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2. The World Bank's Concept of Development - An In-House; II DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING
3. Should Growth Rates be Evaluated at International Prices?
4. Economic Growth with Unlimited Foreign Exchange and No Technical Progress
5. Absorptive Capacity as a Constraint Due to Maturation Processes
6. A Model of Growth of Capitalism in a Dual Agrarian Economy
8. Income Distribution and Agricultural Development
9. Trade-Off Curves and Regional Gaps
10. Tendencies and Determinants of Income Distribution in Western Countries - A Note
11. The Process of Industrialization of an Overpopulated Agricultural Area - The Italian Experience; IV DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE
12. Restrictions on Direct Investment in Host Countries
13. Adjustment Under the Bretton Woods Code with Special Reference to the Less Developed Countries
14. International Capital Movements, Fixed Parities, and Monetary and Fiscal Policies; V COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS
15. Further Reflections on the OECD Manual of Project Analysis in Developing Countries; VI LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY: INTERNATIONAL DIFFERENCES AND SHORT-RUN BEHAVIOUR
16. Labour Productivity and Other Characteristics of Cement Plants - An International Comparison
17. Some Evidence on the Short-Run Productivity Puzzle; VII VALUE THEORY
18. A Quantum-Theory Model of Economics: Is the Co-ordinating Entrepreneur Just Worth His Profit?Bibliography; List of Authors; Index.