image disturbance, memory bias, and body dysphoria: Effects of negative mood induction / Jeffrey D. Baker, and others.