Table of Contents:
  • Habla, memoria = Speak, memory / Luis Fernández-Galiano DIEZ ENTREVISTAS = TEN INTERVIEWS La belleza de Bilbao reside en su dureza = Bilbao's heauty dwells in its hardness. Toronto, 1929 / Frank O. Gehry. El psicoanálisis me ayudó a construir = Psychoamalysis helped me to become a builder. Newark, 1932 / Peter Eisenman. Lo que me gustaba era la escultura = It was sculpture that i wanted to do. Matosinhos, 1933 / Alvaro Siza. Descubrí lo vernáculo a través del dibujo = I discivered vernacular architecture through drawing. Manchester, 1935 / Norman Foster. Dediqué Mérida a la memoria de mi padre = I dedicated Mérida to the memory of my father. Tudela, 1937 / Rafael Moneo. Un buen edificio es el que logra ser querido = A good builfing is one that is loved. Génova, 1937 / Renzo Piano. Al final emprendimos un viaje propio = In the end we wmbarked on a voyage of our own. Basilea, 1950 / Jacques Herzog. Es más fácil trabajar con gente inteligente = It is much easier to work with intelligent people. Oport, 1952 / Eduardo Souto de Moura. La escuela fue una suerte para nosotros = The school of architecgure was a stroke of luch for us. Madrid, 1959 - Barcelona, 2012 / Madrid, 1959 / Luis Mansilla & Emilio Tuñón. Quería ser autor de novelas gráficas = I wanted to do graphic novels, Copenhague, 1974 / Bjarke Ingels.