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This Handbook provides an authoritative and in-depth overview of the essential topics related to the increasingly important field of choice modelling: a key tool for the understanding of behaviour and used to support decision-making across many areas such as transportation, health economics, environ...
This Handbook provides an authoritative and in-depth overview of the essential topics related to the increasingly important field of choice modelling: a key tool for the understanding of behaviour and used to support decision-making across many areas such as transportation, health economics, environmental analysis and marketing. The Handbook of Choice Modelling, composed of contributions from senior figures in the field, summarizes the essential analytical techniques and discusses the key current research issues. The book opens with Nobel Laureate Daniel McFadden calling for deeper engagement with more behavioural and psychological fields, and this is followed by supporting chapters on behavioural economics and mathematical psychology. Further chapters explore the elicitation of data and the context of observation; inter-personal variation; the modelling of complex choice processes taking account of heterogeneity; extending the models to deal with more complex choices; statistical processes for the understanding of data; and finally the practical application of these methods. A final group of chapters discusses the research needs of specific application areas. Offering a unique collection of contributions from many of the top researchers in choice modelling, this Handbook provides essential reading for academics, students and practitioners in a wide range of areas.