Table of Contents:
  • 1. Introduction
  • Part 1: Classical theory and its interpretations
  • 2. Understanding 'classical' economics: a reply to Mark Blaug
  • 3. 'Classical' roots of input-output analysis: a short account of its long prehistory
  • 4. Friedrich Benedikt Wilhelm Hermann on capital and profits
  • 5. Burgstaller on classical and neoclassical theory
  • Part 2: Growth theory and classical tradition
  • 6. Theories of 'endogenous' growth in historical perspective
  • 7. What could the 'new' growth theory teach Smith or Ricardo?
  • 8 A linear multisector model of 'endogenous' growth and the problem of capital
  • 9. A linear multisector model of 'endogenous' growth: a post-script
  • Part 3: On Sraffa's contribution
  • 10. Sraffa and the mathematicians: Frank Ramsey and Alister Watson
  • 11. Sraffa and von Neumann
  • Part 4: Exhaustible resources and the long-period method
  • 13. Classical economics and the problem of exhaustible resources
  • 14. Economics dynamics in a simple model with exhaustible resources and a given real wate rate
  • Part 5: Criticism of neoclassical theory
  • 15. Reverse capital deepening and the numéraire: a note
  • 16. Reswitching-simplifying a famous example
  • 17. Franklin Fisher on aggregation
  • 18. Wicksell and the problem of the 'missing' equation.